Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1

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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Jaberwoke »

mamoulian73 wrote:Look for a button nearby..
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Need some help again :)
Found these essences so far: 2 fire, 1 water, 1 air, 2 earth
(and used the fire + earth in the Elemental Plains)
I need help finding the second air essence.
I can't remember where I found the one I already have, but its ID is "essence_air_2".

In the letter written by Janus, it says:
"I must find the power gems and use them in the Greater Grimwern Woodlands. Only two are needed to open the way to one of the water essences"

I have 4 power gems. Where must I use them in the Greater Grimwern Woodlands?
The water essence I already have has the ID "essence_water_2".

How do I reach the area west of 18/29 in the Greater Grimwern Woodlands?
The way is blocked by plants :(

I found a letter that says:
"Search below the soil; slightly south of where the large trapped Herder patrols."

What does this refer to?
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Slayer82 »

Mamoulian73 -
About this key for the turtles section in Greater Woodlands.. I still cannot find it. You said we should go through the Living Forest to get and that we did. But the key lies on an altar which is inaccessible. Can you please hint as to how to get it? Thanks.
The Ornate Key is in the far South of the Greater Grimwern Woodlands within the 'Living Forest'. It is on a pedestal.

Zo Kath Ra -
The second air essence is in Nomad's Demise - North.

You use two power gems in Greater Grimwern Woodlands. Place them in wooden alcoves which are found in the closed gate turtle area (where the turtles are in the north-west).
I'm not which plant you're referring to. If it's far south of Greater Grimwern then the plants don't block you, so just walk through them. That's where the Ornate Key is too.

This is just a bonus. Dig near the southern pressure plate in Greater Grimwern Woodlands.
Each element is a pair. Mixing them doesn't do anything so simply place each pair on the elemental altars to open the way.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Slayer82 wrote:Mamoulian73 -
About this key for the turtles section in Greater Woodlands.. I still cannot find it. You said we should go through the Living Forest to get and that we did. But the key lies on an altar which is inaccessible. Can you please hint as to how to get it? Thanks.
The Ornate Key is in the far South of the Greater Grimwern Woodlands within the 'Living Forest'. It is on a pedestal.

Zo Kath Ra -
I'm not which plant you're referring to. If it's far south of Greater Grimwern then the plants don't block you, so just walk through them. That's where the Ornate Key is too.
I'm afraid that this area is inaccessible.

Here's a screenshot of the map with the party standing in "Greater Grimwern Woodlands" at 18/29:
And a screenshot of the game at this position, looking west:

The tile separating me from the wargs looks like it has plants on it, and the game won't let me walk over this tile.
I'm playing "Isle of the Deranged 1.5-37-1-5.7z" (downloaded from Nexusmods) with LoG2 version 2.2.4
Last edited by Zo Kath Ra on Sun May 17, 2015 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Slayer82 »

Zo Kath Ra -
I understand what you're referring to, but I have no trouble walking through the plants to reach the pedestal. I have tried both the downloaded 1.5 version and through the dungeon editor.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Slayer82 wrote:Zo Kath Ra -
I understand what you're referring to, but I have no trouble walking through the plants to reach the pedestal. I have tried both the downloaded 1.5 version and through the dungeon editor.
If I uploaded a savegame, would that help you track down the bug? (if you're still interested in doing that)

Also, it looks like I'm not the first person to encounter this bug:
Unkillable Cat wrote:In the Greater Grimvere Forest map I can't get into the turtle area, and there's a lock in the room with the healing crystal that is missing a key. (Cube Key I'm guessing.) Also, there's a section in the south that I can't seem to reach as I'm being blocked by grass (of all things).
By the way, I got past the blocked tile by first enabling the console:
Then, I pasted this line of code into it (with Ctrl-V), followed by pressing the Enter key:
party:setPosition(party.x-1, party.y, party.facing, party.elevation, party.level)
To leave the area again, I used:
party:setPosition(party.x+1, party.y, party.facing, party.elevation, party.level)

I'm writing this so that other people who have the same problem can continue playing.

This code teleports the party onto the tile they're facing:

Code: Select all

local dx,dy = getForward(party.facing)
party:setPosition(party.x + dx, party.y + dy, party.facing, party.elevation, party.level)
Last edited by Zo Kath Ra on Sat May 16, 2015 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by marten_1992 »

I can confirm that bug
I am not able to reach that key too, I am playing the latest mod version.
I tried an older version some time ago and did not have any problems reaching that area.
I am not sure how I managed that but getting the ornate key was no issue.

edit: just checked my version, it is not 1.5 but the version before
Last edited by marten_1992 on Sat May 16, 2015 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

I'm in the "Realm of Con[s]ciousness" (misspelled :) at location 8/10, facing west.
Again, my way is blocked by plants.
Is the tile at 7/10 supposed to be walkable?
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

In "Nomad's Demise - South", there's
a secret button on the southern wall at location 21/21.
But I can't get there without using the console, because once again, there are plants on that tile, and I can't walk onto it.
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Re: Isle of the Deranged

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

In "Greater Grimwern Woodlands" at location 29/29, there's another one of those plant tiles that should be walkable, but aren't.
I know you're supposed to be able to walk over it because there's a rope ladder on the same tile :)
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