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Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:27 pm
by Isaac
Tricky to know, if you aren't partial to trial & reload gameplay.
Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:01 pm
by ByFstugan
Dr.Disaster wrote:ByFstugan wrote:As I understood it - to get the mirror amulet for XP one need a gold-key and can "save one" for getting that ASAP - which one should that be, and how fast can that item be found? Any guild for getting that ASAP?
There are actually 2 spirit amulets in the game. Both are not hidden thus hard to miss. The one in the flooded dungeon requires a gold key while the other one in the Hamlet just sits around waiting to be picked up.
ByFstugan wrote:Also, which gold-key-holes should be avoided you think?
err .. those with stuff you don't have a use for?
I was going for more clear answer, like walkthrough style. I've found there are two such amulets and I found the maps they're at - but It's my first time playing this and I'm kinda lost to how this world is built - hence I don't know the fastes way to pick up this amulets and then go back to the maps that is more suitable for my level.
Right now I've just came to the "Forgotten River", and found the Hub, but the teleport to Hamlet of Stormbreach isn't active - I guess one has to come from the other side first? ATM I got one gold key.
So, how soon and how can I get to the Flooded Dungeon fastest? And how can I come to Hamlet fastest?
Anythings I HAVE to do first?
About the "skip cheast questions" I'm not sure how many one simply can't get, perhaps I can figure out what's worth to keep and not, but since I was uncertain I asked since there are many pro's here I'd assume

Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:03 pm
by Dr.Disaster
ByFstugan wrote:Dr.Disaster wrote:ByFstugan wrote:As I understood it - to get the mirror amulet for XP one need a gold-key and can "save one" for getting that ASAP - which one should that be, and how fast can that item be found? Any guild for getting that ASAP?
There are actually 2 spirit amulets in the game. Both are not hidden thus hard to miss. The one in the flooded dungeon requires a gold key while the other one in the Hamlet just sits around waiting to be picked up.
ByFstugan wrote:Also, which gold-key-holes should be avoided you think?
err .. those with stuff you don't have a use for?
I was going for more clear answer, like walkthrough style. I've found there are two such amulets and I found the maps they're at - but It's my first time playing this and I'm kinda lost to how this world is built - hence I don't know the fastes way to pick up this amulets and then go back to the maps that is more suitable for my level.
Right now I've just came to the "Forgotten River", and found the Hub, but the teleport to Hamlet of Stormbreach isn't active - I guess one has to come from the other side first? ATM I got one gold key.
So, how soon and how can I get to the Flooded Dungeon fastest? And how can I come to Hamlet fastest?
Anythings I HAVE to do first?
About the "skip cheast questions" I'm not sure how many one simply can't get, perhaps I can figure out what's worth to keep and not, but since I was uncertain I asked since there are many pro's here I'd assume

Spoiling the game for someone who's on his first play-thru? That's not my style, sorry.
Yet i'll tell you this:
- all Hub teleporters beside the first one need to be unlocked at their destination
- it takes waaay longer - and is way more dangerous - to reach the Hamlet and grab the amulet then entering the Flooded Dungeon
- since you already seem to have maps i'm not telling you a secret by saying that the Flooded Dungeon is located under Sleet Island
- actually getting onto and then below Sleet Island is a bit tricky; best advice is to be patient and observant
- at most gold locks you can see what you will get so it's easy to figure out if something is usefull to you or not
Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:03 pm
by ByFstugan
Dr.Disaster wrote:Spoiling the game for someone who's on his first play-thru? That's not my style, sorry.
Yet i'll tell you this:
- all Hub teleporters beside the first one need to be unlocked at their destination
- it takes waaay longer - and is way more dangerous - to reach the Hamlet and grab the amulet then entering the Flooded Dungeon
- since you already seem to have maps i'm not telling you a secret by saying that the Flooded Dungeon is located under Sleet Island
- actually getting onto and then below Sleet Island is a bit tricky; best advice is to be patient and observant
- at most gold locks you can see what you will get so it's easy to figure out if something is usefull to you or not
Thx for answers, though you won't spoil the game for me if you give me "spoilers" - quite the opposite.
First of all, I have to much to do IRL to assume I can do more than one run on this game. Also I played LoG and never wanted to do another run - might be so in this case also.
Second - I'm a bit of a perfectionist with somethings, and to get the XP-boost is good, but always better if U get it ASAP - and I have a farmer also (though one isn't advised to use them "first run"), and I intend to not level it to much before I get the spirit mirror amulet.
Third - all "secrets" are available online and I use the maps always to make sure I don't miss anything before going on, hence I "spoil" everything myself all the time. - that's why I asked for "spoilers" to get the "trick to get pedants ASAP" and to learn when it was to soon so I don't waste time trying the impossible - but instead learn the quickest possible way and get it so I can go "back" (to easier parts I haven't finished yet) and play the game in my own slow mode. But I wanna kill so little monsters as possible before I get the pedants.
So - if you got some good tricks, plz share, give them in "spoiler-comments" so others who might not wanna see them can skip them

Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:59 pm
by FennerMachine
The pendants are nice to have but only make a difference of 1 or 2 levels by the end.
Easy to grind to those levels without the pendants.
I wouldn't worry too much and just enjoy the game.
Save before trying gold keys, reload of you don't like the item.
A farmer can be good and is fun to have. I often have one in my party.
Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:47 pm
by ByFstugan
I've got the first amulet now... is the second possible to go for directly? My party is just lev 4, got one gold key if needed

Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:06 pm
by FennerMachine
You can try.
You need to complete about half of Desarune to get to Hamlet of Stormbreach.
It will not be easy and you might regret it when you get back to Forgotten River!

Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:13 pm
by ByFstugan
FennerMachine wrote:You can try.
You need to complete about half of Desarune to get to Hamlet of Stormbreach.
It will not be easy and you might regret it when you get back to Forgotten River!

Hmmm... does your last comment mean that I'll risk looking away stuff I can do if I don't go for the second Spirit Mirror Amulet? Or why you say like that?
So, to complete half Desarune - must I kill much or can I skip that with running around/past them?
Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:27 pm
by FennerMachine
There are more gold keys than good locks to use them on. I often finish with a few gold keys not used!
Just reload of you don't like what you get.
From memory, Desarune is quite tough, you will need to kill quite a few enemies, but there are many, many more enemies through the rest of the game. It will be a very small percentage of total enemies, not enough to worry about.
Go to Stormbreach, go back to Forgotten River, and you'll see.

Re: Gold Keys
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:40 pm
by FennerMachine
What I'm on about happens anyway, but by playing through as intended you will be better prepared.