That would be really cool if you find it out. I don't have a save that's anywhere near there except beyond it ~so the level is empty and looted. I wondered if it was part of the Special quest (in that room), and what might happen if it were pressed before completing the quest (and triggering the ambush).DJK wrote:Hmm interesting, I'm not sure if I knew about this one.. I'm deep in the drow catacombs right now and I'll check it out when I get back to lvl10.
Concealed buttons in walls
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
Ok, I just entered Lvl10 
Side question, do you (or anyone) know if completing all sidequests from Eye1 does anything beyond the message at the end you found them all ? I'm guessing it doesn't because if you import your party into EoB2 you can only use a savegame... as you cannot save after you defeat Xanathar this makes the whole Xan fight useless and you pretty much can skip it and import into two at that point...

Side question, do you (or anyone) know if completing all sidequests from Eye1 does anything beyond the message at the end you found them all ? I'm guessing it doesn't because if you import your party into EoB2 you can only use a savegame... as you cannot save after you defeat Xanathar this makes the whole Xan fight useless and you pretty much can skip it and import into two at that point...
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
DJK wrote:Ok, I just entered Lvl10

As far as I know, the 12 Special Quests only provide optional items, XP, and hints.Side question, do you (or anyone) know if completing all sidequests from Eye1 does anything beyond the message at the end you found them all ?
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
Ok I have found out the button's meaning and posted a vid here:
As you can see the button does the most logical thing, it disables the mantis trap
Feel free to torture them slowly to death on your next playthrough 
On a sidenote, not sure how you managed to do the animated gif thingie you did but fraps didn't work on dosbox .. so had to use the dosbox capture utility, then play with a special codec in media player, fraps the media player window and then save it in movie maker :p But here it is
As you can see the button does the most logical thing, it disables the mantis trap

On a sidenote, not sure how you managed to do the animated gif thingie you did but fraps didn't work on dosbox .. so had to use the dosbox capture utility, then play with a special codec in media player, fraps the media player window and then save it in movie maker :p But here it is

Re: Concealed buttons in walls
After defeating Xanathar the game creates a "FINAL" save game, but , no , u don't get ny kind of " completed all hidden quests " message.DJK wrote:Ok, I just entered Lvl10
Side question, do you (or anyone) know if completing all sidequests from Eye1 does anything beyond the message at the end you found them all ? I'm guessing it doesn't because if you import your party into EoB2 you can only use a savegame... as you cannot save after you defeat Xanathar this makes the whole Xan fight useless and you pretty much can skip it and import into two at that point...
"...on, into the dungeon..."
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
I am about 100% sure you get a additional message stating you found all secret quests. At least on the amiga version. Im playing PC atm (even though the amiga versions are superior in graphics and sound) but as I want to take my party to the end of Eye3 I need to play the Dos version ... anyway Im in lvl 11 now so Ill see soon enough if the dos version also includes the messagerodrell wrote:After defeating Xanathar the game creates a "FINAL" save game, but , no , u don't get ny kind of " completed all hidden quests " message.

Re: Concealed buttons in walls
Question for many of you that loved Eye of the Beholder as much as I did. Well maybe not as much since I made a mod for it that took us a year and a half to make. That’s dedication for a free product that offers over 25 hours of game play.
Anyway, have any of you played our mod for Never winter nights?
Heres the link to the site. I’m just curious if any of you have. ... il&id=4028
Anyway, have any of you played our mod for Never winter nights?
Heres the link to the site. I’m just curious if any of you have. ... il&id=4028
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
I tried (and succeeded) making an alternate portrait resource for EOB1. You could pick them, and they displayed in the game, but the game would commonly overflow the memory heap; and so was unplayable.dark wrote:Question for many of you that loved Eye of the Beholder as much as I did. Well maybe not as much since I made a mod for it that took us a year and a half to make. That’s dedication for a free product that offers over 25 hours of game play. ... il&id=4028

(I could never get the custom portraits to compress as well as the ones in the game.)
EOB Spoiler:DJK wrote:I am about 100% sure you get a additional message stating you found all secret quests. At least on the amiga version. Im playing PC atm (even though the amiga versions are superior in graphics and sound) but as I want to take my party to the end of Eye3 I need to play the Dos version ... anyway Im in lvl 11 now so Ill see soon enough if the dos version also includes the messagerodrell wrote:After defeating Xanathar the game creates a "FINAL" save game, but , no , u don't get ny kind of " completed all hidden quests " message.
The PC version rather crudely ends abrupt when Xanathar is killed ~The game actually drops you into a DOS prompt after a bit of text... It's absurd.
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
Yes, that annoyed me when I played EoB originally. At least let me sit here and revel in my glory for a while. To be left staring at a flashing cursor is a bit depressing.
Re: Concealed buttons in walls
I always play the Amiga version of EoB. Full ending included!
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...