What would you like to see added?

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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

There should be an option to display the current frames per second somewhere on the screen.
Why? So how I find out how much my new video card has improved the game!
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Darklord »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:There should be an option to display the current frames per second somewhere on the screen.
Why? So how I find out how much my new video card has improved the game!
You could use Fraps to do this.

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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Isaac »

Merethif wrote:- Dungeon that player start with one character only and have to rescue and recruit pre-made NPC on relatively early levels (3-6).
This would be nice; I actually expected to encounter some NPC's lost in the maze, when I first began to play.
Zo Kath Ra wrote:There should be an option to display the current frames per second somewhere on the screen.
Why? So how I find out how much my new video card has improved the game!
I'd be shocked if that wasn't a console command; but I haven't enabled it [the console] myself.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Graouuu »

I would like :
- more different weapons, spells (stat buff, weapon buff, vision, dispel magic, ...) and monsters, as everyone.
- some kind of rune based upgradable weapons
- spell power based on a rune of power, not the level of the caster.
- sleeping doesn't have to allow life and stamina bars to replenish so quickly. instead, you could have players use more spells or potions. But actually there really aren't ingredients enough to rely on potions. there are so few reagents that I practically never use potions. It's a shame I think. either you place more reagents in the dungeon either you allow basic potions to be made with a spell, without reagent.
- no more classes, but skills that increase with practice like in dungeon master. I don't like much the idea you can't use a good weapon just because you didn't invested skill points in its type. I find it especially frustrating since there are so few different weapons of each type.
If you prefer skill based systems, I prefer then that you allow access to all skills to every character, whatever their class. Perhaps the difficulty should be increased a little more to balance more versatile characters.
- an access to a small bag beside each portrait, where potions could be placed and used (ie. without having to open the entire inventory). it's inconvenient as it is now.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Kwibus »

Most of all I would like more groups like the Skeletons.
In DM only a few mobs could have max 1 creature on a tile, while most could be with 4 on a tile.
If for example a screamer was on the left side of a tile a mummy could join that same tile on the right side.

Imagine fighting 4 small herders or 4 crowerns. Or even better 4 Shrakk Torr! I mean Shrakk Torr are an annoying fast mob, but they die almost instantly so them being fast isn't much of a problem really. Unless it were 4 of them...
More units on a tile will make mages more important as well.

I hope they don't change the game mechanics as they are good right now. I'd prefer an harder mode then hard though. The puzzles were awesome, great fantastic, but the fights were rarely too challenging.. for me. I know lots of people have problems with it, but thank god there is easy mode for those people. I get the feeling there are quite a few more people than me that didn't have too much trouble with the fights.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Thels »

Going through on hard, and so far don't have a lot of trouble. Though I'm regretting the hard choice, as the combat doesn't really appeal much to me anyhow, so I would've rather blazed through on easy mode.
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