Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:27 pm
Thanks. Good idea. You know to keep searching for stuff, but not where! No spoilers, sweet!
Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
Didnt pay much attention to thrown items... i will add that in.Lex wrote:on level 1?SpoilerShowWhy Lurker Boots are listed but not Shuriken
Yes, as long as you don't have old-school mode enabled.jontycampbell wrote:I'm right in thinking that the map always shows what floor you're on incase of plunging down trapdoors?
Old but completeThels wrote:Yes, as long as you don't have old-school mode enabled.jontycampbell wrote:I'm right in thinking that the map always shows what floor you're on incase of plunging down trapdoors?
This is a very old thread you necro'ed, and a big thread at that. A new thread would've helped.