[MOD] The Guardians

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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by hansbleeb »

4 elements in the citadel phoe
Last edited by hansbleeb on Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by hansbleeb »

its the end of my adventure here never... never a farmer again in my party
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Adrageron »

Zo Kath Ra wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:08 pm Can you post some example code that demonstrates this?
Maybe someone knows a fix / workaround.
I'd try to help, but am otherwise occupied at the moment.
There is not much code, just a tiny functions like these:

Code: Select all

function ratGo1()

function ratTurn()
They triggered by timer and sometimes (on easy settings only) they did not do what they must :roll:
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by paulclementi »

Need some help in the Maze of madness. I am at the part of the puzzle where there is a lever and across from me there is another lever and down below a door. If I leave the singing stone at one lever and then go across to the other lever and push it down and then transport myself to the other lever and push it down; it opens the door in-between. I can drop the singing stone between the grating and then transporter my self to the door. BUT THE DOOR ONLY STAYS OPEN FOR A SPLIT SECOND. My question is this a timing puzzle or am I missing somthing. Thanks for your help. FYI: This is one of the best mods I have played. Ranks up there in the top five.
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by hansbleeb »

that was a amazing puzzle to go to the right following order of the niches with the levers and swtch the right levers down, you must do some actions double
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Adrageron wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:55 pm There is not much code, just a tiny functions like these:

Code: Select all

function ratGo1()

function ratTurn()
They triggered by timer and sometimes (on easy settings only) they did not do what they must :roll:
Only cause I can think of:
The monster is already performing an action when you call turnLeft() / turnRight()
I have no idea why the monster would only do this in Easy mode.

Can you put the modified ratGo1() in your mod and try to reproduce the error?
I want to help fix this bug, so I can play the mod on Easy :)

Code: Select all

function ratGo1()
	-- If the monster is performing an action:
	-- MonsterComponent:getCurrentAction() returns the name of the action
	-- If the monster is not performing an action:
	-- MonsterComponent:getCurrentAction() returns nil
	local currentAction = ratling2_7.monster:getCurrentAction()
	-- If the monster is performing an action:
	-- MonsterComponent:turnLeft() returns false and does nothing
	-- If the monster is not performing an action:
	-- MonsterComponent:turnLeft() returns true and turns the monster
	local turnLeftResult = ratling2_7.monster:turnLeft()
	print("ratGo1()", ratling2_7.id, currentAction, turnLeftResult)
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by minmay »

On Easy, the cooldown for MonsterMoveComponents is doubled and the cooldown for MonsterAttackComponents is increased by 25%. If you want the monster to perform an action that might be on cooldown, you should do this:

Code: Select all

local oldc = mon.move:getCooldown()
Grimrock 1 dungeon
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Adrageron »

Mod version 1.3. is out!
Here is a change log:
- Added automap changes after mining
- Fixed instability on "Easy" difficulty (additional testing is required for confidence)
- Small changes in some levels and puzzles
- Fixed few typos

Zo Kath Ra, minmay, thank you, guys! Looks like cooldown fixes made their job (no hang ons during few tests so far).
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by hansbleeb »

Adrageron wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:02 am Mod version 1.3. is out!
Here is a change log:
- Added automap changes after mining
- Fixed instability on "Easy" difficulty (additional testing is required for confidence)
- Small changes in some levels and puzzles
- Fixed few typos
its worth to do this mod over again!!! not directly but over a year or later to forgot the most tricks
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by ene »

ohlala really hard :lol:

I'm struggeling a lot in your dungeon.. :|

In the sunken temple, how to make a bridge to get there (bottle) ?


Also how to access the room with the circle ?

Still in the sunken temple, how to deactivate this forcefield ?? I can't lower the spike gates (circle) ?? There's a lever but doesn't seem to do anything..

i've been seaching a lot before asking :D

I found a holy water, what is it for ?

I have about 6-8 notes having a single letter on them.. i'd like to get rid of them, my inventory is full .. Any clue where I can use them please ?


Some thoughs.. 4 skills in concetration to be able to cast light is a bit much (to me), but well, that can be ok i guess..

The cooking stuff is a neat idea, i eat a lot of sausages and smoked fishes, yes.. at the beginning it was more of a pain though - you don't give any clue where to get the book (that gives you the cooking skill), and the message 'Nobody knows how to cook' isn't very helpful.. I mean since uncooked food feeds you very little, you quickly become short of it. Do you understand ? ;) Ok i mean perharps you should put a note somewhere where to get that book, that's it :P This part plays an important role in the game. After that, you feel a bit more relax :D
It's a bit the same for the mining stuff (which eats up a lot of food :lol: ). A good idea too btw.

Plenty of good stuuf otherwise but seems quite hard overall
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