[MOD] Forbidden Halls

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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by flatline »

Phitt wrote:I like hard mods as well (harder than the original game at least, since it was far too easy), but I've just played the 'Testament' level and I have to say
the 'sea of flesh' is simply impossible to beat, with my character setup/equipment at least (longsword guy, battle axe minotaur, short bow minotaur, mage insect, 4 health potions, 2 energy potions, mostly rather crappy armor, two bombs). And when I say impossible, I mean impossible. I will gladly send my savegame to anyone who wants to try and prove me wrong. Waves 1-3 were easy, in wave 4 I started to lose a bit of health, in wave 5 I needed my health potions already and in wave 6 I was surrounded by spiders who killed what was left of my party in a relatively short time (could kill two or three of them, then I was done). And then there is wave 7, which is even harder than wave 6. In the end I had to cheat. When I saw what happens afterwards I was glad I did, because then you face even more tough enemies in tiny rooms with traps shooting at you all the time - and you don't even have a healing crystal to heal any dead party members. It is too much combat for my taste and, like I said, impossible. Probably if I would have found more secrets (=better equipment, more health potions, possibly a character level or two more etc) it still would have been hard, but at least doable I guess. To me the fine line between challenging and frustrating was crossed here by a good margin.
Personally I found the 'path of the dead' far, far easier - it was certainly challenging, but not too hard, I didn't even have to think about cheating. Anyway, will keep playing now since this seemed to be the hardest part of the mod when I look at the comments. And I really liked level 3, so I hope I will enjoy the next few levels just as much.
true, the only reason I found the Sea of Flesh easier than most was because I had a very competent Ice mage (which is so much better than every other magic) by then, and by freezing and circling stuff, it isn't too hard. Still probably did 10 retries before my party came through without anyone dead, and it was all thanks to freezing stuff.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Phitt »

flatline wrote: true, the only reason I found the Sea of Flesh easier than most was because I had a very competent Ice mage (which is so much better than every other magic) by then, and by freezing and circling stuff, it isn't too hard. Still probably did 10 retries before my party came through without anyone dead, and it was all thanks to freezing stuff.
Yes, ice magic certainly helps a lot in this case. Unfortunately I have a fire mage, so no freezing for me. I guess with one or two ice mages, two capable fighters in the front row, a few energy potions for the mages and a few health potions for the fighters it may even be relatively easy when you stand in a corner and just freeze and hit. But if it's only possible with a certain class setup (and/or by finding every single secret area before to get the best possible equipment) then it's not very well balanced. Just my opinion, but this part of the mod really killed the fun for me.

EDIT: Like Numberouane already said, since other people enjoyed the difficulty (though I strongly assume because they also had the 'correct' class setup) there is nothing I can say that would matter. Maybe it's just not for me. Personally I would remove wave 7 and maybe add a frost bomb or two to the 'flesh' room so even people without an ice mage can disable enemies.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Komag »

flatline wrote:... I found the Sea of Flesh easier than most was because I had a very competent Ice mage (which is so much better than every other magic) by then, and by freezing and circling stuff, it isn't too hard. Still probably did 10 retries before my party came through without anyone dead, and it was all thanks to freezing stuff.
quoted for truth:
"I found the Sea of Flesh easier than most"..."did 10 retries before my party came through"
definitely not for me. but some people like this type of thing, so it can be for them :)
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Charlo »

I only just beat the Testament, but here's how I handled the Sea of Flesh (keep in mind that I'm playing on easy with the default party, so your mileage may vary)
The first time I tried, I barely made it past the spiders before losing a party member; soon after that happened, the exit door opened. I still don't know what the trigger is for the door; perhaps just a specific length of time.

Anyway, my next try I immediately ran to the corner next to the exit. I then let the snails spawn and attack me. However, on easy, with my armor and levels, the snails would hardly hit me at all. And with the snails on both of my party's exposed sides, no other monsters could reach me as they spawned. Eventually the snails were killed by those baby herders shooting poison blobs, but by that point I only had to kill a few monsters before the door opened and I could leave.

The only potential downfall I see to this method is that you don't gain any XP out of it, and you also don't get any snail slices. But you do get to the next part with your party intact, which is vital.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Numberouane »

any secret area there?
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Charlo »

I did not see any secret area in the sea of flesh. As I said, I immediately ran to the corner and didn't leave. There may be secrets in the spawn areas, but you would have to clear all the monsters to find out.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by DeserterKalak »

Great mod, enjoyed the first level a whole lot, but how the hell are you supposed to get past the Path of the Damned on the second level?? My guys are fairly well equipped and leveled, and yet I get absolutely murdered by the last bit with that insane poison-tentacle gauntlet.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by leewroy »

Adrageron wrote:
leewroy wrote:Sure thing. I even stopped playing it for a while and started another mod, but I´d like to (try) finish your first :)
Well, it is a pretty simple room. Just go to the left from dead end with lever, step on plate, wait for blob to hit you, step upon side closed pit, then step on platet again, fallback and wait for blob. Rush forward when it flies over the plate.
Dude, I really don't know what to do. I tried what you said, but no results...could you guide me step by step? I'd really like to finish your module.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by 2Kon »

Thanks to author, this is a great mod!
I'm on 4th floor only, but all my path there through the dungeon was very interesting and exciting. And sometimes even challenging :)
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Numberouane »

@ charlo

In fact in every room on this level there is a secret to a total of four as already shared by the modder.

I was just asking f u find them :)
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