Hi, I'm 25. One of the first computer games I played was Captive, on my father's Atari ST. I was 3 years old and since then I've always loved this kind of game (well, I watched more than played at the time). Later on I played Stonekeep which I loved too. When I saw Legend of Grimrock's trailer I just HAD to buy it I'm really hoping to see an expansion/DLC/patch/mod/etc, I could play it forever!
"You, good soul, my friends have brought you to me. You must be kind... you must be light footed."
I'm 25. Grew up with a PC and a Genesis. I've played the hell out of everything though. Emulation has been very good to me. Mainly an RPG buff myself, but I've ventured deep into all genres (minus sports).
Still remember the good days of playing World of Xeen...
Played pretty much all the same classic games as everyone else here, I think Bard's Tale or DM was the real beginning for me...(after text based ones like Zork). Got started with a Vic20, then a C64 and Amiga 500 before swapping obver to PCs.
Speaking of classic RPG games; Darklands is another that I haven't seen mentioned here.
Grimrock, as others have stated, is a great piece of nostalgic fun.