[Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by flatline »

If you put it up again, we'll all download it and vote for it again. It is needed as a showcase of the Grimrock editor and you deserve the credit.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by msyblade »

Put it back up, Phitt. I'll Download it, delete it, redownload it, endorse it, download it again, take it to Disneyland for a day of fun. . .really, this is just unbelievable. Why the mine? I'm speechless.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Ixnatifual »

Wow, that's lame. I second (or third?) the above posts.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Phitt »

Thanks for the support everyone!

It took a while, but now I've calmed down. :D It's just a file entry gone, there are worse things in life I guess. I uploaded the mod again, changed my password (and along with it all other passwords that matter, my email being the first one...sigh), ran a full check with my anti virus program (nothing found though...maybe it is a problem related to Nexus and not my computer getting hacked, didn't have problems on other sites so far either) and now I hope I'm safe again. Updated the link in the OP.

At least I could upload the v1.3 source files now, was too lazy to do that before.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Drakkan »

Phitt wrote:Thanks for the support everyone!

It took a while, but now I've calmed down. :D It's just a file entry gone, there are worse things in life I guess. I uploaded the mod again, changed my password (and along with it all other passwords that matter, my email being the first one...sigh), ran a full check with my anti virus program (nothing found though...maybe it is a problem related to Nexus and not my computer getting hacked, didn't have problems on other sites so far either) and now I hope I'm safe again. Updated the link in the OP.

At least I could upload the v1.3 source files now, was too lazy to do that before.
you see - everything bad is good for something ;)
thanks for this wonderfull level and all around it !
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by germanny »

That´s very bad - those damn idiots!
Glad i have a copy of your great work here^^
Please try to upload it again, Phitt, it´s the best work done for now!

I´ll vote for you again, too.
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Paticus »

I'm glad everything has worked out so far, and I finished up the game not to long ago (but you know that already, don't you?)

But about the error I was talking about in the Finale, if it helps I managed to repeat it several times and I got this error...
Not sure how helpful it'll be in solving the issue with the left lever, but I hope it does something.

Anyway, this was one of the best Dungeons created for Grimrock so far, just in sheer depth and how much it's creatively customized. Plenty of puzzles, an amazing new tileset, and a creative and funny series of messages from Malik.

Overall 10/10 Goodwork my friend, goodwork :D [/brownnosing]
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Phitt »

Paticus wrote:I'm glad everything has worked out so far, and I finished up the game not to long ago (but you know that already, don't you?)

But about the error I was talking about in the Finale, if it helps I managed to repeat it several times and I got this error...
Not sure how helpful it'll be in solving the issue with the left lever, but I hope it does something.

Anyway, this was one of the best Dungeons created for Grimrock so far, just in sheer depth and how much it's creatively customized. Plenty of puzzles, an amazing new tileset, and a creative and funny series of messages from Malik.

Overall 10/10 Goodwork my friend, goodwork :D [/brownnosing]

I think I know now why you had the crashing issues. Any chance you played v1.1 of the mod? At first I thought 'this must be v1.2', but after looking at my changelog I realized it was probably v1.1. That would also explain why the ogre didn't follow you properly (it was too easy, damnit!). I fixed the crashing in v1.2 and already wondered why it still happened because I couldn't replicate the bug no matter how fast I clicked or what framerate I was playing at. I think when you started playing there was only v1.1, but I can't look it up anymore due to the mod getting removed. So I hope it's all good now, sorry that you had the issues.

Again, thanks for the videos, I really enjoyed them! Do you mind if I put a link to your videos on the Nexus page of the mod?
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by Paticus »

Phitt wrote:

I think I know now why you had the crashing issues. Any chance you played v1.1 of the mod? At first I thought 'this must be v1.2', but after looking at my changelog I realized it was probably v1.1. That would also explain why the ogre didn't follow you properly (it was too easy, damnit!). I fixed the crashing in v1.2 and already wondered why it still happened because I couldn't replicate the bug no matter how fast I clicked or what framerate I was playing at. I think when you started playing there was only v1.1, but I can't look it up anymore due to the mod getting removed. So I hope it's all good now, sorry that you had the issues.

Again, thanks for the videos, I really enjoyed them! Do you mind if I put a link to your videos on the Nexus page of the mod?
And yeah, considering when I started it, it's likely that it was 1.1, so my bad. And Ogre, I think it's that I just managed to put so much distance so quickly that he didn't have me in his line or sight or anything close, so he just gave up.
Or something.

And go ahead if you want, I don't mind!
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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Post by PremiumWall »

Hi, stuck on lvl 4, I've found 3 red gems, but I've lost track of where I've found them. Now I'm spending ages walking around the entirety of level 4 looking for the final gem, cause i can't remember where the other ones originally were D: any chance for the location of them? I know I've found the one in the hive, and the one after the "contaminated area" (or was it in there?). Thanks! loving the mod, spent 5 hours on it so far (although the guts of 30-45 mins were searching for that final gem >.<)

Edit: nevermind, didn't know there was 2 of them in the hives o_O
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