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Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:05 am
by germanny
Hello to all around here^^

Well, for an old Dungeon stalker, Legend of Grimrock can be a 'must have'. So i bought two copies ;)
Looking through some of the reviews, i´m really impressed!

My all time favourites in grid based:

Dungeon Master + CSB
Fate - Gates of Dawn (Amiga - not only dugeon crawler but a whole outer world with a great story)
Eye of the Beholder 1 + 2
Lands of Lore 1
Black Crypt (Amiga)
Bloodwych (Amiga)

ATM i replay Lands of Lore 1 under Dosbox - as a training session for the dungeon that come to me at 11th of april :)
Yes, i know it runs under scummvm, too..
Sad that you devs not manage to release LoG short before easter^^

There are more games that i found very inspiring, such as Albion for an RPG, or the really great M.A.X., a turn based strategy game - for me, the best ever made!
Or Jagged Alliance 1 + 2.. but that is a bit off-topic here :roll:

Dear devs, i wish you massive orders - and go on with a cool LoG Editing package!

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:02 am
by Mike_nWo
germanny wrote: There are more games that i found very inspiring, such as Albion for an RPG, or the really great M.A.X., a turn based strategy game - for me, the best ever made!
Or Jagged Alliance 1 + 2.. but that is a bit off-topic here :roll:
Wait, you liked Albion? Did you ever try ambermoon for the amiga? It was done by the same programmer team than Albion. Albion was a good game, but Ambermoon was 1000 times better. It was the best RPG I ever played till Baldurs Gate 2 came.

PS: Your username is germanny, does that mean that you are from Germany? If it is the case then we are from the same country.

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:30 am
by germanny
Oh yes, didnt mention that. Of course i own Ambermoon ;)
Great game! It was the first game on amiga with the same sort of.. 3d engine as in albion *g*

Those days i own a amiga 4000 w. Motorola 68060 cpu, the game runs very smooth w. max detail.
For slow machines one was able to deactivate ceiling and floor textures

@mike_nwo: Yes, i am from Germany ;)

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:32 pm
by dna
because of my age, and country location, i missed all this 'crawler' time.
but i still had the chance to try good games

the main (and probably only true dungeon crwaler) is Stonekeep
and it's only by luck... at first i was buying Descent 2, but the only version i came accros was a bundle with two other games, stonekeep being one of them...
i really liked this game, even if i had big difficulties to play it (i may had to start the game 15 of 20 times before getting the ingame 'diary' and see that this one item is called root, and trying to use it founding that it cures me... (all previous game were game over after a few skeletons)

another one i liked a lot, even if it's not pure dungeon Crawler was Albion.
a great mix between science fiction and fantasy

and of course there was the Might and magic Games (my first will always be my best : the 6)

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:47 pm
by Mychaelh
The HOLY GRAIL of the Dungeon Crawlers:



Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:00 pm
by Jack Dandy
Daaaamn. That's a nice collectible. ;)

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:11 pm
by Mychaelh
I bought this at a cheap price shortly after 'The Wall' collapsed in 1989 as a slow seller. (There was an underground 'cracker-scene' in East Germany in communist times, I had contact with....and of course we where known with all the cool games of the 1980's from the West. Bards Tale *everyone* played in these times, but Wizardry games where a 'myth' and very hard to get - we all had a Commodore VC20 or C64).

Anyway,...THIS IS the most difficult to win (intentionally designed this way) computer game ever!!!! (...and I say this only about a normal 'win' -> there is even an ultra hardcore end!) ...the original version has these big old floppy discs no modern computer can handle, but you can find it for DOSbox with codes on the net....figure it out on your own as a first task, if you want ascent in the pantheon of Dungeon Crawlers. (should be legal, I think ... Sir Tech Inc. is long gone)

I don't have solved THIS....till now...

But alone - to have a original *Wizardry IV MORDOR CHARGE CARD* is something, what makes one kind of unique in the Dungeon Crawl world, (...he,he) :D
I have it always in my purse between the other credit cards as a mojo. way, that a software firm would throw something like THIS again on the market.

+++This is archaic über-hardcore dungeon crawling at it's BEST!++++

...had no real financial problems in my live till now, ever. Take it as I say.
(Wonder, what comes, when I indeed win this game..., I'm still trying... :P )

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:18 am
by Zorglub
I fondly remember the Ravenloft games (Strahd's Possession but especially Stone Prophet). You could play them in both a "step movement" or a "free movement" mode.

Strahd's Possession I tried after Stone Prophet, and never went through to the ending, but Stone Prophet would certainly figure on my "best of" list, along with the first LoL, EoB 1 and 2 and World of Xeen (MM 4-5).

Strangely, I never got into the Dungeon Master serie. I remember I found the story rather bland and was very frustrated early in the game with the second title way of handling the sell/buy shop interface. May be worth another try after all these years.

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:23 am
by Simmox
cut my teeth on amiga too

i actually played black crypt first,which got me in
stumbled across EOBs
and then finally dungeon master
crystal dragon was another one that i dont see mentioned
and although not fantasy,space hulk was a real treat for atmosphere and a new twist to grid based stuff i had previously played

there is an EOB remake for NVN,i tried it and they made a good job of recreating the levels and tricks
probably worth a look for NVN players

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:29 am
by dna
Mychaelh wrote: (should be legal, I think ... Sir Tech Inc. is long gone)
unfortunally, doesn't work like this.
when sir tech went down someone bought everything in an auction, this person, who probably don't care and may be never hear a thing about dungeon crawler) is now the owner of the game and the only person autorised to decided if the game is free or not...
at least for 50 years from the date the game goes out...

of course, in real world no one cares. (except Lucas arts)