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Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:04 am
by Mameluk
For those thinking it's hard to implement... it's not. Create two objects from button class and add them to the skill menu draw function if player has unspent skill points. The other button confirms any distributions you've made to skills by deactivating itself and the reset button, while the other would take newly added points away for you to reuse. Just create a few temporary instances that contain the information of the previous skills and compare them to new ones when you click reset, and for each difference add that many skills to integer 'unspent'. Simple!
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:45 am
by Norpser
It would be nice if you could do this say at the Crystals or every 2 floors.
I started off going assasination build on my rogue after realizing I wasnt going to be getting a bow any time soon... Then started working towards throwing as I was getting a lot of shuriken and throwing knives... Now I have my bow with like 12 points, Throwing with 8 and assasination with 8... Not really worthwhile.
The other thing is that my mage didnt start with a spell because I didnt put 2 into fire, not realizing that you need it if you plan on casting. (this didnt affect me later in the game, just slightly annoying at the start and didnt feel like restarting my whole character list)
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:47 am
by Darklord
Patchumz wrote:
Grimrock's mouse system is the opposite of old school in my personal opinion.
Er It's reasonably similar to Dungeon Masters mouse use, and DM is 25 years old, that's reasonably Old School no?
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:53 am
by Mychaelh
Patchumz wrote:Disasterrific wrote:...Old ASCII games used hotkeys for EVERYTHING, because mice didn't exist.... Grimrock's mouse system is the opposite of old school in my personal opinion.
And you played how much 'real-time first person 3d dungeon crawl ASCII games' in your personal universe?
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:09 am
by gonnarule
Just to stick to the OP, I think it would be a nice and cheap idea to implement. Being able to correct ourself when putting those 4 pts would be nice indeed (just those 4 from current level up, not the others before).
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:12 am
by Darklord
Mameluk wrote:For those thinking it's hard to implement... it's not.
Yeah it's not to difficult, but it would need proper testing, imagine if they implement this quickly and it "broke" people's characters, can you imagine the uproar!
I'm sure they''ll add this to the list of the billion or so things people would like in the game.
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:09 pm
by Stalkingwolf
Patchumz wrote:Disasterrific wrote:Totally unnecessary, and a waste of players' time. This like many of the other things being whined about on the forums was a design decision. They didn't just randomly decide these things. I blame world of warcraft - hotkeys for spells?!

Old ASCII games used hotkeys for EVERYTHING, because mice didn't exist.... Grimrock's mouse system is the opposite of old school in my personal opinion.
i played Dungeon Master with my Amige mouse and moving via Num Pad.
So it is not the opposite
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:22 pm
by gambit37
This sort of micromanagement is pointless. Save before you spend the points and If you make a mistake, reload your save game.
Grimrock is great but it is significantly more complex than its forebears, Dungeon Master and EOB. The key to those games was simplicity of use. If they start adding more and more controls to give flexibility for player error, it just gets more and more complex for very little gain. I would prefer they simplified the interface even more, rather than adding yet more buttons and choices.
In addition, there is a strategic element to increasing your skills. If you add the ability to "unspend" points and respend them elsewhere, aren't you just giving the player a get-out clause for bad character management?
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:40 pm
by Mameluk
Darklord wrote:Mameluk wrote:For those thinking it's hard to implement... it's not.
Yeah it's not to difficult, but it would need proper testing, imagine if they implement this quickly and it "broke" people's characters, can you imagine the uproar!
I don't know how the skills are actually managed in Grimrock's source code, but if you do it like I explained, it won't break anything. And it's not like they'll put something they didn't test in a patch...
gambit37 wrote:
In addition, there is a strategic element to increasing your skills. If you add the ability to "unspend" points and respend them elsewhere, aren't you just giving the player a get-out clause for bad character management?
No, we're not talking about resetting all the skills of a character, just to add damage control if you accidentally put your skill points to the wrong place. Player ergonomics; you don't have to save before leveling up and load the game if you mess up -- you can simply press a button on the character sheet that will help you out. Same thing with quicksaving and loading. Going through the menu just to save is useless, why not have the function on a single button you can easily press?
Re: Suggestion: Redistributing skillpoints at level up
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:42 pm
by Darklord
It's a good idea, I would just rather have a quick save and such first.