is this an update to your previous pack or a second pack from you?crisman wrote:Hey there
I will uploading in the next minutes a new lock and key, a new retextured scavenger, and the icons of my tomes, now with a glitter effect
Hope you like them
link for the screenshots: - I hope you can view them! - ... E98%215481
Cannot post the screenshots directly, since I've enabled the nvidia optimus steam is not able to take screenshots from the editor anymore
EDIT: files uploaded, be sure to download icons.rar as it contains all the icons I made! If there are problems let me know!
Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 24/01/13]
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 13/11/12]
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 13/11/12]
Yes, it's more like an update rather than a new pack.HaunterV wrote:is this an update to your previous pack or a second pack from you?crisman wrote:Hey there
I will uploading in the next minutes a new lock and key, a new retextured scavenger, and the icons of my tomes, now with a glitter effect
Hope you like them
link for the screenshots: - I hope you can view them! - ... E98%215481
Cannot post the screenshots directly, since I've enabled the nvidia optimus steam is not able to take screenshots from the editor anymore
EDIT: files uploaded, be sure to download icons.rar as it contains all the icons I made! If there are problems let me know!
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 16/11/12]
Here is a weapon that make dual wielding possible. When used as a secondary weapon, it has low power but it is very fast so you can attack with your main weapon almost right after. It is intended for moderate characters level. I suggest to do one "Off-hand" weapon of each type (mace, swords, dagger, axes) but no more. Don't raise the power of the weapon, it can ruin the game balance so I suggest never going higher than 5.
Code: Select all
name = "off_hand_dagger",
class = "Item",
uiName = "Off-hand Dagger",
model = "assets/models/items/dagger.fbx",
description = "This light dagger is ideal to dual weild",
gfxIndex = 10,
attackPower = 5,
accuracy = 0,
coolDownTime = 0.8,
attackMethod = "meleeAttack",
attackSwipe = "vertical",
attackSound = "swipe_light",
impactSound = "impact_blade",
evasion = 5,
weight = 0.8,
shield = true,
The Lurker
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 16/11/12]
J. Trudel wrote:Here is a weapon that make dual wielding possible. When used as a secondary weapon, it has low power but it is very fast so you can attack with your main weapon almost right after. It is intended for moderate characters level. I suggest to do one "Off-hand" weapon of each type (mace, swords, dagger, axes) but no more. Don't raise the power of the weapon, it can ruin the game balance so I suggest never going higher than 5.
SpoilerShowCode: Select all
defineObject{ name = "off_hand_dagger", class = "Item", uiName = "Off-hand Dagger", model = "assets/models/items/dagger.fbx", description = "This light dagger is ideal to dual weild", gfxIndex = 10, attackPower = 5, accuracy = 0, coolDownTime = 0.8, attackMethod = "meleeAttack", attackSwipe = "vertical", attackSound = "swipe_light", impactSound = "impact_blade", evasion = 5, weight = 0.8, shield = true, }
so, i havent tried it in game yet so I am still curious; are you saying you can attack with this wepon and your main wepon before coming off going into cooldown?
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 16/11/12]
Yes, this weapon fast cooldown let you attack with your other weapon right after. Your main weapon will of course do the most damage over time, but using them in sequence let you deal a bit more damage. The cost in fatigue is high for this style of fighting, but the off hand weapon will also give you a nice evasion bonus. You could also abuse it's speed for a quick furry but it's low power make it less effective than using it with your main weapon.HaunterV wrote:
so, i havent tried it in game yet so I am still curious; are you saying you can attack with this wepon and your main wepon before coming off going into cooldown?
Edit : In-game : right after you attack with your off hand try attacking with your main hand while you are still into cooldown. It require a bit of timing but the effect is very good.
The Lurker
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 16/11/12]
Id be happy for my Returning Axe and Spell Pack included in the CAP.
links are in my signature:
links are in my signature:
Puzzle Frameworks -
Magic Pack -
Area of Effect Spell System - ... 150#p44382
Magic Pack -
Area of Effect Spell System - ... 150#p44382
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 16/11/12]
I would appreaciate if those links had images. I like to know what i am downloading, for example how the creature looks before i download it.
Runebooks: for Legend of Grimrock 2
Runebooks and books: for Legend of Grimrock 1
Runebooks and books: for Legend of Grimrock 1
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 16/11/12]
most of the nexus links have picks if you click to them dont they?Mutman wrote:I would appreaciate if those links had images. I like to know what i am downloading, for example how the creature looks before i download it.
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.):
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!:
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 19/11/12]
Yes they have, but some of the links doesn't hae links to nexus and are just for download 

Runebooks: for Legend of Grimrock 2
Runebooks and books: for Legend of Grimrock 1
Runebooks and books: for Legend of Grimrock 1
Re: Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.) [Updated: 19/11/12]
That's fairly understandable. Danivs wallsets and my decorations have no images accompanying them.
Speaking for myself, the decorations on my drop box links are there for the public to be able to use them before I get enough to put into a pack and send to the Nexus.
Speaking for myself, the decorations on my drop box links are there for the public to be able to use them before I get enough to put into a pack and send to the Nexus.
"I'm okay with being referred to as a goddess."
Community Model Request Thread
See what I'm working on right now: Neikun's Workshop
Lead Coordinator for Legends of the Northern Realms Project
Community Model Request Thread
See what I'm working on right now: Neikun's Workshop
Lead Coordinator for Legends of the Northern Realms Project
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