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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:48 am
by Gekkibi
Curunir wrote:The percentage is actually much higher but it's not in a crippling form that would not allow you to even look at the moving picture of a spider on a 2D screen. Heck, I am intensely disgusted by spiders but when I see one, I just squash it.
Surely, you understand that the people with arachnophobia crippling enough to prevent them from playing the game probably comprise less than 1% of the customer base for Grimrock 2?
Likewise, you understand that development time could be devoted to things that would appeal to more people.
This is without saying that spiders are an RPG staple and walking into an RPG you should expect to find them, much like when you walk into a first person shooter you should expect blood and may want to stay away if you're severely hemophobic. I'm not trying to invalidate your problem, I'm just trying to help you see how marginal it is. An equal number of people may have an issue with any other type of enemy - does this mean AH should replace those too?
...And still they added extra UI because of one customer. If something is marginal then that! Sure, I doubt it didn't take long to do it, but now we're talking about hundreds and hundreds of potential customers here. Even if it takes 100x more time than adding few UI arrows then it would still be worth it.
Oh, and phobia != disgusted by something...
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:50 am
by Curunir
Well, if implementing it is a snap, sure, why not. I just thought the final pre-release stretch would be better off if it was all about polish and bugfixes.
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:03 am
by Gekkibi
Curunir wrote:...but it's not in a crippling form that would not allow you to even look at the moving picture of a spider on a 2D screen.
If it's not an issue then there wouldn't be any need for articles like these. Warning to arachnophobes, link contains real-looking spider pictures: ... .html?_r=0
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:03 pm
by Dr.Disaster
If you can't even watch LotR then you are in serious trouble.
Face the fact:
any dungeon contains spiders.
Speaking of the LoG 2 spiders: will they feature Leki's enhancements?
Just in case somebody does not know what they are:
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:17 pm
by Gekkibi
Dr.Disaster wrote:If you can't even watch LotR then you are in serious trouble.
Face the fact: any dungeon contains spiders.
Serious trouble..? Was this yet another "you're a retarded nutjob and belong to a psychward" comment..?
Face the fact: Hobbit 2 is a movie and Grimrock is a game. The purpose of them is to enjoy while playing or watching it. It doesn't matter if real dungeons would contain spiders (even 150kg giant ones...). If it's possible to make it so that more will enjoy it then that should be a good thing (but hey, what would I know... I guess you're against non-English subtitles or colorblind modes too).
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:20 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Gekkibi wrote:Face the fact: Hobbit 2 is a movie and Grimrock is a game.
Aye and both contain spiders. Do you want to tell us you could watch Hobbit 2 but not play LoG?
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:24 pm
by Gekkibi
Dr.Disaster wrote:Gekkibi wrote:Face the fact: Hobbit 2 is a movie and Grimrock is a game.
Aye and both contain spiders. Do you want to tell us you could watch Hobbit 2 but not play LoG?
I can do both, but I can't enjoy them as much as I could. It's impossible to make the movie without spiders because the spiders are part of the plot and it would mean 2 different versions of the movie. Games are interactive and you don't need a new version for each screen resolution or mouse sensitivity setting.
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:27 pm
by Dandy
I dungeon without spiders? Inconceivable.

Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:33 pm
by Gekkibi
Dandy wrote:I dungeon without spiders? Inconceivable.

Absolutely! Spiders should stay in the game and be a big part of it. I would never want to get rid of them. I would just like to see an
optional option that changes the model to something else so that the game would be more accessible and enjoyable to "those retard nutjobs that belong to a psychward".
Re: Please do something about the spiders :(
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:21 pm
by Dandy
Would a spider without legs, be acceptable you think?