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Re: Grimrock in Minecraft
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:10 am
by Thoughtless
Nice work. I've started working on the dungeons aspect of Legend of Grimrock, which will be available to download soon.

Re: Grimrock in Minecraft
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:01 am
by Saice
Damn you guys make me want to do this on my server.
hmm... to get the layout right you would need. I think a 8x8 space for each tile so maps are what 32x32.. 256 that would take up the whole make hight if you did 8x8x8 but if you shorted your hight by just 1 going 8x8x7 it would not be overly noticeable and you could cram it in. 224 if you made level 13 at bedrock (MCedit or creative mode the last block alway to make your floor at level 0) you would have just enough room at top to have your open and a bit of a drop still.
You might get a more sizable build using 6x6x6 but you would have to make some of the tiles a bit more simplified. Shurg... YMMV
Re: Grimrock in Minecraft
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:10 pm
by Saice
More thought on this.... you could get a decent look with 4x4x4 (inverted stairs ftw) and still get the ceiling right. You would just have issues with the wall art in places. But at lease with 4x4x4 you would have some space to use a block or two for Redstone for wall switches and stuff.
Re: Grimrock in Minecraft
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:22 pm
by Saice
Oh god Im such a tard.
8x13 ... honest I can do math really.... Ok yes 8x8x8 is totally doable as 13 floors would be like 104 blocks not anywhere need map top.
so Im thinking go with 6x6x6 and throw in 4 blocks between floors for wiring as needed.
Re: Grimrock in Minecraft
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:14 pm
by Saice
Oh god... shot me.. shot me now before the crazy spreads.
Ok so I did some math. Then I poked some blocks. Then I tweaked it a bit. And heres what I got.
(Edit: Updated the world save now with more options because I'm crazy like that and Sleep is but an illusion to me now)
GrimBlock 4x4
2012-04-17_10.49.44 by
Saice, on Flickr
GrimBlock 5x5
2012-04-17_08.57.49 by
Saice, on Flickr
GrimBlock 6x6
2012-04-17_10.53.30 by
Saice, on Flickr
Extra shots of 5x5 you get the idea 4x4 and 6x6 look much the same.
2012-04-17_08.57.22 by
Saice, on Flickr
2012-04-17_08.57.03 by
Saice, on Flickr
GrimBlock is a set of Minecraft world saves and MCEdit schematic files. In the Zip below you get three superflat worlds and six schematic files. three single floor and three 13 floor schematics for importing via MCEdit. These are all superflat with structures turned off and set on Creative. Some Editing skill will be needed to get full use out of these.
Some numbers.
4x4 : Each floor is 128x128x8 thats 32x32 Cells of 4x4x6 with a 2 block gap between floors.
5x5 : Each floor is 160x160x8 thats 32x32 Cells of 5x5x6 with a 2 block gap between floors.
6x6 : Each floor is 192x192x8 thats 32x32 Cells of 6x6x6 with a 2 block gap between floors.
Why 6 high? Well 4 high space is pretty large from a Minecraft point of view but your floor and ceiling take up 1block each so 6 high is really only 4 blocks on room space. If need be you can make vaulted ceilings by using some of the 2 block floor gap between the floors.
The core schematics for 13 floors are
4x4 : 129x129x105
5x5 : 161x161x105
6x6 : 193x193x105
The extra blocks are from a spine I used to line them all up.
So its all ready to rebuild Grimrock or any other dungeon you want. ...
Enjoy. I'll be working on my own.