Help for "Sewels"

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck in Grimrock 2 or if you want to discuss about the mysteries of the Isle of Nex. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: Help for "Sewels"

Post by Tristanna »

Mystina Valeth wrote:The rat boss is required. He's actually rather easy if done right. Get into a corner, the little rats will surround you from two sides, and the other two sides by walls. The rat boss will be behind one of those two rats, kill the rat that the boss isn't behind. The rat you aren't killing you can either freeze with an ice bomb or use the force field spell to lock him from attacking. Once you've killed a few of the small rats and it looks like the boss might move in, run out of that corner and do the same thing till you just have a couple rats plus the boss. Then pick off the last couple rats, then focus on the boss. Bombs will be very effective for the boss, especially ice bombs combined with a rogue who can back stab.
Thank you Mystina Valeth for this Strategy ! I keep it on my mind but my team is only Level 8 and I will try later with level 10 or more.
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Re: Help for "Sewels"

Post by Tristanna »

7Soul wrote:
Tristanna wrote:Thanks for answer itsmemario, but:

1) I have this "Tetris like" Map but I don't know what to do with and how to use it ?

2) arghhh...! I have to defeat this "Rat" Monster to get the Key of the entrance of Resevoir Acess ?!! is-it the only way ?
I tried many times but with the others "little" rats beside, it's really difficult, do you have a strategy ?

Thanks for help.
1. Read the map like its a list, like:
1 2 3
4 5

2. You get the key from the puzzle with the pitfalls, above the sewer
2. The Iron Key (above the Sewer with Traps) DOESN'T WORK to open the gate of the entrance of Reservoir Access ?!!

Anyone have an idea whitch is the good Iron Key ? (See Map on 1st page)

Thank you.
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Re: Help for "Sewels"

Post by Tristanna »

itsmemario wrote:1.) You need a special map with some tetris like pictures on it.

2.) The key is in the south west area. And your death is also there. ;)
itsmemario You're right ! The Key was really there: I killed The Monster Rat and took the key to open the passage.
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