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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 1:01 pm
by iamnotdeadyet
Dematto wrote:what about DLC for Grimrock 2? Game was cheap enough, I'd throw some more money at them for a dev-created canonical module. See where the party ends up, yeah?
I would love that as well. I don't want the story to stop there and I wish it continued for as long as possible, be it DLC, LoG 3...
It's the best game I've played in a long time and one of my all-time favourites.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:33 pm
by Firia
I just had an idea. I wouldn't call it an original idea, but, it could be really interesting! Exceptionally large creatures!
Elaboration: if your standard encounter occupies 1x1x1 (cube) of space, then a large encounter could be 2x2x2 in space. Or just tall/wide; 2x2x1. Tall ogres, huge hydra's, you name it.
It just occured to me just now actually - LoG2 had a couple of large creatures, but I never felt like their size was given any real value in puzzle solving. Or needing to go up a cube of height to smack something in the jaw. Perhaps that's why their size didn't stick with me.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:55 pm
by Ronkoteus
Here's some things that comes to my mind that could be in LoG3:
More utility items like the shovel, torch, compass, rope, lockpick:
- e.g. climbing hook, flint and steel, ink and quill, blank paper, actually usable pickaxe, coins, flute etc.
- magnifying glass/looking glass: highlight secret buttons on a wall and reveal illusions
- mirror: deflect e.g. lightning, gaze attacks. used also in puzzles
- bug catching net for easy mosquito dispatch and to catch some flying bugs as a new alchemy ingredient
- fishing pole to catch some fish from surface and lift items e.g. from toxic water or floor drains
- Scribe any known spell to a scroll with ink and quill and one blank paper
- flint and steel, already burning torch/lantern or fire spell cast from other hand required to ignite a torch.
- pickaxe usable to break through certain rock walls
New character abilities
- Spell scrolls can be used from hand, just like using a weapon, to cast that spell once at its lowest level. Scroll is destroyed.
- New class Enchanter that can cast multiple times from spell scrolls before they are destroyed and recharge items.
- Generally more spells and recipes. Especially utility spells.
- Nerfed (/improved) alchemist. No permanent stat-potions, but temporary stat boost potions.
- Powerful but slow spells only usable outdoors that slowly drop from sky to the tile (or several tiles) in front of the party, e.g. lightning strike, meteor strike, tornado (maby new class for this, Druid?). You can cast it and move away before it lands.
More interaction options with environments and items. Nothing too complicated or "realistic" however.
- More destroyable environment objects e.g. chairs, vases, tables, cabinets, curtains, mirrors, shelves, paintings. Smaller/lighter objects wouldn't block your way, but would just toss aside or break when walked over, but some could still slow down movement and/or make some ranged/spell attacks weaker or slow down or block the projectile. Enemies could also break through most environment objects.
- Flammable things like bushes, tapestries, carpets, furniture etc. with fire sources (e.g. flint and steel, torch, fire spell, enemies using fire). Not all could be burned though. The game could announce e.g. "Target is too wet to catch fire" or "Target is nonflammable". Trees that act as walls could get some surface burn or lose some leaves but still block movement.
- More secret button placements
- New visual spell effects: water surface would freeze when you used freeze spells over it. Party/enemy could walk over it for few seconds. Fireball would raise some steam when flying over water. etc.
Improved underwater play
- All weapons could be used underwater, but with slowed cooldown, heavily penalized damage ratings and short projectile ranges with diminishing damage per distance.
- Many spells would be useless underwater or with extremely diminishing damage per range, e.g. fireball, poison bolt
- Using certain spells underwater would be hazardous e.g. shock, freeze spells.
- Movement speed underwater would vary based on the character with the heaviest burden. If all were carrying under 5 kg, movement would be much faster and you could freely jump up to briefly take breath from surface.
- Underwater currents that could slowly push the party to move automatically or increase movement speed if party moved with it's direction, but would make movement against it very slow/taxing/impossible
- Water breathing potion/spell
New tiles
- fireplace/furnace
- lava
Better special attack system for weapons, e.g. draw certain line to a pad (similar to spell casting but much simpler/faster and wouldn't block access to other hand).
Different kind of disease conditions with more severe and very long lasting or even permanent effects until cured. Would make the antidote potions more useful.
Remove the ability to throw multiple bombs directly with mouse.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:55 am
by cromcrom
There are some great ideas here Ronkoteus, I will add some to my mod. I will credit you once I start doing that.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:30 pm
by Lynx
eispfogel wrote:Key based attacks. At the moment you still have to click on the icons to engage a fight.
I would like to press a button to start magic which could use the numblock(some keyboards and some notebooks still have that!).
So it could be done like press 1 to 4 for the primary attacks and then R-T and F-G for secondary attacks.
I really like the idea, i want to play LoG without mouse at all.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:35 pm
by eon
What are the devs saying? Are they working on it?
Is there a chance of LOG2 official DLC ?
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:46 pm
Last Info is, that they are busy with serveral things, future plans will be revealed, as soon as they are on the track. If it will be LoG3 or something different is not decided, yet.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:23 am
by Ixnatifual
Turn-based tactics 3d "isometric" high production value Roguelike in the Grimrock setting! That would really please and upset people

Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:12 pm
by Tuco Benedicto
Finally playing LoG 2 to completion more than a year after the original purchase (no particular reason, I just gave up at some point since I wasn't in the mood and it took me a while to go back to it) and I have to say that while I already liked LoG1 a lot this sequel has to be un there as one of the best dungeon blobbers I ever played. And I played a lot of them since the '80s.
I heard some disappointing stories about how this second chapter sold far less than the original, but man, for how little it can help on my part I can't freaking wait to play whatever else you guys are working at.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 3
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:47 am
by Alino
I'd enjoy a mob like a 2 block long snake that burrowed down and came up behind or on one of the sides of you.
Also a scorpion mob that has a tail that can strike any of the tiles adjacent to it.
Firia wrote:I just had an idea. I wouldn't call it an original idea, but, it could be really interesting! Exceptionally large creatures!
Elaboration: if your standard encounter occupies 1x1x1 (cube) of space, then a large encounter could be 2x2x2 in space. Or just tall/wide; 2x2x1. Tall ogres, huge hydra's, you name it.
It just occured to me just now actually - LoG2 had a couple of large creatures, but I never felt like their size was given any real value in puzzle solving. Or needing to go up a cube of height to smack something in the jaw. Perhaps that's why their size didn't stick with me.
This gave me an idea. I think it'd be cool if there was a boss mob that was like 5 blocks tall and 3X3 wide. The only way to harm it would be from the head and the room you'd fight it in would have a bunch of ladders and stairs and platforms. Maybe like a giant version of the ogre. IDK, it may not work as well as I'm thinking but it was just an idea.