[ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Isaac »

tschrage wrote:BTW: How will we sort out, if someone has to do an inside- or an outsidepart? Just by asking? First come?
That's probably enough right there; it's still early. If your idea won't work outdoors, I'm pretty sure you can get an indoor room.Image
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Xanathar »

One room, please.
With air conditioning, minibar, private crystal.

Late checkin, I'm a bit busy in short term! ;)

@Phitt: awesome to see you in!
But, you totally have to play ORRR2. It's super worth it.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Great to see that there is a lot of interest in the ORRR3 :). It's going to have a lot to live up to given the first two, but then we're going to have so much more available to us to build awesome areas!

@tscharge: When the main thread goes live with a map, the rooms will be "first-come first-served", but given the last two - everyone was very friendly and open to swapping things around. In order to stay within the "Steam Filesize" limit, in previous ones people would happily give up some of their space to others.

Anyone have any thoughts on theme / style / story?

Some initial thoughts are...
  • The one thing I would love is to have a design where you are enticed to do every room, but if you get stuck on one or two - you can skip them. It would also be nice to have the main area as open as possible, so players can basically choose to do any room they like in any order they like.
  • Isaac suggested something loosely based on the idea of the "Curse of the Azure Bonds", whereby you start off with a bunch of "things you don't want" attached to your party (tattoos in the Azure Bonds) and the quests involve trying to remove them. If you don't remove all of them, the end fight is harder, but not impossible. I really like this as it fits the "you don't have to do everything, but have an incentive to." mantra while also being a bit different to a collect quest.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Diarmuid »


I politely declined to lead this ORRR iteration, as managing the ORRR2 was a huge task that kept me occupied for months. As I have other projects, such as the DarkDale RPG I'm developing myself, I cannot devote so much time to a Grimrock mod again.

I don't regret all the hours invested in the ORRR2 for one bit, though, it was amazing to see it come together!!! Whoever wants to be the "director" of the 3rd one will have one hell of a job and one hell of a fun. ;) :)

I will gladly join the discussions, and contribute a room however, as well as being there to playtest it when the time comes, and help with general scripting tasks if required.

Glad to see the spirit going on and on!
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Chimera005ao »

I did a bit of stuff in the first Grimrock's editor.
I'd love to give it a try.
Though the lack of updated documentation for the new editor's stuff has me a bit nervous. :lol:
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Isaac »

Chimera005ao wrote:I did a bit of stuff in the first Grimrock's editor.
I'd love to give it a try.
Though the lack of updated documentation for the new editor's stuff has me a bit nervous. :lol:
We are all waiting on it; some are tinkering away without it, but it shouldn't be too long before it's made available. I doubt they wrote any of it until finalizing the game before shipping.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Chimera005ao »

Isaac wrote:
Chimera005ao wrote:I did a bit of stuff in the first Grimrock's editor.
I'd love to give it a try.
Though the lack of updated documentation for the new editor's stuff has me a bit nervous. :lol:
We are all waiting on it; some are tinkering away without it, but it shouldn't be too long before it's made available. I doubt they wrote any of it until finalizing the game before shipping.

* They even had a 1st person stimpack model.
I'm patient. Well, patient enough to not want to bug a bunch of people or the devs on how to do things.
Not patient enough to avoid being one of the people tinkering away. :D
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Jgwman »

I might be interested in doing a room, should there be space.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by minmay »

I'm interested in adding a room.
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Re: [ORRR3] One Room Round Robin 3 - Pre-Discussion!

Post by Rubilax »

I could probably assist in this, sometimes I have my moments of genius... sometimes :3
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