[MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Isaac wrote:
wagtunes wrote:Well, I gave it a shot. Every findobjects command that I type comes up nil. So obviously that's not working. And yes, I am on LoG1.
Console is finicky to get it to work on one line. You have to ensure (when you copy & paste) that every command has a space behind it.

The script as posted initially runs itself with the parameter 'key'; looking for any keys on the current level. It won't find any if there aren't any to find; but the function gets put in place. What happens if you (then) type findObjects('rock'), or findObjects('torch') ?

When I type it, it lists the torches on the test level.
Okay, here is where I am. It appears that after copying and pasting the function I can't manually type in a findobjects command and have it work. The only way it works is if I copy and past the function and tag a findobjects command at the end, which is fine. It does give me a list of all the objects that contain the keyword.

Now, here is my problem.

I am standing in front of this one door that is essentially keeping me from continuing. When I paste in the function using the keyword "door" I get a list of doors that is literally 15 to 20 lines long. I have no idea which door it is that I want to open. I guess I could figure it out by the coordinates. However, when replacing the keyword "door" with "key" nothing comes out. There are no keys left on this level. So, the key I need must be on another level. I suspect it's where the map has a bug in it (square not programmed in properly) but if that's true, it's doubtful the key is going to show up in the search anyway as I've been through that whole level and there is nothing left to find.

I'll work my way back to it and try the search there but I'm not optimistic. I fear that the key I need may be in the Serpent Tower levels which are now sealed off and there is no way to return to them. At least none that I can find. if that's the case, then I am technically stuck and have to start over. I do know the mod creator said there was at least one area where you could technically lock yourself out of proceeding further.

I will report back after I've tried a couple more things. In the meantime, if there's anything else you can think of for me to try, let me know. It will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Okay, I went through all the levels (main dungeon) that I was able to still access and there are no keys left to find. So the key I need is either on the Serpent's Level that I am locked out of or is on some other level that I can't access yet or is the key that is missing from the one level because that square isn't there.

Whatever the case, I can't go any farther.

Thanks for your help but it didn't work.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by Isaac »

wagtunes wrote:I am standing in front of this one door that is essentially keeping me from continuing...
Try this:

Code: Select all

function openDoor() 
	local function trigger(x, y)  
				for obj in entitiesAt(party.level,x,y) do 
					if obj.open then 
	local dX, dY = getForward(party.facing)
	trigger(party.x, party.y) 
	trigger(party.x+dX, party.y+dY) 

Face the door. Paste it into the console, and press Enter.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Isaac wrote:
wagtunes wrote:I am standing in front of this one door that is essentially keeping me from continuing...
Try this:

Code: Select all

function openDoor() 
	local function trigger(x, y)  
				for obj in entitiesAt(party.level,x,y) do 
					if obj.open then 
	local dX, dY = getForward(party.facing)
	trigger(party.x, party.y) 
	trigger(party.x+dX, party.y+dY) 

Face the door. Paste it into the console, and press Enter.
Thanks. Being able to open those doors, I got the answers I was looking for. The Serpent Level consists of 8 levels. I only got to level 6 and only the beginning of it. Leaving and heading back down to the main levels, there is no way back to the Serpent Level where the keys that I need are located.

Now I could just go through the remainder of the game opening all the doors that need to be opened, but there's not a lot of challenge in that. So, what I'm going to do (3rd time's a charm) is start the game over one last time with all the maps printed out and make sure I comb every inch of every level. The first 5 levels plus most of the Serpent Levels will only take me about 9 hours if I start with my current party, which is at level 13. I won't have to worry about combat and can just concentrate on making sure I get every item. Unless there is a bug (I still suspect that one key doesn't exist) I should be able to legitimately get through all the levels.

Big mistake not allowing people to try to get through the Serpent Levels without having to do it straight through. Because if you don't, you can't get back and you're pretty much finished.

Anyway, thanks to your help (I really need to learn this scripting language so I can make my own functions like this) I think I have everything I need to give this one last try.

Thank you again for your help.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by Abrom »

Hey, I just wanted to mention a couple small mistakes. The readme included with Bloodwych is actually the readme for an Eye of the Beholder 1 remake. Other than that, there's a spelling mistake after your party loads into the game, the text that appears says "welcolme". Unfortunately, I only got a couple levels in before my time on this map came to an end. I got to a part where I had a choice of challenges and I was informed that I could not leave the challenge before finishing it. I was using quicksave the whole time, and after entering the Potion Medium challenge, I explored the room and quicksaved again out of habit. It turns out that 2 of the 4 skeletons in this room take almost no damage from my guys. Perhaps they were weak to magic, but I didn't have a magic user in my group. My bad all around.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Absolutely the most infuriating game I've ever played.

I will post the rest of this as a spoiler because I don't want to ruin it for other people but I really hope the designer of Bloodwych will return to this thread and get me through the remainder of this game.
Here's where I am.

1. I've completed Moon, Dragon and Chaos towers and have so far retrieved 2 of the 4 golden figures. I have no clue where the other 2 are. The Chaos tower I had to use the door open function for the last door to remove the pillar or pressure plate. Forget which one. Doesn't matter. I have no idea where that key was supposed to be. I printed out all the maps and marked off whenever I found a key. Supposedly, I found them all but this one was nowhere to be found.

2. I currently have 3 keys. Two, what appear to be Dragon Tower keys and one Swirl Key. No idea what any of them fit.

3. I appear to have all the gems now. No idea what I'm supposed to do with these, if anything.

4. From the Bloodwych maps, it appears I've gone everywhere but Zendik's, I have no idea how to access that area. Don't even know where it is. I'm assuming I access it once I place the 4 figures. Problem is I have no idea where the other 2 figures are. I think once I find them, I'll be able to access Zendik's.

So...where are the other 2 figures? I have been through all of the main tower, moon tower, dragon tower and chaos tower. I have no idea where else to go. in order to access Zendik and finally put an end to this torture. The designer of the original game that this is based on should be boiled in oil. I have never played anything so frustrating in my life.

Any assistance at this point will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Well, I finished this. Had to use 3 cheats to get through it but I did. Ending was infuriating. Supposedly key to last door comes from end boss but either I never found him (cleared out last level) or when I supposedly killed Zendik, he didn't drop any key. So I used open door function to finish this.

Very disappointing end to a really well made game. Maybe in a few months I'll start it from scratch, print out all the maps, make note of where every key is, and try to see if I can get through this cleanly.

Did not find Ancient Apparatus and 3 keys which includes the end boss key.

Anyway, that's it for now. If the designer ever does return to this thread, could he please tell me where I find the Ancient Apparatus.

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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Just wanted to point out that I just tried to get through this without cheating and it can't be done. There is one key that is needed to open the door on Zendik level 2 in the room with the pressure playtes that doesn't exist. I know this for a fact because I hacked the console and did a find key function that Isaac made for me that checks every level of the dungeon. They key isn't anywhere. So there is no way to continue on.

I know the dev ha gone AWOL and probably won't be returning but I just wanted to let him and everybody else know that if you attempt to get through this mod cleanly (without cheating) it can't be done. Of course I welcome anybody to prove me wrong. Unless Isaac's find key function has a bug in it (I highly doubt it) this isn't happening.

I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I am, especially after all the hours I put into playing this mod. In fact, this is my 4th or 5th walk through.

This will probably be the last mod I download.

At least I know the factory default game works.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by Isaac »

wagtunes wrote:Just wanted to point out that I just tried to get through this without cheating and it can't be done. There is one key that is needed to open the door on Zendik level 2 in the room with the pressure playtes that doesn't exist. I know this for a fact because I hacked the console and did a find key function that Isaac made for me that checks every level of the dungeon. They key isn't anywhere. So there is no way to continue on.
I have never played this mod...but it is not the case that all items must exist in a dungeon from the outset. New items can be created at will, at any time the designer wishes it; this is why I mentioned that the objects have to exist on the map in order to be found. The key could be dynamically spawned as the result of in-game actions, or any conditions imaginable... and this is probably the case here.

Some unknown player action likely results in the creation of the key— if a key is even necessary; it could just as easily be that the door gets opened for you, instead of being given a key.
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Re: [MOD] Bloodwych remake - The Rise of Zendik

Post by wagtunes »

Isaac wrote:
wagtunes wrote:Just wanted to point out that I just tried to get through this without cheating and it can't be done. There is one key that is needed to open the door on Zendik level 2 in the room with the pressure playtes that doesn't exist. I know this for a fact because I hacked the console and did a find key function that Isaac made for me that checks every level of the dungeon. They key isn't anywhere. So there is no way to continue on.
I have never played this mod...but it is not the case that all items must exist in a dungeon from the outset. New items can be created at will, at any time the designer wishes it; this is why I mentioned that the objects have to exist on the map in order to be found. The key could be dynamically spawned as the result of in-game actions, or any conditions imaginable... and this is probably the case here.

Some unknown player action likely results in the creation of the key— if a key is even necessary; it could just as easily be that the door gets opened for you, instead of being given a key.
The key doesn't get dropped by any creatures killed. I have cleaned out all the levels up to this point. There is nothing left. The place is a ghost town.

I have clicked on all the buttons, switches and pressure plates on the map that "supposedly" trigger any actions at all. Again, I have all the maps and every secret button and plate is marked. I have left no stoned unturned.

Finally, the key IS necessary.

The sequence of events, according to the map, are as so.

Step 1. Use key to open door to left of main door to be opened. Go into that room and hit the button in that room. This button opens up the gate to the room on the right of the main door.

Step 2. Go into the room where the gate has been opened. Hit the button there and that turns the trap door in front of the main door to be opened into a pressure plate.

Step 3. Step on the pressure plate in front of the main door to open that door.

And that's it.

So the only way to complete the sequence is to FIRST have the key to open the door on the left. The key itself is not generated by any in game actions. There are no in game actions left to do.

I have been playing these games, and this one in particular, long enough to know I am right.

What I want to know is how the developer can make such an oversight? It is very frustrating when you've put so much time into something.

But by all means, if somebody here thinks that they are better at these games than I am and thinks they can crack this without cheating, by all means, have at it. I'll even pay them for the solution, as long as it doesn't involve hacking the console and creating objects or opening doors that way.

Until the dev comes here and tells me otherwise, I'm not wasting anymore of my time on this.
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