Re: Change difficulty cheat pls?
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:39 am
Heh, difficulty so obscene it had to be censored!minmay wrote:Hey Mwah, I think I'm making some progress.
Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
Heh, difficulty so obscene it had to be censored!minmay wrote:Hey Mwah, I think I'm making some progress.
That seems to me like it would be an extremely bad way to handle it. It would be far cleaner to have a multiplier in the damage calculation, since you have to make that sort of calculation going in the other direction anyway based on the character's current stats, weapon, skills, dual wield penalty (if any), and target's armor. For an NPC, perhaps it's more basic and only has to take into account armor, but still. Storing it like that makes it more difficult to make changes, which they'd certainly want to be doing during development.PSY wrote:I reckon there's a lot of data concerning monster stats that is saved in the savegame files, so the difficulty level is not just a byte or two you can switch.
Meaning the engine probably works like this:
..rather than this:Code: Select all
* Savegame with all monster stats is loaded (READ SKELETONDAMAGE) * Skeleton encounter coming up: Function DealDamgeToParty(Skeleton) HitParty(SKELETONDAMAGE) End Function
Code: Select all
* Savegame is loaded * Skeleton encounter coming up: Function DealDamgeToParty(Skeleton) If difficulty_level = 1 then SKELETONDAMAGE = 50 If difficulty_level = 2 then SKELETONDAMAGE = 100 If difficulty_level = 3 then SKELETONDAMAGE = 150 HitParty(SKELETONDAMAGE) End Function
Dunno, just my 2ct. Would make sense to me, though.
Hey,Vardis wrote:That seems to me like it would be an extremely bad way to handle it. It would be far cleaner to have a multiplier in the damage calculation, since you have to make that sort of calculation going in the other direction anyway based on the character's current stats, weapon, skills, dual wield penalty (if any), and target's armor. For an NPC, perhaps it's more basic and only has to take into account armor, but still. Storing it like that makes it more difficult to make changes, which they'd certainly want to be doing during development.
Code: Select all
(pretty complex damage calculation, taking equipment, armor, skills, attributes, luck factor, weapons and stuff into account) X difficulty_multiplier
petri wrote:Difficulty level only affects the speed and aggressiveness of monsters.
minmay wrote:viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7641#p77767petri wrote:Difficulty level only affects the speed and aggressiveness of monsters.
Most have accidentally turned on the Dark Souls option. Because that was the sounds I made the first time I ran into the Asylum Demon.Rithrin wrote:Heh, difficulty so obscene it had to be censored!minmay wrote:Hey Mwah, I think I'm making some progress.