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Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:47 am
by Ryeath_Greystalk
The hidden floor plate was the issue. A lot of the time I play with volume low so as not to disturb my wife and I never heard the door open / close.
Now I have the blue gem and I put it in the alcove and nothing obvious seems to happen. I guess I need to put the gem in then look around or something. I will try it tomorrow when I have more time.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:26 pm
by Dhomochevsky
When you put tan gem or blush gem on specific alcove a teleport was activated near your position and you can go to another location on the tower. The teleport is activated for about 5 seconds and then turns off. On serpent tower only goes to the same little extra area (basically to know how function this gems) but on following towers you need to advance.
Don't left behind because if you leave on the alcove and cross the teleport probably you can go back. On the other side you can use always another alcove to come back.
Alcove for tan gem not works if you put blush gem inside and the same for blush gem and tan gem alcove. All this mechanism exists on original bloodwych obviously. Sorry if it's a bit annoying but is necessary.
On next towers are more wall with open/close problem, be careful
Thx for playing my mod!!.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:20 am
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Not sure what I am doing wrong but when I put the tan gem in the tan alcove (writing on wall nearby says Tan gem) and I don't see a portal anywhere. Same with the blueish gem.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:48 am
by Dhomochevsky
I can't recreate your problem with gems. For me always works with different party or different levels or different towers. If anyone have this problem tell me.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:15 am
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Not a problem. I will probably just start a new game and try it again.
Won't be the first time a mod doesn't work right for me but works for everyone else.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:40 pm
by severgates
I've started to play your mod yesterday- see my impressions below.
1. Mod is overally focused on combat, puzzles are rather easy and focusing on pressing hidden buttons or pulling levers.
2. Some monsters have changed parameters (fire resistant skeleton warriors)- good idea.
3. I consider myself as a semi-hardcore player, so I've started to play with a new party on normal mode. I didn't encountered much problems with enemies- first serious fight was after gettin green crystal in second tower. Horde of spiders, skeleton warriors and especially ice lizards forced me to retreat to the floor below.
4. Tan and blush gems- I think you should consider putting much more detailed information about how to use gems. I had serious problem with it (left blush gem in alcove and gone into teleporter without getting it back- I thought it will be many gems in a dungeon...)
5. I've played until 16'th floor and didn't find any plate or ring greaves, but I've found 3 or 4 ring mail. Is it intentional or I've missed something?
6. You should consider putting your mode in Nexus- lots of people doesn't even know about it, it's worthy of sharing to more people.
Keep up good work- I have lots of fun while playing this. I'll give you another feedback after finishing.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:34 pm
by Dhomochevsky
I put a new version of the mod. Basically a new opening cinematic and few little changes. Thx for your comments severgates, sorry if i can't response you before but i have an operation and i' m outside 2 o 3 months.
The game is a remake from an old game and yes... basically is focused on combat you are right about that but it's a remake of a simply game. Probably you are right about tan gem and blush gem but it's the best thing i can do with my skills on modding, sorry for the inconveniences.
I hope you can complete the mod!!!
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:59 pm
by arskaxx
I can not go Dragon tower

There is no teleport, even though I have Crystal of the moon ???
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:19 pm
by Dhomochevsky
Mmm it's strange. Be sure you have crystal of the moon, serpent, tan gem and blush gem on your inventory, not inside a bag or box. I do a script to control that. If you try to go to any tower and you haven't necessary crystals to go to the next tower a message appears to say you what crystal or gem needed and deactivate the teleport, but if the crystal are inside a box or bag don't work

There are a hidden plate in front of teleport (activate-deactivate), go back a step, be sure you have crystals on your inventory and try another time.
At the end you need 4 crystals and tan-blush gem to advance to the final tower.
Tell me if you can advance.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:59 pm
by arskaxx
Sorry my bad english
Yes, i have crystal of the moon, serpent, tan gem and blush gem in inventory, not in bag or box...
When i get the moon crystal out of inventory then game says "we dont have crystal of the moon" or something ??
But no teleport opens
I use Linux client of Legend of Grimrock ????