I have just started playing this module (v1.2.2 downloaded from Nexus) but after reaching level2 (chambers of silence) and killing my first ogre (almost without weapons ) I get a BEX error everytime I move. I used F5 to make a savegame just after killing the ogre.
Yes, I encountered it too using an imported (strong) party. Just leave the two ogres at the start alone for a while, you are meant to flee them at first I guess
This has been one of the most fantastic experiences I've had at this type of game since playing Eye of the Beholder as kid.
BUT before I write my review of excellent this dungeon was... I'm sorry to say I'm stuck, and while I love the dungeon I don't fancy walking around it for 5 hours looking for something that may not be there...
SO! If anyone would be so kind as to tell me where the two blue gems are found I can finish this excellent game and write a review. I know everyone is going to tell me to play it through again and enjoy searching for it, but I'm not really that kind of gamer who will play things over an over and I've been looking for a while now, other have even suggested a possible bug. I LOVE the puzzles but this is just a needle in a haystack issue. So, can someone spoil it for me, I have one blue gem, can someone tell me at least the two areas where they are found, specifically (don't say 'the place with the skeletons please', haha, level at least!)
First, I wanted to thank everyone that has contributed to this forum. You have all helped me enjoy this excellent mod. I am now at the generators on level one and one door away from Orsan. Can anyone tell me, or give me a good hint, on how to turn ON the generators. I have scoured the level looking for any kind of button or switch without success. Thanks again to everyone.
I am a bit late in replying on this one I fear, but in case you still have not found an answer for the generator question Smokemoon, the levers to turn on the generators are in the south of level 1. You will find notes scattered all over this level which tell you HOW to turn them on.
It was very interesting and unique to many I have played.
The greatest part about playing someones dungeon creation is getting in their heads.
The non-linearity of this mod was refreshing and frustrating and it was clear that some good planning and foresight was used.
I really appreciate the thought and design that went into this creation.
thanks again!