That game was a huge disappointment to me. I thought the shops turned so much of the experience into a grind. The drones were poor excuses for monster design, the levelling was too fast, the atmosphere was ruined by automaps and cartoon graphics and the game was too short.Pierzasty wrote: Dungeon Master II: Legend of Skullkeep - this game holds a special place in my heart as it was the first game I ran after I bought a sound card. Suddenly the silence, beeps and boops gave way to excellent music, wind blowing in a forest and creepy monster sounds.
However, I loved the music

I find I really can't get into Ultima Underword - It's probably because I missed it the first time around and having played a lot of free movement 1st person games since then, find the control system too awkward. The first free movement 1st person RPG I ever played was Daggerfall, which remains a hilight of RPGs for me... (Actually, there were a couple of games on the spectrum and the brilliant Mercenary trilogy on the Arati ST but I may have just imagined them)