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Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:49 am
by SpiderFighter
HaunterV wrote:getting really excited now.
How's it looking, Haunter? How many maps have you received? Any holes in a specific level range you need? I'm going to take a break from my mod and the round robin and just try to get this done. I'm going to keep the first half of the map and scratch the rest, so I can always tweak it to a different level if you want.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:53 pm
by Edsploration
Submissions will be opened with a new CFD thread to be posted very soon (hopefully later today). Stay tuned!
SpiderFighter wrote:How many maps have you received? Any holes in a specific level range you need?
A couple maps have been posted but no formal submissions yet, to my knowledge, because the rules were still shifting. The new CFD thread will have all the rules, asset definitions, etc to know what you have to submit. The biggest change those who have already started may have to make is to replace all your monsters with custom monster assets which allow XP values to be tweaked:

Code: Select all

------------------- CUSTOM MONSTER DEFINITIONS -------------------
--------------------------- (CFD 2012) ---------------------------
-- Please find/replace "my" with your own initials or nickname. --
---------- You may set "xp_scale" to anything you like, ----------
----- just be aware it will be changed later for balancing. ------

xp_scale = 0.6

	name = "my_snail",
	baseObject = "snail",
	exp = 60 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_herder",
	baseObject = "herder",
	exp = 75 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_skeleton_warrior",
	baseObject = "skeleton_warrior",
	exp = 90 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_herder_small",
	baseObject = "herder_small",
	exp = 65 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_crowern",
	baseObject = "crowern",
	exp = 90 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_scavenger",
	baseObject = "scavenger",
	exp = 75 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_skeleton_archer",
	baseObject = "skeleton_archer",
	exp = 90 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_spider",
	baseObject = "spider",
	exp = 175 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_skeleton_patrol",
	baseObject = "skeleton_patrol",
	monsterType = "my_skeleton_warrior",

	name = "my_herder_swarm",
	baseObject = "herder_swarm",
	monsterType = "my_herder_small",

	name = "my_scavenger_swarm",
	baseObject = "scavenger_swarm",
	monsterType = "my_scavenger",

	name = "my_skeleton_archer_patrol",
	baseObject = "skeleton_archer_patrol",
	monsterType = "my_skeleton_archer",

	name = "my_green_slime",
	baseObject = "green_slime",
	exp = 190 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_wyvern",
	baseObject = "wyvern",
	exp = 90 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_herder_big",
	baseObject = "herder_big",
	exp = 95 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_tentacles",
	baseObject = "tentacles",
	exp = 320 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_shrakk_torr",
	baseObject = "shrakk_torr",
	exp = 195 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_crab",
	baseObject = "crab",
	exp = 450 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_uggardian",
	baseObject = "uggardian",
	exp = 500 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_ogre",
	baseObject = "ogre",
	exp = 750 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_ice_lizard",
	baseObject = "ice_lizard",
	exp = 675 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_warden",
	baseObject = "warden",
	exp = 750 * xp_scale,

	name = "my_goromorg",
	baseObject = "goromorg",
	exp = 1000 * xp_scale,
As for holes in any specific level range... don't worry, they're all open. Just pick one tier = party level = SL and go. Every tier can have multiple submissions. Just don't expect the party to level up part way through your dungeon. The XP curve will be balanced so the party level approximately matches the tier #.

The coming CFD thread will make clear what tiers are being worked on and by who. It would be good to have some overlap where multiple people are designing in the same tier, however.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:00 pm
by HaunterV
This is it everyone, we are in the end game! get your submissions ready!

Beta in a few weeks. We still hope to get out an x-mas gift version.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:50 pm
by HaunterV
we are now accepting the submissions!

Go here to submit! viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4276

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:04 am
by Daniv
Will there be a restriction on which wall sets can be used? I'm thinking about the MB limit on Steam, which could cause problems if people add a lot of custom assets to their levels, and the MB used in wall sets can soon add up.
I've been playing around making a maze level in the editor, using my Northern Dungeon wall set, and I was thinking I might submit it to the FrankenDungeon. I'd like to keep the custom wall set, but if it's a problem I can always remake it with one of the original LoG wall sets.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:46 am
by Edsploration
We haven't talked about putting any restrictions in place on file size, but you're right, this could become a real concern. I'm inclined to play it by ear at least for now because I really don't want to tell people what they can and can't do. I looked up your wallset and it's quite pretty!

Do you have an estimate on how large your dungeon floor would be? If we have say 20 submissions that means the average has to be under 5 MB per dungeon. Dungeons with custom wallsets could be a little larger...

Well the worst case scenario is the CFD will have to be split into a part 1 and part 2 for the steam workshop version, which can be done without much trouble. Save files can be transferred between each part. I think this is better than cutting out awesome community-made content.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:54 am
by Daniv
I just exported my level as a .dat file and it comes in at 29.3 MB, which is a bit of a heavyweight, especially for a single level - and that's just the basic layout.
Unless anyone else intends to use the Northern Dungeon wall set, I think it would be more sensible for me to change it and make space for other people's custom content.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:18 am
by Komag
It's SUCH a nice set, I think in this case it makes sense to use it and at least one other person should use it too!

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:57 am
by Edsploration
If the dungeon is large, it's large. If this wall set puts it over so easily, we're probably going to go over anyway from the myriad of other content this community is generating. So don't worry about it. We'll publish on steam in parts with links to nexus's all-in-one version. If this project does get that many people and custom assets involved I think we can put up with the consequences. It would happen with a dungeon that large and complicated anyway.

Feel free to post in the main CFD submission thread and report the tier you're designing for when you're ready so I can add you to the Current Status Overview table.

Re: Community FrankenDungeon 2012: Discussion thread

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:41 pm
by HaunterV
personally if it can only be hosted by nexus, w/e.

We can do a teaser or chop the final product up into thirds and release them on steam that way if we have to.

Edit; Ed thinks of everything.

remember if you want to absolutely pack your sumbmission with stuff, you need to adjust the xp rewards accordingly. I made a 1 floor dungeon that probably if played through fully will level a party 1-4 no problem, especially with the rooms of infinite spawners. Now I know more i can make the whole thing be worth nothing!