the Rod of Savina. [John Wordsworth]
This is simply put an awesome weapon, as are the three undead-stopping pebbles: best map treasure by far!
Though they do cause merry-hell with other maps! Pebbles are ok and are a good tactical thing to own.
Recommend perhaps that the Rod of Savina actually fire it's death ray spell forward, rather than have the effect occur one square in front of party:
you can fire it through closed doors etc. Great for killing things in cages!
no real issues so far - cannot seem to break game logic with it, though in Aaneton's Courthose it is possible to execute some of the prisoners, get the XP for killing them, and then press the 'release prisoner' button to get another set of XP: sneaky eh?
Dr.Disaster wrote:2nd: i toyed a bit with custom party creation, made me a 3 character party (with the help of "The Characterizer" mod; works similar to "Back to the Dungeon"/"Return to Chaos" party creation) and imported it into ORRR2. Now imagine my surprise when i freed my party and walked out of the prison with 4 characters. So i tried a single character but again i ended up with a full party, 3 of them being unconfigured fighters named "New Prisoner" ...
Upon mod start must be a check if the first character is Toorum. In case he is there the other characters stay disabled otherwise all are enabled. I suggest to add an alternate or second check: if any characters are disabled leave them disabled when freeing the prisoners.
Intro and characters: you are right about how Tooum detection currently works, and your suggestion is good, we'll adjust the script.
err i guess you need to look at it once more ..
when my size-reduced none-Toorum party chooses to kill the ogre the cultist still teleports 4 people out ..
leewroy wrote:About this patch thing... if I apply it, I can continu with my current save or I have to start all again?
If the patch doesn't affect your game, you should probably just press on, and finish the mod; it isn't broken and has been completed many times. If you are just starting out (2-3 floors in), it might be best to start again and quickly catch up. You will need to start again if you swap out for the patched Dat file.