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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by Komag »

Krazzikk wrote:Add me on steam or something plz I'm too noob to send PMs on this forum anymore, apparently.

It keeps going to some outbox >_>

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That's just how PMs work here, they sit in your "outbox" until the recipient reads it. That way you could still edit it and change it before they read it.
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by Ancylus »

I have a preliminary version of my room ready for when it's my turn. However, there is one issue on which I'd like to get some feedback. If anyone wants to take a look at the room, you can find it (and an explanation of the issue) in the dropbox folder or PM me for a link.
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by The cube »

I also finished my room :D I think it`s cool, but, its only 1 floor tall.
Edit: added 1 must-finish floor and 1 secret floor. now its the 3 floors
Last edited by The cube on Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by Diarmuid »

The cube wrote:I also finished my room :D I think it`s cool, but, its only 1 floor tall.
That's not a problem! I haven't heard from spiderfighter in two-three days... While he pops back in, would any of you guys want the file to put your room in, if it's ready?
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by The cube »

I can put mine to it tomorrow morning, but i lately haven`t got much sleep
(Thank you, master quest!) so i must go sleep now.
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by SpiderFighter »

Nah, go on ahead, guys. This has been a busy week here, and I'm still not set up on the script I need to write to make my room work. I'll pick up my room in a while. It's actually finished, I just need that script. When I get it written, it will literally take me about a half hour to create it in the actual ORRR map.

Updating the original post - welcome aboard, The cube!
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by JohnWordsworth »

This has given me an idea for a script... I reckon with a simple python / perl / php / whatever script it should be possible to merge everyone's rooms built in separate files together. If everyone names the items in their room(s) with a specific prefix (I prefixed everything that was linked to scripts in my rooms with jw_) and we rename anything else that clashes but is in a different place (if it has the same name and is in the same place, we assume it's duplicated and ignore it).

Meh, probably not really worth the effort now - but when ORRR3 rocks around, I'll do it!
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

That is how I did mine. I named any room specific entities begining with RG_ so I could just cut and paste everything when I get my turn, which I coud do at any time.
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by Diarmuid »

Great! After The cube sends me back the file, I'll send it to you, Ryeath_Greystalk. Meanwhile, I'll have a look at Ancylus's room tonight, as he requested some feedback.
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Re: [OPEN - SIGNUP / DISCUSS] One Room Round Robin 2!

Post by SpiderFighter »

JohnWordsworth wrote:This has given me an idea for a script... I reckon with a simple python / perl / php / whatever script it should be possible to merge everyone's rooms built in separate files together. If everyone names the items in their room(s) with a specific prefix (I prefixed everything that was linked to scripts in my rooms with jw_) and we rename anything else that clashes but is in a different place (if it has the same name and is in the same place, we assume it's duplicated and ignore it).

Meh, probably not really worth the effort now - but when ORRR3 rocks around, I'll do it!
On the map for the Fungeon, I got in the habit of doing that as well, so mine are all prefaced with sfjnd_
Great idea, John!
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