Re: 2x2 strafing undermines character building [edited]
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:04 am
People are rarely happy.

Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
Thanks for making a reminder of the original suggestions. You're wrong though, in my version strafing would not be a pointless tactic.oodyboo wrote: Now let's look at the suggestions made here:Notice the part in red too, it is rather telling.1varangian wrote:Suggestions: [edited to sound less extreme]
- Add rules of engagement. If you strafe away from a monster or turn your back to it, it has a chance of getting a free attack at you...
- Add a short delay or build-up to attacks so you have to stay in the square longer when attacking....
- Prevent moving completely under certain circumstances...
- Give some large monsters the ability to sweep attack across all 3 squares in front of them.
- Have some monsters attack so fast you have no time to strafe
- Make charging monsters a bit smarter
With the exception of the last suggestion, the logical conclusion is to make strafing ineffective. So these suggestions don't "Remove strafing" from the game entirely, they just make it a pointless tactic.
I noticed that too.Curunir wrote:What's even more hilarious is that half these forums are complaining about timed puzzles and troublesome movement, the other half is complaining that strafing (which at Hard diff requires as much speed and precision as timed puzzles) is too easy.
1. Monsters already have different speeds and different attacks. Strafing is easier against certain types while ranged creeps don't allow you to kite them (move back a corridor).1varangian wrote:Thanks for making a reminder of the original suggestions. You're wrong though, in my version strafing would not be a pointless tactic.oodyboo wrote: Now let's look at the suggestions made here:Notice the part in red too, it is rather telling.1varangian wrote:Suggestions: [edited to sound less extreme]
- Add rules of engagement. If you strafe away from a monster or turn your back to it, it has a chance of getting a free attack at you...
- Add a short delay or build-up to attacks so you have to stay in the square longer when attacking....
- Prevent moving completely under certain circumstances...
- Give some large monsters the ability to sweep attack across all 3 squares in front of them.
- Have some monsters attack so fast you have no time to strafe
- Make charging monsters a bit smarter
With the exception of the last suggestion, the logical conclusion is to make strafing ineffective. So these suggestions don't "Remove strafing" from the game entirely, they just make it a pointless tactic.
1. You could still strafe slower monsters that are meant to be easy with the same success we now have
2. Moving in combat would never be pointless. Monsters move around, more appear etc. You need to react and position yourself with pits / walls / doors.
3. Against the average monster strafing excessively would still result in less attacks from them, to reward player skill. But it would not totally negate the monster's ability to attack and make defensive stats redundant.
The goal of the suggestions is to make single enemies meaningful without having to completely overpower them with stats. To make the fights feel more dangerous without having to put the player in a dead end every time to achieve that. To create more diverse combat mechanics and give enemies different flavors (some you strafe some you don't). And to make character building actually matter.
I think people are just moaning for the sake of it. There's this bizarre culture of number-balancing that's grown up around computer RPGs since the end of the golden era of the 90s, and especially with the advent of MMOs - as if what these people really want is a good accountancy simulator. More than half of all the discussions on RPG forums seem to be about "character builds" I had never even heard the term outside of pencil&paper roleplaying, before 2000. What's annoying people is that - at least in theory - being able to square dance enemies effectively is more powerful that having big numbers on your spreadsheet. The fact is that this is the gameplay of Grimrock, and it's intentional. Some people are having trouble with the fact that game works differently than they're used to. Strafing no more undermines any other aspect of gameplay than being able to jump over fireballs undermines collecting the big mushroom in Mario.oodyboo wrote:I noticed that too.Curunir wrote:What's even more hilarious is that half these forums are complaining about timed puzzles and troublesome movement, the other half is complaining that strafing (which at Hard diff requires as much speed and precision as timed puzzles) is too easy.
Probably the hallmark of a very well designed game when some posters think it's too easy and others think it's too hard. As mentioned in a thread about a poll, most of the happy middle don't come to the forums to post. Some minor adjustments to be made of course, but Almost Human did a stellar job. Can't wait for more!
My gosh, what are you talking about? LoG is the most fun I've had in a game in years, why would I want to change anything about it?BlueLegion wrote:Well it looks like you both picked the wrong game to play then? How about finding a game that fits to you better instead of trying to mold this game into something else?