The One Room Round Robin 2 [PATCH 3b + SOURCES released]
Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
I was actually talking about the ghosts *other* than the skeleton ghosts - the ones that disappear after a second.
Grimrock 1 dungeon
Grimrock 2 resources
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Grimrock 2 resources
I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
First of all, thanks for the feedback, it's always nice to hear what others think about your creations. And also, I checked my code and found the reason of this serialization error. For Diarmuid:minmay wrote:Found a serialization error:Reproducing it is tricky, even rapid-fire saving only worked some of the time. But it's pretty easy to find upvalues anyway.SpoilerShowSaving in jKos' room after giving the ogre the key, but before it opened the gate, gave me:Code: Select all
timers: cannot serialize function with upvalues stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' [string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue' [string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue' [string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue' [string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue' [string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue' [string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveState' [string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'saveGame' [string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'quickSave' [string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'keyPressed' [string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'pollEvents' [string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display' [string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
if you want to fix this, it's pretty minor because you have to save at exact same second when the ogre steps to the tile where the key is. But anyway here is the fixed eatFlesh function to the
jkos_init-script (last function on that script)
I just added the line
local key = findEntity('jkos_prison_key')
before this line:
key = grimq.respawnItem(key,nil,key.x,key.y,key.facing,
jkos_init-script (last function on that script)
Code: Select all
function eatFlesh()
jkos_init.urughaSay('Ah, more meat in cage. Too fresh, but it will rot soon. Urugha waits.')
local keyTimer = timers:create('key_tracker')
local key = findEntity('jkos_prison_key')
local ogre = findEntity('jkos_ogre_1')
if key and ogre and key.x == ogre.x and key.y == ogre.y then
jkos_init.urughaSay("RRRAAGH! Humans stole Urugha's key. Urugha kills humans now!",'ogre_rush_begin')
local key = findEntity('jkos_prison_key')
key = grimq.respawnItem(key,nil,key.x,key.y,key.facing,
local key = findEntity('jkos_prison_key')
before this line:
key = grimq.respawnItem(key,nil,key.x,key.y,key.facing,
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
Ah fantastic, thanks minmay for catching it and jKos for the quick update. Of course I'll fix it, I think we adressed most important issues already in the first 2 patches, and I'll take the time to add any little fixes like that and prepare a patch 3 somewhere next week, maybe wednesday, along with the sources, as they will be more or less final now.
EDIT: I did the goromorg ghost retexture because Isaac was running out of time/space to do his own modeled ghost. But the scripting is his. By the way, I didn't tell this otherwise, but I also designed and built the central hub, the arena, the vault, the condemned areas, the lightning elemenatals room and the endgame/hall of ages complex, so if you have any feedback on these it would be also welcome!
EDIT: I did the goromorg ghost retexture because Isaac was running out of time/space to do his own modeled ghost. But the scripting is his. By the way, I didn't tell this otherwise, but I also designed and built the central hub, the arena, the vault, the condemned areas, the lightning elemenatals room and the endgame/hall of ages complex, so if you have any feedback on these it would be also welcome!
Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
SpiderFighter wrote:Totally agree with this statement. One of my favorite rooms in the ORRR2 is Billick's, because of where it comes in the game, the joy in its simplicity, and the satisfaction in carrying it out. I love the puzzles that make me think, but sometimes, I just wanna trash things.Diarmuid wrote:True I forgot to say also that this is a "community" project, not a "the best modders of the forum" project. Some people have dozen skills in modeling, scripting, animation, design, dialogue writing and what not, others on board where just starting out with their first modding projects. So the end product reflects that. And I really like the fact that you get a change of pace, some very quick and simple rooms, others involved. If really we had 22 rooms like Xanathar's or Isaac's, honestly I feel it would be too much stuff packed together and the overall gameplay wouldn't feel so balanced.TSotP wrote:Thanks for the feedback minmay.SpoilerShowI know my room is kinda basic. But I had no experience at all making dungeons or scripting. Truth be told, I had been playing about with the Dungeon Editor and wondering how far a fall you could survive. I then noticed there were still some spaces available in the ORRR2, so I spruced up my pit. Handed out a few weapons and submitted it. The Ogre is mostly there to give you a fright. But I made access to the pit so it was more fair and less cheap.
Well said - am currently reviewing all rooms and have a similar dilemma: in such a communal project as a whole it can feel very uneven.
Firstly, let's not forget the main chamber, the key quest and even the condemned areas for adding a sense of narrative to the piece. For me, each room should be thought of as a little unique experience that requires thought, bravery, wonder or determination - as such am looking into how each works on different levels: Billick's room is a great example of a solid game design but other room's are sparklier. Comparing apples to oranges is an issue.
Ultimately there will be different stand-out moments of this quest that people will recall after it has ended, but also there are several rooms that cannot be completed 100% on the first go too, so the appeal is wide.
And that's me on this fence then,

Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
minmay wrote:Coincidentally, I had just been working on ranking all the rooms in ascending order of how much I liked them! With feedback about each one, of course.
Here you go. Massive spoilers, obviously. Nothing is intended personally, and I apologize for the atrocious formatting:
edit: I think I should emphasize not to take it as an affront if I ranked your room really low. No matter which order I rank them in, one room HAS to be #22, and one room HAS to be #21. I could've only picked my 10 most favourite or something, of course; this way was just more fun.
Thanks for the feedback! Appreciate the comments and glad you are still wondering about the logic.

Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
By the way, repositioning the key on the statue pidestal was on the to-do list, I just didn't get to it in patch 2 as it was amongst the "minor" issues. It will be fixed in patch 3.boyflea wrote:minmay wrote:Coincidentally, I had just been working on ranking all the rooms in ascending order of how much I liked them! With feedback about each one, of course.
Here you go. Massive spoilers, obviously. Nothing is intended personally, and I apologize for the atrocious formatting:
edit: I think I should emphasize not to take it as an affront if I ranked your room really low. No matter which order I rank them in, one room HAS to be #22, and one room HAS to be #21. I could've only picked my 10 most favourite or something, of course; this way was just more fun.
Thanks for the feedback! Appreciate the comments and glad you are still wondering about the logic.Fair point on the key, one of those things happened during design - it suddenly felt such an incidental item, which is perhaps a mistake.
Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
I thought you did mention that...and sure, why not:Diarmuid wrote:By the way, I didn't tell this otherwise, but I also designed and built the central hub, the arena, the vault, the condemned areas, the lightning elemenatals room and the endgame/hall of ages complex, so if you have any feedback on these it would be also welcome!
Central hub: Nicely laid out, a bit confusing sometimes but that was probably unavoidable. The area with the pits, where you can see the levels above/below, is very cool. The riddle of fire and the tourmaline key are disappointingly easy, though...
The Arena: Very good concept and implementation, I would have appreciated it not creating hundreds upon hundreds of items though. Perhaps the monsters here shouldn't drop items, and maybe the rewards altar shouldn't give you more than 4 of any one piece of wearable equipment (what am I supposed to do with 20 helmets of valor). I'd also suggest that the arena should be larger, since as soon as it starts generating more than 17 monsters (which happens before even getting 50 wins) it has to put them on top of each other and that's pretty awkward.
The Vault: The riddles are great...but when you tell me exactly which room the item is from, it takes an awful lot of the challenge out of it.
Condemned area: This part just feels like a "normal" Grimrock mod, not much stands out and there's not much to say about it. I do like how you can gradually access more and more of it as you ascend, though.
Elemental Shrine: The light elementals' particle system is pretty good (until you freeze them and they display the wyvern model) as is the puzzle to get rid of them. The splitting is cool, even if it doesn't really mean anything in practice. I appreciate you putting Venom Edge in the corner for parties without a lot of spells.
Master Warden area: The boss does a lot of cool things, but it's over so fast! I wish it were harder to kill. Never figured out what the red "teleporters" actually do (except for the one that actually teleports you, obviously).
Hall of Ages: The gem of ages puzzle is fantastic. Reaching the pedestal is disappointingly easy though; a note - in the room itself even - tells you to go clockwise, so you do, and then you've solved it. I expected more difficulty from the last puzzle in the game!
The Arena: Very good concept and implementation, I would have appreciated it not creating hundreds upon hundreds of items though. Perhaps the monsters here shouldn't drop items, and maybe the rewards altar shouldn't give you more than 4 of any one piece of wearable equipment (what am I supposed to do with 20 helmets of valor). I'd also suggest that the arena should be larger, since as soon as it starts generating more than 17 monsters (which happens before even getting 50 wins) it has to put them on top of each other and that's pretty awkward.
The Vault: The riddles are great...but when you tell me exactly which room the item is from, it takes an awful lot of the challenge out of it.
Condemned area: This part just feels like a "normal" Grimrock mod, not much stands out and there's not much to say about it. I do like how you can gradually access more and more of it as you ascend, though.
Elemental Shrine: The light elementals' particle system is pretty good (until you freeze them and they display the wyvern model) as is the puzzle to get rid of them. The splitting is cool, even if it doesn't really mean anything in practice. I appreciate you putting Venom Edge in the corner for parties without a lot of spells.
Master Warden area: The boss does a lot of cool things, but it's over so fast! I wish it were harder to kill. Never figured out what the red "teleporters" actually do (except for the one that actually teleports you, obviously).
Hall of Ages: The gem of ages puzzle is fantastic. Reaching the pedestal is disappointingly easy though; a note - in the room itself even - tells you to go clockwise, so you do, and then you've solved it. I expected more difficulty from the last puzzle in the game!

Grimrock 1 dungeon
Grimrock 2 resources
I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
Grimrock 2 resources
I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
You survived 104 arena runs with Toorum? Damn. The arena should be more difficult. And I'm working on getting the overspawn fixed.
Arena: True, there could be a limit on the wearable types.
Elementals: The splitting is there to surprise you the first time, and also elementals can split each other, so if you dance around two of them things can get absurdly fun quick. Yeah, I know about the frozen wyvern...
Boss: Red teleporters are spinners for the fireballs around. Not much use if you shut down the daemons of course, but not everyone will have gotten to the hall of ages first. Yeah, the hall puzzle could be a bit harder eventually, maybe with timers that flip pits and teleporters around... It wasn't designed to be very hard in the first place.
Elementals: The splitting is there to surprise you the first time, and also elementals can split each other, so if you dance around two of them things can get absurdly fun quick. Yeah, I know about the frozen wyvern...
Boss: Red teleporters are spinners for the fireballs around. Not much use if you shut down the daemons of course, but not everyone will have gotten to the hall of ages first. Yeah, the hall puzzle could be a bit harder eventually, maybe with timers that flip pits and teleporters around... It wasn't designed to be very hard in the first place.
Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
@minmay: I don't even know how to start commenting the fact that I made #1
really happy you liked the room so much.

However I have a confession to make
Probably you haven't played it, but also in my room - due to time constraint and lack of better ideas - I recycled some of the concepts from my mod
So the glasses concept is in my mod but with a different concept/result, and the wild magic thing too (albeit with a different wild surge table, plus there it's implemented as a class and not an item). The rest of course is new for this
Re: grammar mistakes... sorry, but I'm not a native English speaker, so it's difficult to even notice grammar errors (the same counts for most other authors with grammar mistakes there

Probably you haven't played it, but also in my room - due to time constraint and lack of better ideas - I recycled some of the concepts from my mod

So the glasses concept is in my mod but with a different concept/result, and the wild magic thing too (albeit with a different wild surge table, plus there it's implemented as a class and not an item). The rest of course is new for this

Re: grammar mistakes... sorry, but I'm not a native English speaker, so it's difficult to even notice grammar errors (the same counts for most other authors with grammar mistakes there

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- SpiderFighter
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Re: The One Room Round Robin 2 [Release] *PATCH 2*
The word is starting to get out there! In addition to Komag's really fun Let's Play series on YouTube, MrMarbod has started one as well!