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Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:49 am
by Phitt
Just a little update, sorry for not getting back to any of the volunteers so far. But I decided to implement all items/monsters etc and play test the dungeon thoroughly before I send out a beta that is only for testing puzzles or implementing the notes. The good news is that I've implemented everything and that I'm almost done with my first playthrough. It's nice that you don't have to start over after adjusting monster stats, would be a pain to play from level 1 only to test monsters on level 3 properly (or setting up a fake leveling/item script each time to give the party the average stats/items it would have on level 3). After I'm done I'll play through it once more to make sure everything is really balanced and works as it should. Then I'll hand it over to the beta testers and the Angel of Wrath (cool card, I have it in my collection btw).
In the modeling department I only need one final object for the boss battle, but I need fbx support for that one.
I'll be gone over the weekend, but if everything works out well (and if I get fbx support

) I should be able to release this in early December.
Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:16 am
by Komag
I'm genuinely excited about this one, so cool!!
Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:35 am
by Skuggasveinn
When you say fbx support I take it you missed this thread.
its not perfect, its alpha, but wallasaurus did a really nice job bringing it this close.
I have been using these scripts to import and export model and animations into max, it sometimes (well almost always) loses the connection from mesh to rig and you need to sign the bone structure all over again (as you know that takes time) but as far as making a fbx model into Grimrock model (static ones like the Impaled Skeletons) you are golden.

I edited the startup gui of max and have a simple dropdown to execute this, really nice.
With work you can get simple animations into the game.
You should look into this.
Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:51 am
by akroma222
The Angel of Wrath eagerly awaits

Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:20 pm
by HaunterV
where are we on this?
Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:13 pm
by Phitt
@Skuggasveinn: Will give it a try, thanks!
HaunterV wrote:where are we on this?
Really close. Beta testers already have the mod with only the boss fight and the intro missing. I've scripted the boss fight by now though, only need one more (slightly complicated, since it needs to be animated) model and a few sound effects. I don't have to work from Monday to Wednesday and I hope to finish the mod in that time. So if everything works out like I hope the dungeon and tileset should be available on Wednesday or even on Tuesday.
Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:19 pm
by FrEEsiD

Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:26 pm
by Xanathar
I have to buy all Christmas presents now, because after wednesday I will be very busy!!!

Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:23 pm
by Komag
Ooo, exciting news! Lock your doors and turn off your phone so the world can't interrupt you those days!
Re: [WIP] Mine Tileset
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:26 am
by Rook
Wonderful work so far!
Is there any guides on making tilesets for Grimrock? I'm interested in making my own.