Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote: Woot! An update!
After almost a year! (My last segment was Nov 6, 2014!) Crazy! I can't believe it's almost been a year...! I can't believe how long this story has gotten!
AnnElfwind wrote: I do wonder what agenda Coy has. I mean, he is a rat... Those are generally not trusted. On the other hand, he's a very interesting character and it would be sat if he betrayed them.
So hopefully it will not happen.
I like writing Coy... And I enjoy making him how you might think a rat humanoid is... named Coy... like a sneaky rat... a rogue, because rats steal... making him questionable, because though rats are often regarded as disgusting, some people have them as pets (I had two pet rats)... so I enjoy writing him... he's a constant enigma of questions and possibilities...
AnnElfwind wrote: And I am already looking forward to the part where there will be more of the Island Master character.
Considering that I never actually managed to finish the main game of LoG2, this will be really interesting, I'm sure. It might give me some insight into the map and maybe kick me so hard that I actually return to it.
I mean, I'm still playing Grimrock2, but not really the main map, just mods. :D
Can't wait for the next update. :)
The Island Master shows up several times in the game, to taunt the players... That's for sure.

I do vary from the actual game, when I write - so I am not sure how much of my story will help with game play! Because how I beat the Undying One has nothing to do with how it ended in my first part of the Grimrock story! :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
The Island Master shows up several times in the game, to taunt the players... That's for sure.

I do vary from the actual game, when I write - so I am not sure how much of my story will help with game play! Because how I beat the Undying One has nothing to do with how it ended in my first part of the Grimrock story! :)
Oh please, the Undying one was a walk in the park compared to the LoG2 game!
Though I will be the first one to admitt to cheating and playing the game as a mod. Before finishing the regular game, that is.
Hopefully, someone will do the same with LoG2, recreate it as a mod.
It makes it easier to play the regular game when you know what you're doing.
And maybe your story won't help much, but I'm positive, it will help at least a little with the insight into the game.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


Taren came to stand, towering over Tawmis. “The rodent is bothersome,” his voice was deep and rumbling, “but he proved to be of great use while we were imprisoned in Grimrock. If he truly does know this island as well as he claims, he may yet again prove useful.”

Tawmis nodded in agreement. “I’m concerned that he may be using us for his own ends. He mentioned his people were on this island. What if he’s just trying to get back to them… and once he does, we’re as good as gone.”

“I shall endeavor to keep my eye on the rodent then,” Taren smiled, his teeth showing rows of glistening sharpened fangs. “I feel you’re concerned about our insectoid friend as well.”

“I am,” Tawmis whispered. “He’s not been the same since his mind merged with the Undying One. He’s not been able to channel magic – which, granted – I am somewhat thankful for. The less mages that exist in this world, all the better. But if this Island Keeper is some kind of mage – then having Blaz’tik at full power might be beneficial.”

The repetitive sound of the lapping tide would have been relaxing; under normal circumstances. Instead, everyone sat towards the back of the cave, waiting for the beating sun’s relentless heat to pass to night. “When the night comes, it will be worse,” Coy finally said, breaking the silence. “The creatures of the island will also be coming out, when the air becomes cooler.”

Tawmis looked over at Coy. “Do you ever say anything positive? Uplifting?”

“The beaches here are beautiful,” Coy shrugged.

“That’s better,” Tawmis sighed.

“But they’re also deadly,” Coy added, after a moment.

“You never stop, do you?” Tawmis shook his head.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Coy confessed.

“I actually believe that you don’t,” Tawmis agreed.

The night had come, and with it a gentle, cool breeze. The entire island had the illusion of a peaceful setting; but each of them could feel it in their bones; the tension that made their muscles tighter. As the sun was setting, it also brought out a swarm of giant mosquitos, which Tawmis and Taren swung their primitive weapons at; and while striking a few with each swing, it never seemed to decrease the amount of flittering, bothersome, blood sucking mosquitos. Blaz’tik approached, and simply said, “Allow –tic!- me to try…”

He opened his right hand – closed his insectoid eyes – and closed his fist. A bust of flame shot forth from his hand, striking the mosquitos, eviscerating the majority of the swam; the rest fled.

“You… got some magic back, I see?” Tawmis asked.

“I –tic!- surmised that perhaps –tic!- once in a dangerous situation –tic!- some of my magic might –tic!- return to me,” Blaz’tik said.

“That’s… good,” Tawmis said beneath his breath.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by CremionisD »

I'm away for two weeks, and there are suddenly two story updates! Wonderful!

And the writing is as good as ever... Keep them coming!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

CremionisD wrote:I'm away for two weeks, and there are suddenly two story updates! Wonderful!

And the writing is as good as ever... Keep them coming!
Figured I'd do one story for each week you were away...!

Yeah, I went back to writing this - while at work (shhhh!) - because it's a nice break from reality (and the constant pounding of calls and working on computers!) - so for the brief 15 minute break - I squirrel away and see what the next set of adventure takes us in this Grimrock tale!

Just so honored to have folks still reading this!
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
Just so honored to have folks still reading this!
You're not getting rid of us that easilly! :D

And nice new chapter. It's nice to know that Blaz's magic is coming back. I don't think they would be able to survive the island without it.
And I loved Coy's comentary about the beaches. :)
Looking forward to the next segment of the story.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote: You're not getting rid of us that easilly! :D
Hah! I hope not. It really is an incredible honor to have people reading (and comment) AND enjoying the story thus far. Granted, they're just quick sprints of text during my brief moments of silence at work... So it's not like an overly detailed, super thick story... but still!
AnnElfwind wrote: And nice new chapter. It's nice to know that Blaz's magic is coming back. I don't think they would be able to survive the island without it.
And I loved Coy's comentary about the beaches. :)
Looking forward to the next segment of the story.
Yeah! Blaz'tik was always going to get his magic back... But I am going to do something with his "magic" and see if it's picked up on what he's doing and how it ties to the game.

And yeah, like I said, Coy is fun to write... the little rat that he is!
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


The night had come, and with it a gentle, cool breeze. The entire island had the illusion of a peaceful setting; but each of them could feel it in their bones; the tension that made their muscles tighter. As the sun was setting, it also brought out a swarm of giant mosquitos, which Tawmis and Taren swung their primitive weapons at; and while striking a few with each swing, it never seemed to decrease the amount of flittering, bothersome, blood sucking mosquitos. Blaz’tik approached, and simply said, “Allow –tic!- me to try…”

He opened his right hand – closed his insectoid eyes – and closed his fist. A bust of flame shot forth from his hand, striking the mosquitos, eviscerating the majority of the swam; the rest fled.

“You… got some magic back, I see?” Tawmis asked.

“I –tic!- surmised that perhaps –tic!- once in a dangerous situation –tic!- some of my magic might –tic!- return to me,” Blaz’tik said.

“That’s… good,” Tawmis said beneath his breath.

As they made their way along the shore, bodies of the crew of the slave ship, The Elf Wind, had washed ashore. Along with their bodies, some armor and weapons, that Coy had no problem, Tawmis noted, pilfering and distributing. When Coy turned and saw the look of disdain on Taren’s face, he looked at the massive minotaur and shrugged, “What? It’s not like they’re going to need it.” He flipped a dagger between his fingers and sheathed the blade in his newly acquired belt. “And if we have any hope of surviving this island, you’re going to have to toughen up.”

“I am more than adequately ‘tough’,” Taren growled. “However, looting the dead is a dishonorable act.”

“They were slavers,” Coy retorted.

Tawmis was about to say something, until Coy had mentioned they were slavers, then he finally nodded in agreement. “I’ve got to side with him this time,” Tawmis admitted. “They were slavers. Not the greatest of people. I’ve had more than my share of time with slavers, being in their pens, fighting in their rings. At least we can take their weapons and armor and make something good out of what was normally pretty horrible people,” he shrugged.

“There is wisdom in your words,” Taren agreed. “Fine. We take their weapons and armor then. Give me that axe,” he pointed at the large axe strapped to the back of one of the dead slavers.

Tawmis strapped on a piece of leather armor around his chest and adjusted the sword at his side. He looked down and saw the symbol of the slaver ship’s crest on the chest piece of his armor and took the small dagger from the slaver’s boot and began scratching it out as much as he could.

Blaz’tik found a small, wooden chest washed ashore that had much needed spell components. Some of them had been ruined by their journey through the salty ocean; but some of the components had been wrapped tightly in bags. Blaz’tik’s insectoid armor gave him a natural defense, but still, some additional scrap leather here and there, helped protect more vulnerable locations.

Most of the armor from the slavers – most of which, had been human – did not fit Taren’s large body. He made due by tearing the armor, then punching holes in it with another dagger, and looping straps of leather through it, so that he could tie the leather around his body and offer some protection against whatever this island housed.

As Coy dressed himself in leather armor, he looked at the others. He placed his dagger in its sheath, his round eyes never once leaving the other three he had been stranded with. In his head, he was calculating his chance of survival. They had proved to be exceptionally useful in escaping Grimrock – but how much more did they have left?
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

For some reason, I have a feeling that by the end of the Nex Island, another one of them will be dead... Sure hope it will not be Taren or Tawmis... And I don't think you're planning to kill Blaz... So that leaves Coy... Oh well... I'll just wait and see what will happen to them.

Also, I'm kinda hoping there will be a segment to this story that will take place underwater. Just a suggestion, but it could be interesting to see them fighting those blue creatures that I don¨t know the name of while holding their breaths. :D
Yea, I'm a saddist... *shrugs*

I look forward to more. :)
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote: For some reason, I have a feeling that by the end of the Nex Island, another one of them will be dead... Sure hope it will not be Taren or Tawmis... And I don't think you're planning to kill Blaz... So that leaves Coy... Oh well... I'll just wait and see what will happen to them.
That's the beauty of these little writing exercises... I honestly have NO idea what is going to happen next. I mean, I generally try to follow the general flow of the game; but I clearly take a LOT of liberties with the telling of my story. For example, the first "chapter" that focused on the first Legend of Grimrock game, took a lot of liberties and changes. For example, it was just Blaz'tik hearing the Undying One; also how they beat and escape Grimrock; as well as at one time having five people in the party (Tawmis, Taren, Blaz'tik, Silvertan, and Coy)... so, when I get the time to sit down and write these; I just write what comes to my head at that time, and have zero planned ahead. There's obviously things from the game I want to touch on; but I have no idea HOW or WHAT I will be doing when it gets to that part.
AnnElfwind wrote: Also, I'm kinda hoping there will be a segment to this story that will take place underwater. Just a suggestion, but it could be interesting to see them fighting those blue creatures that I don¨t know the name of while holding their breaths. :D
Yea, I'm a saddist... *shrugs*
I look forward to more. :)
Ah yes, those pesky Zarchtons! I am more than sure they're going to be in the story.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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