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Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Warrior 80%)
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:43 pm
by Drakkan
that dragon is fu*king awesome but me wanna that guardsmen to be finished !!!!

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Warrior 80%)
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:52 pm
by Leki
Drakkan wrote:that dragon is fu*king awesome but me wanna that guardsmen to be finished !!!!

Do pikaču už aj s tim human warem. To dneska v noci stluču a postnu, než tě z toho trefi šlak, ale neřve na attaku a chodi potichu jak ninja a bude to jen sekernik, protože na ostatni ještě nemam udělane textury a nechci aby nosili stejne hadry.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Warrior 80%)
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:09 pm
by undeaddemon
I think google translated that enough for me to understand - You still have to finish textures for clothes and other weapons??

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Warrior 80%)
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:28 pm
by AdrTru
wow Google translator is good tool when it correctly translated this slang.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Warrior 80%)
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:39 pm
by Leki
Heh... In short way: I will prepare plugin package and publish "sound bugged" version of Human Warrior: Axe and Shield tonight.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Human Warrior 80%)
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:39 pm
by Leki
Here is a dragon plugin. It's free for all, so all of you can try to play with.
But please, remember, plugin is only limited package, without sounds, movement animations etc...
It's just dumy to design particle effect, but still you san have a lot of fun with it - and I ecourage you to try do play with it and share you work 
How to:
Download Dragon Plugin
1) copy dragon into ..\mod_assets\plugins\ folder
2) write import ..dragon.lua into your testing dungeou.ini
3) place dragon into scene
4) set him as "guard" to prevent movement
5) you can see firebal particle into his mounth
6) edit particle definition in dragon lia to achieve breath goal
Use porticulus and build small scene for the dragon...
Clone dragon definition without particles in dragon.ini
Write script to switch between breathing and no-breathing dragon
When breathe do scripted damage to the cells
Try to script some ignition of items - barels etc and play with light...
Share your scene 
P.S Ignore cliping - if you stay next to dragon and turn left or right - it happens because I didn't polish monster capsule animation...
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (DOWNLOAD Human Warrior)
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:06 am
by Leki
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (DOWNLOAD Human Warrior)
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:21 am
by Drakkan
is that axeman real, or I am just dreaming ?

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (DOWNLOAD Human Warrior)
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:41 am
by Eleven Warrior
Hi mate..
This Warrior is awesome thxs.. Keep up the good work..
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (DOWNLOAD Human Warrior)
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:54 pm
by odinsballs
respect, yet another quality creature asset. without this here leki's creature thread and work, many one mod would be far less enjoyable. so thanks very much for your hard work.