The One Room Round Robin 2 [PATCH 3b + SOURCES released]

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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by Diarmuid »

TSotP wrote:Thanks for the feedback minmay.
I know my room is kinda basic. But I had no experience at all making dungeons or scripting. Truth be told, I had been playing about with the Dungeon Editor and wondering how far a fall you could survive. I then noticed there were still some spaces available in the ORRR2, so I spruced up my pit. Handed out a few weapons and submitted it. The Ogre is mostly there to give you a fright. But I made access to the pit so it was more fair and less cheap.
True I forgot to say also that this is a "community" project, not a "the best modders of the forum" project. Some people have dozen skills in modeling, scripting, animation, design, dialogue writing and what not, others on board where just starting out with their first modding projects. So the end product reflects that. And I really like the fact that you get a change of pace, some very quick and simple rooms, others involved. If really we had 22 rooms like Xanathar's or Isaac's, honestly I feel it would be too much stuff packed together and the overall gameplay wouldn't feel so balanced.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by msyblade »

The cube wrote:Already stuck, in aaneton's room.
I have 5 gems, a red, a yellow and a deep blue one, and two light blue ones, but i have no idea what is the correct order. can someone help me out?

I know i must get the daemon head to shoot at the receptor at the end of the aisle.
Ask again in this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6452 :D
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by SpiderFighter »

Diarmuid wrote:
TSotP wrote:Thanks for the feedback minmay.
I know my room is kinda basic. But I had no experience at all making dungeons or scripting. Truth be told, I had been playing about with the Dungeon Editor and wondering how far a fall you could survive. I then noticed there were still some spaces available in the ORRR2, so I spruced up my pit. Handed out a few weapons and submitted it. The Ogre is mostly there to give you a fright. But I made access to the pit so it was more fair and less cheap.
True I forgot to say also that this is a "community" project, not a "the best modders of the forum" project. Some people have dozen skills in modeling, scripting, animation, design, dialogue writing and what not, others on board where just starting out with their first modding projects. So the end product reflects that. And I really like the fact that you get a change of pace, some very quick and simple rooms, others involved. If really we had 22 rooms like Xanathar's or Isaac's, honestly I feel it would be too much stuff packed together and the overall gameplay wouldn't feel so balanced.
Totally agree with this statement. One of my favorite rooms in the ORRR2 is Billick's, because of where it comes in the game, the joy in its simplicity, and the satisfaction in carrying it out. I love the puzzles that make me think, but sometimes, I just wanna trash things. :D
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by Dr.Disaster »

JohnWordsworth wrote:Talking about statistics, it would be cool if you've played through and finished the mod if you could post a few statistics about your run. Things such as 'Time Played' and 'Secrets Found' are always particularly interesting to hear!
My stats from the original release with the LoG default party.
All characters are well into lvl 15, some even close to 16, front-row is all swords+armor, back-row throwing and air+fire+spellcraft
The very last secret was not possible to reach in the original release due to a puzzle reset error thus Xan gave me a little help.
I saved room comments/rankings because it's hard to tell without spoiling them.
Last edited by Dr.Disaster on Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by Dr.Disaster »

err .. guys .. something seems wrong with the monster spawn routine in advanced Arena battles. They tend to spawn into each other now and then. Worst case yet are those 3 pics i took from a single(!) spawn: ... =245406593 ... =245406514 ... =245406448

EDIT: in addition when i manage to kill one group of such a stacked pack sometimes an adjacent group can walk into the remaining group, creating another stacked square! I noted it first at about 45 wins.
Last edited by Dr.Disaster on Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:53 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by Diarmuid »

Dr.Disaster wrote:err .. guys .. something seems wrong with the monster spawn routine in advanced Arena battles. They tend to spawn into each other now and then. Worst case yet are those 3 pics i took from a single(!) spawn: ... =245406593 ... =245406514 ... =245406448
Well that's new... !? I'll check the code, it never happened before. And can you put your pics above in a spoiler? ;)
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by minmay »

Um...I can still keep the dagger from disintegrating in the newest patch, by dropping or throwing it before it disintegrates.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by Diarmuid »

minmay wrote:Um...I can still keep the dagger from disintegrating in the newest patch, by dropping or throwing it before it disintegrates.
Yeah, aaneton just noted that as well. On the to-do list.

EDIT: Dr.Disaster, that's weird... I'll do some tests tonight. Oh and I was talking about the screenshot of achievements, as some people don't know the full list yet!
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by minmay »

Found a serialization error:
Saving in jKos' room after giving the ogre the key, but before it opened the gate, gave me:

Code: Select all

timers: cannot serialize function with upvalues
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue'
	[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveState'
	[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'saveGame'
	[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'quickSave'
	[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'keyPressed'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'pollEvents'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
Reproducing it is tricky, even rapid-fire saving only worked some of the time. But it's pretty easy to find upvalues anyway.
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*

Post by Isaac »

minmay wrote:#3. Isaac's room, "The Foundry" ....
and the ghosts are cool...
I liked the skeleton ghosts very much, but they were [one of two] last minute replacements in my room, for two custom monsters that had problems (the undead blacksmiths from the foundry; and the other one from the tomb); I didn't make the white skeleton ghosts, those were from PandaFox.

I did do that really big ghost in the room though. ;)
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