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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:51 am
by Numberouane
If i remember well u got sacrifice chambers or something similar where u find item...
Maybe it is the place where u must remove all lights to open secret ...
It has been so long that i dnt remember...
U can also check the thread on steam where many spoilers r available there.

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:22 am
by FeMaiden
Aeliss wrote:>just before this room I have 3 alcoves for 3 items and I don't find this one for "aster grand warrior".
It s ok, i have found it, just with luck, if you don't see it the first time, it s dead, the item is totally invisible on the alcove. But it s just for a secret, i m still blocked.
>What should I put on altar for right sacrifice? i have already see the tips "There is an appropriately named room somewhwre in Necropolis..." but atm the lev 2 is empty and i have already try all the items I have.
"a proper sacrifice could be..the most "Valuable" item you have found"
I have find only crap, It s also an invisible item, or i need to use a sadistic method to activate the script ? It s fun, load save, put an item, jump, die, reload, put an item, jump, die, reload, ...., there is a logic in this enigm ?
sorry i was trying to provide hints without giving it away. you will know when you placed the right item because a ball of flame appears on the altar which consumes the item
i forgot where, but you find a golden treasure on the first or second floor and it says "treasure found" that is the " proper sacrifice" and Asters spear is in the same room as that sacrifice altar its in one of the alcoves on the side, i missed it too on my second run through and forgot where it was and couldnt find it again for a while
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:25 am
by FeMaiden
since i have finished with 40/44 secrets, i can try to help people out while its still fresh i play more i might forgot some of it lol
one thing to remember is almost every item he put in this mod has a logical purpose...except the compass i never found a use for it...
level 3 has a few puzzles which require you to have kept some seemingly mundane and useless items from early on. and i always try to keep a few junk items for completing puzzles. many puzzles later on seem designed to clear out some of the junk from your inventory
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:32 am
by FeMaiden
there is a door on lvl 2 that needs an iron key to open. an iron key is provided but it is near another iron door. you are supposed to go to the further iron door first and then inside is some stuff plus another iron key to replace the one you used. if you miss it do not worry, just make sure. that when you get to level 3 and it gives you another iron key to backtrack to level 2 and use it on that door first.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:55 pm
by Aeliss
i forgot where, but you find a golden treasure on the first or second floor and it says "treasure found" that is the " proper sacrifice"
Ok so it s dead, I think this golden treasure is more visible than the spear and the level is clean, idk if i have already use it somewhere, or if i have loose it in a pit, but i don't have it. I have found 12 secrets just in searching the normal way. Bored, secrets need to be more difficult than the normal way. Now i m stuck without food, without light and not other way to use to continue.
Every time, i find a tips on a wall or a closed door, i spend time (too much time) to resolve the enigm for nothing, secret need to be invisible not be like the normal way.
I give up this mod, more hardcore than the normal version.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:37 am
by FeMaiden
if you give up, i totally understand. i will try to help. i forgot where the treasure is so i started a new game + again and am looking for it.
to answer an earlier question
for the lvl 2 treasury room,
the first blue gem is to the north then west through the "shooting gallery" you run to the end hit the lever kill the archer hit the lever kill the archer hit the lever kill the archer hit the lever it opens a wall section, the next room has a spirit ball puzzle, hit the button stand on the first plate and a wall section will open and a spirit ball will shoot at a receptor, about halfway move to the next plate and let the second wall section open so that the second ball can hit the receptor and do it again for the last plate, then you will see a skeleton behind a pit. hit the button on the wall then move out of the way, a face on the wall will shoot it with a fireball, keep doing that till its dead, then hit the button again wait for the fireball then run over the pits that closed before they open again there is a plate with a gate go through that and the last room has an uggardian in it (the fire guys) as soon as the door opens run into the room and move to the side to avoid the uggardian then its easy to dodge and fight it and you get a blue gem in one of the alcoves.
for the second blue gem you have to go back to the fork that lead to the shooting gallery and instead go right and up the stairs to the "spider cavern" there are lots of spiders and make sure to check the remains of all the eggs you break, the creator likes to hide crag beetles in them because they blend in. when you find the round key and go down the stairs there is a face shooting poison balls. i cant do this without getting hit at lest once, you just run up the hallway you will get hit and to the right is an opening wiht a button you backtrack and a wall section opened with the second blue gem and another button, hit that button and a wall section opens where the poison face is and you have to get hit again and it brings you back to the stairs leading up to the spider cavern.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:39 am
by FeMaiden
for the food issue i have 2 solutions
1. just don't eat your food when you are backtracking or stuck. let your guys starve, they do not die they just stop regenerating and do half damage. mark the positions of the crystals and go back when you can. wait until you have to fight enemies and then eat your food.
solution 2) if you get stuck, make a backup save, then take as much time as you need to solve the enigma. then revert to your backup save and solve it again.
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:41 am
by FeMaiden
okay i found the problem
its just like on the first floor. there are 2 iron doors and only 1 key. if you open the most obvious door, you can move on to the next area but you will be unable to open the other door. there are a few spots like this with multiple copies of the same key and if you open the doors in the wrong order you will get stuck. you probably have an iron door just south of the crystal that you have not found a key for. behind that door is the golden chalice and another iron key. the golden chalice is the "proper sacrifice"
if you accidentally opened the wrong door then you have to move on ahead to the 3rd floor and wait until you find the next iron key then backtrack to level 2 and open the iron door there
also on floor 3 there are like 9 brass doors and 6 brass keys, 2 of the brass doors have brass keys on the other side and 1 of them has the items you need to solve a puzzle to get another brass key so it is important you do these rooms in the correct order
also on floor 3 it is important that you use the runed colored gems in the right order so you can get the mages guild membership and the book to understand the ancient language to help with the rest of the floor
if you quit its okay, i don't really feel like playing through a 3rd time to refresh my memory lol but check earlier parts of this thread there are lots of solutions posted already and one guy posted maps of the first 2 floors highlighting all the secrets i think its on the 3rd or 4th page
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:17 am
by FeMaiden
light spell is
- - -
- - x
x - -
Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:22 am
by Numberouane
Or as already mentionned by komag in another post u just activate the console and
Spawn food. I tend to disagree whn he mentionned that in the first place but now i agree.
This mod is really good but looking for secret that r so difficult to find u finish being introuble
Because of the food which is uneccessary difficult.
Again this mode is great but too unbalanced in some aspects from my point of view.