Banaora wrote:Hey JimBob,
SpoilerShowyou already solved the riddle with the buttons at the time you see levers. It opens a gate near the button with no writing and a certain gem opens the other gate so you can proceed. Your aim should be to open the control room with three levers and two alcoves with notes. I don't know how far you already progressed to this goal but if it's possible post a screenshotz of your level 7 map and I will try to give further hints.
[MOD] LABYRINTH OF LIES - v3.6 Release
I seem to have been everywhere in this section.I can get the white ball to do the first 3 passes but I don't know how to open the gates for the 4th pass from east to west.
For the 4th pass, east to west...
run west through to grid ref 6x,16y - pull the lever there - this should let the white blob pass through... you will then need to move around to west gate controls and time the lever pulling so the blob makes its 5th and 6th pass
Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Hey Banaora!
Apologies for the delay in response, in order -
- Getting trapped in space with chest (contains bow) - fixed with a teleporter on picking up the chest.
- That teleporter is definitely NOT meant to be there! haha
there is however, a means late game to get to that area on level 2 you mentioned
- About enhancing the runelantern - tragic and now fixed. If you would like to know what the item is suppose to be-
- vanishing gem with dragons fixed
- You need to put those gems elsewhere, you will need to revisit some floating statues
- Mithrandir's clues about the gem combination - I have added that the NORTH demon head requires the 'sky' themed gems, and that the south demon head requires the other. Also, each combinations of 3 does not need to be in any particular position, which cuts down the combinations somewhat.
Where you are running into problems is the ancient themed combination involves these gems:
- with the crash at the beginning of the staircase, did you possibly get crushed while wearing any Undying equipment...? That would explain the invalid statistic, Ive played through the area you mention and havent found any problems... anything else you can remember might help
- Your Bonecrafting results I will have a look at now....
Apologies for the delay in response, in order -
- Getting trapped in space with chest (contains bow) - fixed with a teleporter on picking up the chest.
- That teleporter is definitely NOT meant to be there! haha

- About enhancing the runelantern - tragic and now fixed. If you would like to know what the item is suppose to be-
Blazing Runelantern
- You need to put those gems elsewhere, you will need to revisit some floating statues

- Mithrandir's clues about the gem combination - I have added that the NORTH demon head requires the 'sky' themed gems, and that the south demon head requires the other. Also, each combinations of 3 does not need to be in any particular position, which cuts down the combinations somewhat.
Where you are running into problems is the ancient themed combination involves these gems:
green, yellow, orange

- Your Bonecrafting results I will have a look at now....
Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Hey Akroma,
you may be right that one crash had something to do with the undying stuff. Is it enough to carry an item with 'undying' without equipping it? If yes that would be it because I thought unequipping would be sufficient. I will drop these items now and when you have finished a bugfix release I might restart all over.
I could solve all the other riddles, so thank you for your hints
you may be right that one crash had something to do with the undying stuff. Is it enough to carry an item with 'undying' without equipping it? If yes that would be it because I thought unequipping would be sufficient. I will drop these items now and when you have finished a bugfix release I might restart all over.
I could solve all the other riddles, so thank you for your hints

akroma222 wrote:For the 4th pass, east to west...SpoilerShowrun west through to grid ref 6x,16y - pull the lever there - this should let the white blob pass through... you will then need to move around to west gate controls and time the lever pulling so the blob makes its 5th and 6th pass
How do you open the last gate? The lever opens the 5th gate but closes the 6th.
Banaora, your bonecrafting results...
-Ritual of Crushing Titans checks on unarmed combat and maces skill.. and.. the tough and fist fighter traits... just checked on it and it is working ok this end, it is possible I have fixed this earlier.
-Ogre note from level 3 - Ritual of Bare Knuckle Killer
-Ritual of Quickblade now fixed
-Graendals's armour recipe is Ritual of Northern Might and Magic - only works for Rangers, but should not crash - just checked for both Fighter and Ranger
I will post a complete listing of all bonecraft rituals, their checks and rewards... but a little later
Thanks again for the report!!
-Ritual of Distant Magicks checks for Race - all nonhuman races are rewarded.Ritual of Dancing Battlemages - tested with Sancsaron level 17 Human Mage and works.
Ritual of Distant Magicks - fails, because Sancsaron does not meet the requirements. His skills top to bottom: 44,9,32,6,17,36.
Ritual of Crushing Titans - fails on Mork level 16 Minotaur Fighter with skills 16,17,2,7,0,34 because it needs a fighter with the head hunter trait to work. But Mork is one so I don't understand what's wrong.
Ritual of Enduring Essence - tested on Mork and it works giving him +1 vit, +10 health.
Ogre Recipe from Level 3 - works on Mork giving +2 unarmed combat, +1 evasion.
Recipe from Gaia Garden Library - fails on Mork, saying it needs a Fighter with the head hunter trait.
Recipe from Grondal Silverbeard - works on Mork but I can't remember the stats change completely+armor, +athletics
Recipe Raise all Weapon skills evenly - works on Mork. (Armor recipe)
Belt Ritual of Defensive Stances - works on Mork +protection +armor +health
Mask Ritual of Unwavering Resolve - works on Sancsaron giving a spell scroll and some stats I can't remember.
Belt Ritual of Quick Blade - fails on Mork and on Y. Whitefeather my level 16 Human Rogue with skills 31,10,8,24,6,0 both times saying it needs to be used on a Fighter/Rogue with the Head Hunter trait. Both have this trait.
Armor Recipe from Graendal for the Northern Ranger - game crashes after using it on Mork with error headhunterScript:613 in function warchiefVestRituals attempt to call local 'champion' (a table value). But it works on C. Stoneskull my Ranger giving +skill points and + axes.
-Ritual of Crushing Titans checks on unarmed combat and maces skill.. and.. the tough and fist fighter traits... just checked on it and it is working ok this end, it is possible I have fixed this earlier.
-Ogre note from level 3 - Ritual of Bare Knuckle Killer
-Ritual of Quickblade now fixed
-Graendals's armour recipe is Ritual of Northern Might and Magic - only works for Rangers, but should not crash - just checked for both Fighter and Ranger
I will post a complete listing of all bonecraft rituals, their checks and rewards... but a little later

Thanks again for the report!!
Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Yup, after you pull the lever to let the blob through east to west central pass, quickly make your way to West wing connector controls (ref 6x,14y). Once the blob hits the receptor on the far west wall, it will then pass from north to south (so you need to make sure the correct gate is open when you start the puzzle) - you must time the pulling of the lever so that the blob pass the gates, then you pull the lever, closing the gate it has passed through and opening the other gate that was closed. This solves the puzzle 

Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Done................akroma222 wrote:JimBob,SpoilerShowYup, after you pull the lever to let the blob through east to west central pass, quickly make your way to West wing connector controls (ref 6x,14y). Once the blob hits the receptor on the far west wall, it will then pass from north to south (so you need to make sure the correct gate is open when you start the puzzle) - you must time the pulling of the lever so that the blob pass the gates, then you pull the lever, closing the gate it has passed through and opening the other gate that was closed. This solves the puzzle
Last edited by JimBob on Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hey Akroma,
I've got a question about the great staircase - level 8 - I think:
I've got a question about the great staircase - level 8 - I think:
So I managed to pull the lever without getting squashed by the rocks or falling down the pits. But it just opened a gate where I already put an arrow on a plate to open the exit. So the exit was already open before I pulled the lever. Is this the way it should be? And if yes, what's up with the lever? Did I miss something?
Level 7 was quite hard at first with all these flying insects but I managed to pull through. I'm at level 6 right now
[Edit] At (25,1,0,6) there is a weird trap door. It's flickering and even when I managed to close it I was falling through.
Level 7 was quite hard at first with all these flying insects but I managed to pull through. I'm at level 6 right now

[Edit] At (25,1,0,6) there is a weird trap door. It's flickering and even when I managed to close it I was falling through.
Hey Banaora!
Thanks for the report on the Staircase... I have fixed up the position of the that plate, so pulling the lever is necessary, as it should be
Fixed double up on pits - good spot
Remember, there are ways out of the staircase and back into the core areas of the early game... treasures become available and the Fallen Tombs....??
Thanks for the report on the Staircase... I have fixed up the position of the that plate, so pulling the lever is necessary, as it should be

Fixed double up on pits - good spot
Remember, there are ways out of the staircase and back into the core areas of the early game... treasures become available and the Fallen Tombs....??

Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)