That would be great. Don't worry about deadlines. I get the feeling that most of 1990s games now have a family, job and other things people call "life"Xanathar wrote:If noone is working on it yet, and noone is eager to, I can try to implement the AD&D rules.
I won't promise any kind of success nor any deadline however

Once you have the code that is mature enough that you want to share them, please check them into github. To do so, I need your github login. Post is here or PM me.
Speaking of the deadlines, I just hope that we will do more frequent releases (or code drops) on steam/nexusmod. They don't have to be groundbreaking every time. I think of them more as a sign for average user that the project is alive. Folks who only look at steam comments (and not this forum) think that this project is long dead.