Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear

Post by Neikun »

FlashSoul wrote:I'd like to see a different inventory system. A nude character would only have slots to hold things in his hands and over his body (shirt, leg-wears, boots, helmet, etc.). He would need a backpack, pockets on his clothes, a belt, a quiver, a bag on his hands, etc. to have extra slots. We could have bag of holdings, greased backpacks to resist water, etc. In fact, instead of slots, it would be even better if there was a volume & weight system, each item having these characteristics while the containers have corresponding capabilities. Moreover, the level of encumbrance could take a deeper role in the combat system. For instance, the blows a fighter deals could be influenced by the strength he can give them, which is influenced by his natural strength and his burden. Same thing with speed and evasion.
+1 to better Paper Dolls (that nude bit you were talking about) I would really like to see a character model that is dress-able than a body silhouette with slots on it.

As for Encumbrance Mechanic, I think it's a good way to go if it's kept simple. For instance
  • Light load = No penalty
    Medium load = small penalty to relevant stats. (combat cooldown, evasion)
    Heavy load = bigger penalty to relevant stats. (combat cooldown, evasion, movement speed)
    Over encumbered = As heavy load with larger penalties, and inability to move.
petri wrote:This is a great thread! Thanks Neikun! As always we'll be following most of the traffic in these forums, but we can't respond to all of your suggestions -- otherwise we wouldn't have any time to work on the game :)

I like many of the suggestions in this thread and there are some great ideas that we haven't thought about. Keep 'em coming :)

Re: thirst, we are not keen on implementing another ticker mechanic. If there will be thirst in log2 it has to have different kind of gameplay mechanic than food.
Thanks Petri!
I don't expect you to respond to all the suggestions. I pictured this thread more as a reference for you guys, where you could browse by orange keywords for later thinking.
Obviously not all of the ideas can work out due to feature creep and two ideas that might oppose one another.
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear

Post by Neikun »

Continuing response now,
thomson wrote:
Lockpicks: Rogue could finally become a real rogue :) Having the ability to potentially bypass a lock and don't need to find a proper key is a powerful thing, so some crucial locks should be lockpick-proof.
I would definitely like to see the rogue able to take on a more dungeoneering style; able to unlock doors and disable traps.
Spellbook: A book where you can put scrolls in. In LOG1 it was possible that minotaur couldn't carry any more scrolls, because his backpack was full of scrolls.
I think that's a pretty cool idea. I think a couple features could be derived from this as well.
  • Taking Scrolls out of Spell Books: With this feature, if you find a spell book as loot, you can dissemble it into scrolls of the spells contained.
    In addition to that, we could have Useable Spell Scrolls: Where a scroll teaches the runes necessary to cast the spell, but can also be used as a one use item by any class. That feature would work really well with the Taking Scrolls out of Spell Books idea.
Magic sack: A sack that always weights zero, no matter how heavy items you put in.
I almost wouldn't like to see this. And if it did exist, it'd be late game loot and would function a little differently.
The bag would be of a certain weight (10kg as an example)
And has a limited number of slots (4/6)
Content placed in the bag doesn't add weight to the load carried.
Like Bags of Holding from D&D
Items responding to day/night cycle: Some early screenshots show outdoor levels in LOG2. Have you considered day/night cycle? There's tons of new twists you can add to it, besides nice visual differences. Couple examples: creatures that sleep during night, player can be bitten by vampire and become vampire himself and then loose health in daylight, moon amulets that work only during nights, creatures that can be killed only around midnight etc.
I don't think I'd enjoy that at all without the theme actually cropping out more through the game. And I don't think I'd like for that to happen.
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by Drakkan »

old lanterns + oil refiling like in Lands of Lore 1, YES PLEASE ! :)

And if there will be some nonhuman characters, there should be some mechanics or possibility to script some slots as per user choice (human with four hands ? Golem ? etc...)
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by undeaddemon »

Not sure if this has been suggested anywhere or not yet:

Area Dim/Darkness: I would like to have a dungeon editor object that can reduce lightsource brightness and/or range - AND can effect lightsources in the area - OR just those created/used by the party. This object could be 1x1 or 1x2 or 3x3 etc -
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by uggardian »

I just thought..
A mage can cast spells with staff. But maybe a warrior could use that very same staff as a mace. Right now without enough spellcraft you can't even hold the staff in your hand!
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by thomson »

No magic zones - some areas could be no-magic zones. That could be true for all magic, or some specific school, e.g. ice. There could be some background explanation for it. "You are entering a temple of fire god, ice magic is suppressed here". It could be either complete or partial (certain magic type is only 50% effective).
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by thomson »

Map manipulation - It's more modders oriented rather than a feature. You may consider adding an ability to tweak map, reveal certain locations (found a map that reveals location of a certain object), add notes (that old witch told use that her herb grows here) or even hide previously discovered locations (the whole corridor has collapsed).
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by Neikun »

thomson wrote:Map manipulation - It's more modders oriented rather than a feature. You may consider adding an ability to tweak map, reveal certain locations (found a map that reveals location of a certain object), add notes (that old witch told use that her herb grows here) or even hide previously discovered locations (the whole corridor has collapsed).
And the ability to force disable the map, as we've learned in LoG1 modding history.
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by uggardian »

Neikun wrote: As for Encumbrance Mechanic, I think it's a good way to go if it's kept simple. For instance
  • Light load = No penalty
    Medium load = small penalty to relevant stats. (combat cooldown, evasion)
    Heavy load = bigger penalty to relevant stats. (combat cooldown, evasion, movement speed)
    Over encumbered = As heavy load with larger penalties, and inability to move.
Or perhaps slowing down the party gradually, like:
  • Light load = No penalty
    Medium load =slight penalty to movement speed
    Heavy load = huge penalty to movement speed
    Over encumbered = inability to move.
I don't want to see cooldowns and evasions get tangled with encumbrance mechanics.
And I propably wouldn't notice those changes anyway..
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Re: Potential Adventuring Gear and Mechanics

Post by FlashSoul »

I sincerely think a continuous function is simpler and easier to grasp than a step function like you propose. Especially if the changes provoked are displayed. Add an item : see some value going down. Remove an item : see some value increasing. Step functions are also pretty annoying because you often find yourself adjusting things at the limits : "Oh crap adding that 0.01 kg amulet makes me encumbered and it has a huge penalty!" That doesn't mean there shouldn't be visual warnings at certain steps.
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