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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 3:35 pm
by fisch
when I do something like this:

Code: Select all

function devParty()
	local mySack = spawn("sack")
	mySack.containeritem:addItem(spawn("iron_key").item), mySack.item)
then I have a Sack with two Items in it. When I stop the preview in the editor and later I click play - I have an empty Sack equipped. Why?

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 7:50 pm
by minmay
When you restart the editor preview, it restarts the entire dungeon. It doesn't actually keep the items the party had equipped; it spawns new versions of those items. So if one of those items was a sack with contents, it will spawn an empty sack in that spot.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:56 pm
by fisch
minmay wrote:... It doesn't actually keep the items the party had equipped; it spawns new versions of those items. ...
Oh .. ok .. all clear now. Thanks minmay!

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 4:49 am
by Illidan
Hi everyone,

I need urgent help with a script. I found nothing on the forum that could solve the problem.

When a party member dies, there should be spawned a "remains_of_character" (I created one for each charcter like the "remains_of_toorum"). This shall work always and shall not be triggered by a trigger or something, just at the moment when a party member dies. I want to use the remains then to resurrect a party member on an Altar of VI.
What script can archieve this?

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 6:26 am
by Isaac
I don't think there is one; not that I have seen.

I have a script for that in the ORRR2 mod [for LoG1]. When the PC died of ectoplasm poisoning, they were removed from the party, and a skeletal corpse was left on the floor. Their remains could be picked up, and used to add the dead PC back into the party (as a corpse), to then be healed as usual at a crystal.

For LoG2, something similar should work. Provided that your mod does not have joinable NPCs, you should be able to just disable the PC upon death; drop their stuff with a corpse, and either make the corpse a usable item that re-enables the PC by ordinal, or have the Altar do it when the corpse is placed upon it.

IIRC... A way to drop all of their stuff is to create a custom altar/surface that positions contained items at floor level, and deletes itself when emptied of the last item. You would spawn one of these at the party's location, and [from within a loop] add an inventory item to the altar, then remove it from the champion... until all of the PC's items are in the surface container.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 7:52 am
by Eleven Warrior
Isaac wrote:I don't think there is one; not that I have seen.

I have a script for that in the ORRR2 mod [for LoG1]. When the PC died of ectoplasm poisoning, they were removed from the party, and a skeletal corpse was left on the floor. Their remains could be picked up, and used to add the dead PC back into the party (as a corpse), to then be healed as usual at a crystal.

For LoG2, something similar should work. Provided that your mod does not have joinable NPCs, you should be able to just disable the PC upon death; drop their stuff with a corpse, and either make the corpse a usable item that re-enables the PC by ordinal, or have the Altar do it when the corpse is placed upon it.

IIRC... A way to drop all of their stuff is to create a custom altar/surface that positions contained items at floor level, and deletes itself when emptied of the last item. You would spawn one of these at the party's location, and [from within a loop] add an inventory item to the altar, then remove it from the champion... until all of the PC's items are in the surface container.
Err so what is the code for matey lol. I t would require a lot of checks for this.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 4:40 pm
by Illidan

Hmm, I will have a look at your sourcecode of ORRR2, perhaps it can help me with my problem in my Grimrock 2 mod.

To make things clear, I am creating a Dungeon Master Clone for Grimrock 2 that should be as authentic to the original one as possible.
I created much new stuff that was missing in Germannys Dungeon Master asset. New Items and new objects, like centered doors. And all new monsters (around 20), even the Rustmonster will be there.
My mod is nearly completed! All levels are ready, all traps and riddles are beta tested, everything is like in the original. However, I have still much work to do with the creatures! Many are already rigged, the half of them is nearly completely animated. I invested ofer 300 hours of time until now. :roll:
And: I have problems with a few scripts to make the Dungeon Master feeling authentic. ;)

Like this with a spawned corpse when a character dies, to put it then on an Altar of VI to resurrect the champion. :?

I have an other Idea: Is it not possible to use an onDie hook in the party component? It does exist in the grimrock scripting reference: PartyComponent.onDie(self, champion). PartyComponent.onReceiveCondition(self, champion, condition) would be, perhaps, also a solution?
I could write a party component in the init.lua of my dungeon mod like this:

name = "party",
baseObject = "party",
components = {
class = "Party",
onDie = function(self, champion)


I must say, that I am still not an expert at scripting, I get problems when it get's complicated. But, I solved most problems alone and some with help of minmay (he will be credited!).
So if you want to help me, pleeease, make helping suggestions with scripts I can use. :shock: :D
Thank you in advance!

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:56 am
by minmay
This is pretty easy to do, actually. Here is an implementation of it. I trust that you can add any visual effects you want on your own.

Put this in your init.lua before any defineCondition() calls:

Code: Select all

CONDITION_LIST = {"dead","cursed","diseased","paralyzed","petrified","poison",

-- Automatically adds custom conditions to the list
local orig_defineCondition = defineCondition
defineCondition = function(desc)
and define these objects (the dm_wall_altarvi redefinition, of course, must come *after* all your defineCondition() calls have been made)

Code: Select all

	name = "dummy_monster",
	placement = "floor",
	components = {
			class = "Model",
			model = "assets/models/monsters/snail.fbx", -- simplest existing valid monster model (would be easy to make a new one though)
			storeSourceData = true,
			enabled = false,
			class = "Animation",
			animations = {idle = "assets/animations/monsters/snail/snail_idle.fbx"},
			currentLevelOnly = true,
			enabled = false,
			class = "Monster",
			meshName = "snail_mesh",
			hitSound = "snail_hit",
			dieSound = "snail_die",
			hitEffect = "hit_goo",
			health = 100,
			capsuleHeight = 0,
			capsuleRadius = 0,
			collisionRadius = 0,
			exp = 0,
	name = "champion_remains",
	baseObject = "base_item",
	components = {
			class = "Model",
			model = "assets/models/items/remains_of_toorum.fbx",
			class = "Item",
			uiName = "Remains",
			gfxIndex = 212,
			weight = 5.0,
			class = "Particle",
			particleSystem = "glitter_toorum",
			class = "Counter",
			name = "ordinal",
	name = "party",
	baseObject = "party",
	components = {
			class = "Party",
			onDie = function(self, champion)
				local championCount = 0
				for i=1,4 do
					if and then championCount = championCount+1 end
				if championCount ~= 0 then -- champion that just "died" counts as dead
					-- Spawning a dummy monster is the only way to move items from the inventory to the map
					local dummy = self.go:spawn("dummy_monster")
					for slot,itm in champion:carriedItems() do
					local remains = self.go:spawn("champion_remains")
					remains.item:setUiName(string.format("Remains of %s",champion:getName()))
					return false -- Important! There is no good scripting-side way to remove the "dead" condition without healing the entire party.
					return true
local conditions = CONDITION_LIST
	name = "dm_wall_altarvi",
	baseObject = "dm_wall_altarvi",
	components = {
			class = "Surface",
			offset = vec(0, 0.904, 0.3),
			size = vec(1.3, 0.65),
			onInsertItem = function(self, item)
				if == "champion_remains" then
					local champ =
					for _,condition in ipairs(conditions) do
Do not use surfaces or sockets to add items to the map. Items cannot be removed from surfaces or sockets except by destroying the items or having the player click on them (destroying the surface/socket just taints the item and makes it impossible to pick up ever again without causing a crash).

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 6:42 pm
by Illidan
Wow, minmay, I am again impressed by your scripting skills! :o

Thank you so much for these scripts, that was exactly what I needed!
I did not even think about a solution with a dummy monster. Brilliant! :geek: :D

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 7:52 am
by Eleven Warrior
You call that easy!! If your a rocket scientist yes :)