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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:41 pm
by muppler
I really enjoyed your mod, great setting and I had a lot of fun. The first 5 hours of playing were great, but then it got harder and harder (which wouldnt be a problem if there was food and more potions/crystals)
But even with a fully healed party and potions Im not sure if I would win a fight against 2 ogres and 2 ice wizards in a small room like this.
So my best wishes for you, im out

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:32 pm
by Drakkan
muppler wrote:I really enjoyed your mod, great setting and I had a lot of fun. The first 5 hours of playing were great, but then it got harder and harder (which wouldnt be a problem if there was food and more potions/crystals)
But even with a fully healed party and potions Im not sure if I would win a fight against 2 ogres and 2 ice wizards in a small room like this.
So my best wishes for you, im out

oh cmon

dont give up before end

just freeze one ogr with frost bomb, kill him fast (use potion of speed on your meelee characters) and then deal with frost elements

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:55 pm
by lugdunum
Is the 'y' a separator? Or part of the number? Are we limited to 'a', 'b', & 'c'? Sorry but it doesn't really make sense!
Drakkan wrote:oh glad you made it so far man, you will be in the middle soon !
leewroy wrote:Ok, here we go:
Currently trying to solve the puzzle where you must put three skeletons on the cages. Got one already, then I had to stop playing due time issues. But, another room is the big deal for now.
It's a room with four alcoves and one riddle for each, and a locked door. Two of them I guess I figure, but what's the numbers would mean? Number of stuff you should put in the aclove or weight of the stuff? Will happen a "click" or something like that to tell I´m in the right way? The other two riddles seems harder..."cat, dog, etc..." I thought about the number four, cause it mention 4 animals and all of them have 4 legs. But once more...number of items, or weight? The last one "abcybbcy..." it's a complete mistery, beyond my understanding

skeleton thing - you actualy just need get one skeleton in each of middle squares and let them drop down via open pit button. You do not need trap all three at the same time, one by one is aslo ok, as getting all three at same time will be too complicated (but planning to do in next versions).
EDIT: you even do not need to "trap" them, just let fall one in each pit is ok. I will little remake it for future version.
the four-alcove room is more interested. You do not need go here, it is just "secret" place to visit. As text is saying - unburden, that means give away items coresponding to current weight of each alcove puzzle. Four animals - find which one does not fit here, and then number of letters is your correct answer in weight. abcy... is repeating pattern which you need transalte to numbers first and then guess correct number, again, thats weight of items you need to insert.
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:17 pm
by RMariano
Most excellent Dungeon.... Thank you days of fun!!
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:25 pm
by Drakkan
lugdunum wrote:Is the 'y' a separator? Or part of the number? Are we limited to 'a', 'b', & 'c'? Sorry but it doesn't really make sense!
not sure what make not sense. all what you nned is just to translate it to regular numbers. if you do that, you get very easy mathematic row
lets say y is 30, doesnt matter in fact. you get --- 1-2-3-30-2-2-3-30-3-2-3-30-?
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:28 pm
by Drakkan
RMariano wrote:Most excellent Dungeon.... Thank you days of fun!!
most welcomed

if you have any feedback (even negative !) I would be really glad. Altough I am not going to make some major changes, still appreciatin any players comment. Thanks
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:53 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Well, the difficulty has spoiled the fun for me. I cannot pass a room where a voice says "I will kill you". It's simply too difficult.
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:27 am
by Drakkan
eLPuSHeR wrote:Well, the difficulty has spoiled the fun for me. I cannot pass a room where a voice says "I will kill you". It's simply too difficult.
you need use potions of speed / power. If it is too difficult for you, concetrate just for one character to survive (use goromorgs as live shileds against lighting, do not fight them), then just ressurect your party and leave. It is probably hardest place from whole dungeon, sometimes it require few tries

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:57 am
by uldrick
i had great fun with this mod, but i am kinda stuck.
i think i explored everything ( even the flooded level) and i onlyy found 3 orbs, i can't find the last one.
could you give me the position of each of them so i can backtrack and find them.
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:12 pm
by Drakoumel
know it is silly question but where i find a Mortat and Pestle?