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Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:05 am
by Yhtill
Shadowlordx wrote:On getting eagle statue:
Think about the eagle statue one like Portal, momentum (and direction) is conserved when teleporting.
Thanks a ton, I got it.

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:36 am
by spectre900
Yhtill wrote:
Shadowlordx wrote:On getting eagle statue:
Think about the eagle statue one like Portal, momentum (and direction) is conserved when teleporting.
Thanks a ton, I got it.
Dunno if mine is bugged, but unless I stand inside the teleporter my only short flying items gets stuck in the iron bars on the way out and just drop to the ground instantly, and if I stand inside it they fly too far to hit the pressure plate.
Edit: And ofc it's just after writing that that I notice the button on the wall..... /facedesk

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:34 am
by PPanda
A further question for this thread. A quick tip for getting across the room when getting the snail? I cleared the room, worked my way back up to where I first entered, but just above. I'm standing next to the sign that says: "The Path of the Eagle" but I cant find any other devices in the room to work with. 3rd time coming back here, and I'm still not getting it.

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:42 am
by spectre900
PPanda wrote:A further question for this thread. A quick tip for getting across the room when getting the snail? I cleared the room, worked my way back up to where I first entered, but just above. I'm standing next to the sign that says: "The Path of the Eagle" but I cant find any other devices in the room to work with. 3rd time coming back here, and I'm still not getting it.
You have to take the path of the eagle to get across. And what do eagles do to go anywhere?

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:22 pm
by PPanda
spectre900 wrote:
PPanda wrote:A further question for this thread. A quick tip for getting across the room when getting the snail? I cleared the room, worked my way back up to where I first entered, but just above. I'm standing next to the sign that says: "The Path of the Eagle" but I cant find any other devices in the room to work with. 3rd time coming back here, and I'm still not getting it.
You have to take the path of the eagle to get across. And what do eagles do to go anywhere?
That's some Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail shit right there!

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:30 pm
by bbcs168
spectre900 wrote:
PPanda wrote:A further question for this thread. A quick tip for getting across the room when getting the snail? I cleared the room, worked my way back up to where I first entered, but just above. I'm standing next to the sign that says: "The Path of the Eagle" but I cant find any other devices in the room to work with. 3rd time coming back here, and I'm still not getting it.
You have to take the path of the eagle to get across. And what do eagles do to go anywhere?
they fly to wherever it is that they're going. but we can't fly and i don't have rope. how do you get across?

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:35 pm
by atsra
You have to take the path of the eagle to get across. And what do eagles do to go anywhere?
They walk on pink floating tiles in the air and sometimes fall if they don't know where the next tile is??
Seriously though, their hint "path of the eagle" is really non-indicative of how to solve this puzzle..
they fly to wherever it is that they're going. but we can't fly and i don't have rope. how do you get across?
basically you need to take a leap of faith. start walking to the other side (can't remember at which tile), and you'll step on a floating pink tile. keep going in a certain direction (you'll have to figure it out)

Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:25 am
by Filipsan
Anybody knows, how to get the gem near the rock/scroll/sword puzzle?


Re: Lexiconary?

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:14 pm
by Flohaxn
There is a hidden Button 6 squares south of your question mark.