Slicyr wrote:Would be cool to have something like a sarcophagus that acts like a secret door, but instead of going up or down, it moves back one square. openingDirection doesn't seem to accept anything other than "up" and "down". Anyone know how to accomplish this?
This can be done with an object that has the Sarcophagus as a model component and a door component that moves an invisible model (up and down

). The invisible door component will simply acts as a blocker, preventing the player to move through it if the door is closed, and the model component of the sarcophagus will be the visuals for the door and has no collision in the game world.
If you want a very simple animation for the sarcophagus like moving it backwards one tile then that can probably be done with a script that changes its offset every frame until its in place, scripting is not my strong suit

,(so here is hoping someone will jump in with a good model offset move example)
I always go with option B , creating an animation for the model using Blender and then set the object up with several classes that work together, the advantage of doing it with an animation is that you can have subtle movements of different parts within the model. (door knob movement like the door that comes with the winter tileset)
a door like this (from log1 but the same principle applies)
Has a code that looks something like this (I added descriptions to try to explain what's going on)
Code: Select all
name = "urban_town_door_wooden",
components = {
-- This is the model of the door that has the animation
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/models/sx_house01_door.fbx",
-- This is the invisible model that acts as a blocker/unblocker depending on the door state
-- that model has one node that's called "gate"
class = "Model",
name = "door_logic",
model = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/models/sx_blocker.fbx", -- sx_blocker.fbx is a door model that is invisible
-- Here I define the 2 animations that I created, one that swings the door open, and another that closes it
class = "Animation",
currentLevelOnly = true,
animations = {
opendoor = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/animations/sx_urban_door_open.fbx",
closedoor = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/animations/sx_urban_door_close.fbx",
-- I also create animation events so that I can disable and enable both the controller
-- and the clickable component the reason for this is that I don't want the player to
-- be able to change the state during an animation event.
-- so if you click the door is starts to open, and will not be clickable again until the open animation has finished.
onAnimationEvent = function(self, event)
if event == "dooropening" then
elseif event == "doorclosing" then
elseif event == "doorisclosed" then
elseif event == "doorisopen" then
-- this is the door class itself, I have created sounds that are silent so the "fake" door
-- will not play the default stone sliding sound when opening and closing
class = "Door",
sparse = false,
killPillars = false,
openVelocity = 10, -- change this to match the length of the animation, so the player can not pass if the door is not fully open
closeVelocity = 0,
closeAcceleration = -10, -- I just slam the door shut right away
openSound = "sx_silent",
closeSound = "sx_silent",
lockSound = "sx_silent"
-- this allows the player to click on the door to trigger the opening of it
class = "Clickable",
maxDistance = 0,
-- offset vector is the point where the clickable box begins
offset = vec(0,1.3,0),
-- size is the size of our clickable box
size = vec(2.0,2.0,0.3),
--debugDraw = true,
onClick = function(self)
if self.go.door:isClosed() then
-- if its possible to place objects on the floor around the door so they will go into
-- the model you need ItemConstrainBoxes to prevent item placement in those areas.
class = "ItemConstrainBox",
name = "cbox1",
size = vec(0.8, 3, 0.7),
offset = vec(-1.3, 1.5, 0),
--debugDraw = true,
class = "ItemConstrainBox",
name = "cbox2",
size = vec(0.8, 3, 0.7),
offset = vec(1.3, 1.5, 0),
--debugDraw = true,
class = "Controller",
onOpen = function(self)
self.go.door:open() -- this opens the invisible door, so the player can pass.
playSound("sx_door") --The sound to play when the door opens
self.go.animation:play("opendoor") -- here I play the animation of the visual door, swining it open
onClose = function(self)
self.go.door:close() -- here we close the invisible door so the player can't pass
playSound("sx_door") --The sound to play when the door closes
self.go.animation:play("closedoor") -- here I play the animation of the visual door, swining it close
onToggle = function(self)
if self.go.door:isClosed() then
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 16,
automapIcon = 84,
tags = { "sx_doors" },
-- here we create an event called dooropening that starts on frame 1 of the opening animation
animation = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/animations/sx_urban_door_open.fbx",
event = "dooropening",
frame = 1,
-- here on frame 44 the door has come to a stop, creating the event doorisopen
animation = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/animations/sx_urban_door_open.fbx",
event = "doorisopen",
frame = 44,
-- here we create an event on frame 1 thats called doorclosing
animation = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/animations/sx_urban_door_close.fbx",
event = "doorclosing",
frame = 1,
-- and event when the door has come to a stop closed
animation = "mod_assets/ext/sx_urban_town/animations/sx_urban_door_close.fbx",
event = "doorisclosed",
frame = 44,
you can download the winter tileset , it has animated doors for LoG2 if you want to see this in action inside the editor.
Hope that helps.