If you want to add your custom items:bongobeat wrote:gonna try it, thanks!
works great.
just to be sure, if I have custom items, and want that the racks recognize them, the only thing to do is to add them in the mam script, within the editor?
1/ try to write item.name to Items definition ( like sword_4 = {"bone_blade","rapier", your item.name}, )
2/ If you dont found correct set of item you may create new with your item.name . eg. sword_5 = {"mySword"}
nex step is creating socket definition in MAM_wr_socket table simmilar as another definition
first name is free eg. ["sword_5_1"]
["items"] = - suitable items for socket
["pos"] - offset position socket from base position of rack object ( for facing=0 )
["rot"] - rottation offset from rack object
["fill"] - string definition of item occupated place in rack ( may be random or same as have another item in same position )
["inBlock"] - list of fill strings which blocked to insert your item ( every one is blocked )
["inNeed"] - list of fill strings which must be occupated for inserting your item ( all of string must be present for allow insert)
["reBlock"] - list of fill strings which blocked to remove inserting item - not implemented in published version
["reNeed"] - list of fill strings which allowed to remove inserting item - not implemented in published version
-- this definition must be inside table for rack eg. ["weaponrack"]= for socket for weaponrack
Its all for correct function.
sry for my english.
EDIT: I worked on some new functionalities like managing of remove items, disabling to moving thru racks. And I rewrited some function but this definitions will be simmilar.