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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by AndakRainor »

Is there a way to avoid the burning condition animation on already dead monsters ?

I have a few spells that burn monsters to fix, for example:

Code: Select all

  name = "volcanic_eruption",
  baseObject = "base_spell",
  components = {
      class = "Particle",
      particleSystem = "volcanic_eruption",
      offset = vec(0, 1.3, 0),
      destroyObject = true,
      class = "Light",
      color = vec(1, 1, 1),
      brightness = 10,
      range = 6,
      offset = vec(0, 1.3, 0),
      fadeOut = 0.75,
      disableSelf = true,
      fillLight = true,
      class = "TileDamager",
      attackPower = 10,
      damageType = "fire",
      onHitMonster = function(self, monster)
        if monster:isAlive() then
          monster:setCondition("burning", 5)
          -- mark condition so that exp is awarded if monster is killed by the condition
          local burning = monster.go.burning
          local ordinal = self:getCastByChampion()
          if burning and ordinal then burning:setCausedByChampion(ordinal) end
          monster:setCondition("poisoned", 25)
          -- mark condition so that exp is awarded if monster is killed by the condition
          local poisonedCondition = monster.go.poisoned
          if poisonedCondition and ordinal then poisonedCondition:setCausedByChampion(ordinal) end
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by THOM »

Is there a way to get the current condition of a monster? In my case I want to do something if a certain type of monster is burning.

I could use a timer and check for the condition of a all living monster of that type but is there a more elegant, more resource saving way? Is there some kind of onUpdate event with monsters that could trigger my script?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

THOM wrote:Is there a way to get the current condition of a monster? In my case I want to do something if a certain type of monster is burning.
Is this for a specific monster, or any random monster that's on fire?

If a random target, the Projectile, Bomb, and Tiledamager components each have hooks that can tell you what monster was hit by them, and from there those can be checked for the burning condition.

If it's a specific monster, then you can use the onDamage hook to check for the burning condition, (each time it's damaged).
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

Monster conditions are all implemented as Components. Just check the monster's object for the existence of a component called "blinded", "burning", "entangled", "frozen", "poisoned", "sleep", or "stunned".
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by zimberzimber »

Was playing on a custom dungeon, and I received a D3DError, but only when the 'Texture Resolution' option was set to low.
What's causing this?
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

Texture with missing mipmaps.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by kelly1111 »

I have a question about:

the swamp dungeon fog object.
When I disable the fog particles I get a nice green haze all across the level. how is this haze replicated in another object?
what i want is an object that doesnt fill the whole level with the haze, like the swamp dungeon fog does.
anyone have any suggestions on how to make it ?
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by THOM »

Well - why don't you copy over the Definition of the swamp-fog-object, rename it and delete the particle-component, that you don't want?
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

You want FogParamsComponent.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by THOM »

Is it possible to search for enteties not on the current level?

Because this

Code: Select all

for e in do
would search on the level the party is on. What do I have to use if I want to search in a specific other level?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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