First of all on Hard, crystals take longer to recharge (at least that's what I heard?), plus if crystals bother you you can enable one use only ingame, then you HAVE to rest to restore HP/MP, unless you create potions.Dr.Disaster wrote:Who says you need to rest more often?Rya.Reisender wrote:Don't you automatically use up more food because you need to rest a lot more often?
With LoG's build-in health/energy regeneration - which got improved in LoG 2 - there is hardly a need to rest at all.
Feature request for Hard difficulty
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:46 pm
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
- zimberzimber
- Posts: 432
- Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:06 pm
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
I agree about the hunger penalties not giving the big impact they should in my opinion, they can even hardly be called penalties.
But as we all know, you cannot satisfy everyone, so the best option I see here is to either attach these less forgiving penalties to the hard difficulty setting, or as an option like the 'single-use crystals'.
But as we all know, you cannot satisfy everyone, so the best option I see here is to either attach these less forgiving penalties to the hard difficulty setting, or as an option like the 'single-use crystals'.
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
1. The crystal recharge time is the same in all difficulties.Rya.Reisender wrote:First of all on Hard, crystals take longer to recharge (at least that's what I heard?), plus if crystals bother you you can enable one use only ingame, then you HAVE to rest to restore HP/MP, unless you create potions.
2. You do not have to rest or use potions to restore health/energy. All you have to do is wait and stay out of harms way without starving.
Of course if you don't want to wait you can hit "R". This speeds up health/energy recovery dramatically .. along with the food intake(!); IMO the top reason players run out of food. You can test it yourself: health/energy recovery done by build-in regen uses far less food then resting does.
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
It seems wrong if the player is rewarded for boring himself rather than use the rest system. Not to mention illogical.
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
It depends on how much the rest system is used. IMO the main campaign is in general designed to explore or solve a puzzle after combat without running right into the next tough encounter. To me hitting rest with only one character being out of energy or low on health while all others are good doesn't seem justified but it's something i've seen several times in let's plays. The common work order is "combat -> rest -> explore/solve puzzle". By changing that order to "combat -> explore/solve puzzle" the "rest" part might even become obsolete, depending on how long exploration/solving takes.
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
The problem with not resting after combat is that you don't always know when the next fight is going to be so you have no guarantee that you aren't going to get yourself into a battle unprepared if you rely on time to restore you. There are plenty of puzzles that once you solve it you get hit with combat or you walk into a room and are suddenly trapped and have to fight or avoid the monsters to flip the switches that open the way out.
- zimberzimber
- Posts: 432
- Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:06 pm
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
Or you can simply play it safe so you won't have to rest later.
- Posts: 275
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:32 am
Re: Feature request for Hard difficulty
I agree with the Thread holder. HARD Mode should have more stuff to make it harder.
Formyself I like the food ( AND! water:( )
IN the game dungeon master 1 ( on the SNES concole atleast) THe higher level your champs got the more it drained their stamina when walking/casting/ using melee etc. Also take in note the weight they carry. It drains way more stamina thus more food (and water) (EDIT! zero HP would kill you, but zero stamina also)
At a point a champ was so exhausted it would even die in his sleep.( yes really no lie) I was like "WOW Now I have to make stamina potions before I go to bed"
ALso A fun feathure to me was at least, was that it was nearly inpossible to reach maxium skill level since if you wonder arround a bit w/o using the skill ( e.g a mage not casting level 6 fireballs anymore) he would de-level in that skill.
I found that part... disapointing but intresting.
Ps: another thing I liked about DM 1 wich Log 1/2 lacks is the poison. It doesn't stack. In DM1 u could got continously poisend so it grew stronger. ( more dmg a hit ) And the level 1 and 2 cure posion would simply remove a stack or 2, but not all the posion if you was heavely poisoned.
Back in those days it really gave me the feel;ing I had to take care of my party, not like in Log1/2 Just kill a few... sleep and all be fine.
Formyself I like the food ( AND! water:( )
IN the game dungeon master 1 ( on the SNES concole atleast) THe higher level your champs got the more it drained their stamina when walking/casting/ using melee etc. Also take in note the weight they carry. It drains way more stamina thus more food (and water) (EDIT! zero HP would kill you, but zero stamina also)
At a point a champ was so exhausted it would even die in his sleep.( yes really no lie) I was like "WOW Now I have to make stamina potions before I go to bed"
ALso A fun feathure to me was at least, was that it was nearly inpossible to reach maxium skill level since if you wonder arround a bit w/o using the skill ( e.g a mage not casting level 6 fireballs anymore) he would de-level in that skill.
I found that part... disapointing but intresting.
Ps: another thing I liked about DM 1 wich Log 1/2 lacks is the poison. It doesn't stack. In DM1 u could got continously poisend so it grew stronger. ( more dmg a hit ) And the level 1 and 2 cure posion would simply remove a stack or 2, but not all the posion if you was heavely poisoned.
Back in those days it really gave me the feel;ing I had to take care of my party, not like in Log1/2 Just kill a few... sleep and all be fine.