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Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:39 am
by Grim Reaper
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Definitely I'm finding Grimrock 2 way too hard to the point of giving up now ... and I dont want to do that.
I've already mentioned I started on Hard and got so far but gave up and started again on Easy <------ still mega hard as you progress IMHO
I'm not slagging this game, the graphic improvements are wonderful as is the outdoor world, some aspects from Grimrock 1 are much improved ... Grimrock 1 was a more balanced game though IMHO, sure it had sometime near impossible timing puzzles that saw gamers help each other here with saved game swaps even if it was to progress/completion or not .... and in fairness I've seen less of that in Grimrock 2 timing puzzle wise so far.
The Grimrock team have included (bizarrely) even harder options than Easy and Hard to an already difficult game, just a thought ... maybe have an option in the future for folks like me who love the logic puzzles and make the annoying combat less repetitive, sure some love that but for me and others it spoils the game ... all I'm suggesting is, if you have options for a game that is already hard and difficult to make it harder, then why not some options to make it a bit easier as well?
We're not all teens in the prime of our lifes with ballistic reactions
As it stands and without using a god mode cheat hack ... I dont think I'll ever be able to finish this game now.
Should be room for everyone IMHO
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:59 am
by any6
I'm currently playing on normal and I get my ass whooped all the time. I'm not good enough to do an ironman, let alone a single-use crystal run. Save scumming isn't a problem for me, I'd rather do that than have my fun spoiled.
My main party is horribly gimped. My caster is also my alchemist which is just bad. My frontliners have the wrong initial stats etc but I still manage to limp along. Square dancing goes a really long way (as does save scumming).
It's a difficult game. That's the whole point. It's only impossible if you don't have the manual dexterity anymore to handle a mouse and keyboard. This game surely would have been easier for me 10 years ago when my fingers were more flexible. If I get the same arthritis as my mom, this game will become impossible to play, even on easy.
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:36 am
by Neutronium Dragon
The console does allow for a fair amount of "spontaneous difficulty management" if you're having trouble (or, I suppose, if you feel you need to have more trouble) above and beyond the settings you choose at the start of the game. Difficulty otherwise isn't just about the settings; the right (or wrong) tactics matter at least as much (and often more) than simply modifying numbers or AI pulses. The leprechaun is a good example: it's quite possible to beat him easily by sheer luck, but you can't count on that happening every time.
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:46 am
by Grim Reaper
What on earth is "save scumming" ?
Thats a complete new one to me? is it a suggestion its cheating to do saves now?
If so you'd need to be clean off your head to sit through a hard game like this in one go, or pretty damn dedicated.
"save scumming"
No doubt about it ... and the abundance of requests on the gameplay hint forum here already suggests myself and others in this thread are not the only ones experiencing difficulty this time, even on Easy mode.
I respectfully say to the good developers here, you have the overall difficulty settings off balance and off kilter this time, not sure if that can be fixed now post release with a patch?
If not I'll need to use a God mode hack just to finish it.
Grimrock 1 had some odd reflex timing issues, but the game could be completed without that, this time the problem for many is the off kilter levelling system making it way too difficult on easy level it seems.
I know how hard it must be to strike a balance for everyone and I do appreciate what you do and hope you go on to Grimrock 3, you have my support and money waiting, even if I cant finish this one.
I've still got what I feel is my moneys worth out of it so far.
EDIT: and the odd thing is, near everything on the hint thread here is something I can do just fine logic puzzle solving wise, its just the overall difficulty at my stage of the game (guessing more then 50% through) really appreciate the help here so far though .... thanks.
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:22 pm
by hyppyp
I can really get into your experience with LOG2. I played the game on normal level, to find out after 20 hours of play that my party was WAY too weak to make proper progress. In Crystal Mines it took me 3 hours to kill 15 spiders by climbing and jumping down a ladder
A fresh start and a new party made a LOT of difference! Taking time to examine the races and skills pays off enormously, it is a must imho. A well picked and trained party is at least twice better than a 'random' one for sure. But I estimate that I restored savegames more than 100 times to be able to complete the game. I found the last fight (Island master) hard and cruel and had some sheer luck to beat him (them) after restoring 25 times or so. And I admit I needed some help from the forum to find some idden plates in the dark distance, not being able to see THAT well anymore.
So yes, it's a hard game for the older ones (I am almost 60), but I loved it and found it a privilage to play! I wandered around, loved the puzzles, the scenery, the atmosphere and most of the fights. It took me 35 hours to complete the game. Sure thousands of guys and gals are way better and quicker and love to brag about it. It's ok, been there, done that. Nowadays the road is more important than the destination....

Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:46 pm
by Anurias
minmay wrote:Difficulty level doesn't affect either of those things.
Then how about you actually correct me and tell us all what it does affect because I stated what I saw it affecting between my normal and hard mode playthroughs. I had things hitting me more often and harder in hard mode than on normal, and I was hitting less often, and having to hit enemies a lot more on hard mode... so if my experience is wrong, then please, by all means enlighten us to the truth instead of just blanket saying that I'm wrong with no actual counter.
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:17 pm
by DannyAIC after reading all the comments in this thread I'm getting a bit nervous haha. I'm using a backrow rogue that's dual wielding light weapons is he gonna turn out to be useless or something? am i gonna hit the same brick wall? I'd rather know now and still be able to restart. I have no alchemist in my party, we're at level 6 now I beleive. am i gonna be able to continue?
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:44 pm
by Dr.Disaster
DannyAIC wrote:I'm using a backrow rogue that's dual wielding light weapons is he gonna turn out to be useless or something?
DannyAIC wrote:am i gonna hit the same brick wall?
Only when you insist on clearing a map that is beyond your parties abilities.
DannyAIC wrote:I have no alchemist in my party, we're at level 6 now I beleive. am i gonna be able to continue?
An alchemist is no "must have" class. On Easy and Normal diff an alchemist is not needed.
On Hard he might be usefull and that depends on how fast you tend to go thru potions.
To give some numbers:
My last Hard mode party had a Barbarian, a Knight, an Alchemist and a Rogue. They walked 46400 tiles until the save point in the Trickster's Lair so you can calc how many regents the alchemist could have grown. Each character has 15 large health potions prepared for the final battle and my alchemist can still brew 39 more if needs be.
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:47 pm
by DannyAIC
Dr.Disaster wrote:DannyAIC wrote:I'm using a backrow rogue that's dual wielding light weapons is he gonna turn out to be useless or something?
DannyAIC wrote:am i gonna hit the same brick wall?
Only when you insist on clearing a map that is beyond your parties abilities.
DannyAIC wrote:I have no alchemist in my party, we're at level 6 now I beleive. am i gonna be able to continue?
An alchemist is no "must have" class. On Easy and Normal diff an alchemist is not needed. On Hard he might be usefull and that depends on how fast you tend to go thru potions.
Ok great, I'm playing on hard, but I'm really stingy with potions, using them only when absolutely necessary and preferring to reload or use crystals if I can.
Re: Grimrock 2 impossible for some?
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:55 pm
by Anurias
DannyAIC wrote:Dr.Disaster wrote:DannyAIC wrote:I'm using a backrow rogue that's dual wielding light weapons is he gonna turn out to be useless or something?
DannyAIC wrote:am i gonna hit the same brick wall?
Only when you insist on clearing a map that is beyond your parties abilities.
DannyAIC wrote:I have no alchemist in my party, we're at level 6 now I beleive. am i gonna be able to continue?
An alchemist is no "must have" class. On Easy and Normal diff an alchemist is not needed. On Hard he might be usefull and that depends on how fast you tend to go thru potions.
Ok great, I'm playing on hard, but I'm really stingy with potions, using them only when absolutely necessary and preferring to reload or use crystals if I can.
I completed the game on hard with a knight and battlemage in the front row, both in heavy armor and in the back I had a dual wielding rogue and a farmer I raised as a caster, no one had any points in alchemy so I couldn't even brew potions... Alchemist is not necessary to complete the game... but it does make things a LOT easier when you have a supply of potions and even easier when you can generate more herbs just by walking around.