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Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:24 am
by pawelpoz
Awesome work!

Humans in LOG, finaly!

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:45 am
by Grimfan
Finally, an actual reason to use furniture like beds and tables in the game. This is probably the biggest thing to happen in LoG as far as monsters go yet. Can't wait for the human swordsman to be ready!
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:45 am
by Leki
Well - Human soldiers, armed with various weapons, will be ready in few days.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:14 am
by Komag
These are probably going to be used a lot in future mods, an investment that will be well worth your efforts

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:47 am
by Grimfan
I second Komag's notion.
After reading Petri's comments a few days ago I don't think LoG2 will have human enemies (I may be wrong), which leaves these as a resource that can be switched over with a bit of work to the new game. Also it sounds like they are doing something interesting with their AI. I wonder whether they are following you and Xanathar's move and going with some AI switching behavior?
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:15 am
by Leki
Grimfan wrote: Also it sounds like they are doing something interesting with their AI. I wonder whether they are following you and Xanathar's move and going with some AI switching behavior?
I hope they will - they are going to use "components" in LoG 2 - and I designed AI switcher in the similar way. AI component activates on event or situation. My first idea was to give this sugestion to AH, but later I came to the conclusion, that they are smart enogh to do it by them selfs
So I focused to find possibilities how to get this functionality into LoG 1 
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:54 pm
by Leki
Human Footman - Sword: First look
Early test of monster walking. It's still WIP - animation and textures as well. This one is armed with sword without shield, but I will make combination of footman armed by various weapons with/without shield.
Video: Human Footman - Sword (WIP)
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:22 pm
by Komag
nice, coming along very well!
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:49 pm
by flatline
Just had a thought, watching those soldiers:
With the AISwitcher, you could create 4 soldiers as a single creature model with different weapons. Two archers in the back, two Swordsmen in front. The AIswitcher could make them both fire arrows and attack in close combat. Or why not a hostile party with 1 Warrior with Axe, 1 Rogue with poisoned attacks in front, 1 Archer and 1 mage in the back, firing both spells and arrows? Could be done, right? Even different death states letting you "kill" each one would be doable, although not as a true monster group, but rather several different monsters that instantly spawn when a certain HP has been lost of the original 4-man monster. Anyone with more time on their hands than me would have my complete and utter admiration if they did this

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Bowman)
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:14 am
by Leki
Well, I am not alone in this madness
But honestly - I already did tests in this way but the result is that there is a lot of work without noticable benefit. Its fun to see swordsman and axeman on one cell, but that's all. On the other hand one human has about 15 deformation nodes x 4 = 60 nodes... Walking is about 60 frames, turn about 20 and you need 2, attack about 40 and you need them 1xfor4 + 4x for3, 6x for 2 4x for 1 attacker, + hits, + strafing etc...
Each frame you have to manipulate with 60 nodes... Before that you need 4 polished models, then skin them, then texture them - after that you export model of party - then export 3 more models for 1st death, for 2nd death you need 6 I guess and for last dead you need 4 more (standart monster) models. And for script... It will be long script with "killing manager" of enemies in dependence from which side you attack (form exampIe you wanna kill mage 1st, so you vbackstab etc)...
I guess you see the point 
Maybe AH will support mixed monster groups in LoG2, but atm I am thinking about multi-cell monsters rather than fake mixed monster parties