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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:04 am
by JohnWordsworth
Have today sketched out my room for the Dungeon. I'm very excited to see the rooms that have been put in so far - sounds like it's growing very well. How big is the Dungeon now and are we in danger of exceeding the Steam 100Mb limit?
Now I just have to figure out how to make the ideas I have work... :p
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:11 am
by Xanathar
20mb right now.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:00 am
by SpiderFighter
Neikun wrote:I've sent what's supposed to happen regarding Xanathar's bug find. If he can just pass it on to whoever has the room right now. or is it him right now?
Is this the same bug we initially caught? I have the fix; I just haven't implemented it yet due to the timing of the files (I've been getting them back in the evening, when I can't work on them, so I've been sending them along so that I don't hold up the next person). Also has Cicci's audio problem been fixed already, or should I still take care of it when the files come back to me today?
I'm glad you guys are liking what you're seeing. I had a feeling this was a good idea from the start, but what's actually being created is far and away better than I ever expected!
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:28 am
by Xanathar
Ciccipicci audio's problem has been fixed - I hope

- I just imported and re-exported it with Audacity and it solved the issue, go figure.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:44 am
by SpiderFighter
Xanathar wrote:Ciccipicci audio's problem has been fixed - I hope

- I just imported and re-exported it with Audacity and it solved the issue, go figure.
Heh...that's all I did...since it worked in the editor, I figured I'd try that first, and it worked!

Thanks for fixing it!
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:00 pm
by Xanathar
New assets:
- A red/black button named "kill_button" - for very dangerous things
- Two reduced size skeleton animations (peek into the animation folders, do not reuse my skeletons for .. reasons
- Some other assets which I'm not listing here because they risk revealing what my room is about, plus they are hardly usable outside that context
My room exit tile: 17,7
Sadly I had to leave an empty area left of my room and above Wilfrey's one, it's a big patch of wasted squares at this time
In it also:
- The fix for Ciccipicci's sound
- I have NOT changed anything in Neikun's room
My room requires some party hooks. I put them directly in init.lua.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:13 pm
by Skuggasveinn
it was inevitable that we would run into some kind of spacing issues between the rooms when we have so many taking part.
I haven't seen the layout since I had the file (and my room was just the third one), but I can image we need to staircase down at some point and continue from there (if we haven't already)
But nice to see this thing moving along, can't wait to see the final outcome

Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:49 pm
by SpiderFighter
Ok, I have received the file. I'm going to take care of Neikun's problem and then send it on its merry way. Uggardian is up next...we're almost to the halfway point!
[EDIT: Just saw Xanathar's room and all I have to say Just...freaking...WOW.]
[EDIT REDUX: Fire in the hole!]
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:32 pm
by HaunterV
I intend for my room to be off of some hallway on an entirely different level, and it will be entirely optional for the player. but maybe it'll fit next to someones room, we'll see. It's probably my most ambitious room I've tried to pull off to date, actually my most ambitious project as the HQ revival is kind simple.
I thank those that have been helping me with it. I hope it turns out, I want the feeling of being in a Jackie Chan/Jet Li fight scene to come across to the player.
oh, Xanathar I love my mini ogre you made me.. is there any way i can get the rest of the base ogre animations for it? or some mini skeletons?
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:49 pm
by Xanathar
[EDIT: Just saw Xanathar's room and all I have to say Just...freaking...WOW.]
oh, Xanathar I love my mini ogre you made me.. is there any way i can get the rest of the base ogre animations for it? or some mini skeletons?
There are miniskeletons in the OneRoom pack already. For the rest, I'm working on the tool.. sadly it got put on-hold because I was busy with my room which involved a lot of scripting

Hopefully I'll be able to release it soon.