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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:31 pm
by muppler
Hey Drakkan,
I would really love to see a video how you make the fight in snow garden or in the "i will kill you room"

Maybe ill make the fight using those console command, any clue how to enable that console on the latest LOG version?
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:48 pm
by Numberouane
already asked & answered many times :
check this
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:11 pm
by Cobra82asd
Snow garden is simple, to decrease DOT damage, there are 3 frozen chests that can be equipped so only one of your party will take damage (that's mean you must maximize the frost resistance on that one), the rest of the fight is simple against the ogres, a bit harder against mages (nothing that can be resolved with 1 frost bomb btw)
"I will kill you" room is a bit harder, you must drink all buff potions with your melee character so you can kill fast the small minions, so you can fight the first mage without problem.
Use a frost bomb to kill the first mage really fast (you should still have the buff of the potions, so it shouldnt be a problem, and remember to refresh energy to melees character too if they are out of it, in this case the redbull potion is very good). The real problem is to kill the second mage since there will be other mages around. But it's true too that more mages you have around and more you'll be shielded against the lightining row (btw killing a second mage too is better and i must admit that i had to save while fighting.... every lightining row avoided well = save

). After killing the second mage, focus on avoiding lightining only (and maybe use you mage to shot them something, or use flame bombs too, but keep some distance) and when you'll see the exit that's mean you'll have the time to kill them.
The thing i dont understand is why the demon's heads keep shotting lightining after all walls are up, that's really annoying

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:43 pm
by Drakkan
Cobra82asd wrote:Snow garden is simple, to decrease DOT damage, there are 3 frozen chests that can be equipped so only one of your party will take damage (that's mean you must maximize the frost resistance on that one), the rest of the fight is simple against the ogres, a bit harder against mages (nothing that can be resolved with 1 frost bomb btw)
"I will kill you" room is a bit harder, you must drink all buff potions with your melee character so you can kill fast the small minions, so you can fight the first mage without problem.
Use a frost bomb to kill the first mage really fast (you should still have the buff of the potions, so it shouldnt be a problem, and remember to refresh energy to melees character too if they are out of it, in this case the redbull potion is very good). The real problem is to kill the second mage since there will be other mages around. But it's true too that more mages you have around and more you'll be shielded against the lightining row (btw killing a second mage too is better and i must admit that i had to save while fighting.... every lightining row avoided well = save

). After killing the second mage, focus on avoiding lightining only (and maybe use you mage to shot them something, or use flame bombs too, but keep some distance) and when you'll see the exit that's mean you'll have the time to kill them.
The thing i dont understand is why the demon's heads keep shotting lightining after all walls are up, that's really annoying

thanks thtats basiclay how it should be done, thanks for instructions

I am uploading video where I have just Rune sword / galdar axe / Fist dagger - NOTHING else (no even single armor part), mage know fireball (unfortunately one point missing to greater fireball : d). My characters are level 7 which is quite weak i think in this stage. I have done this on first try (like really !) - check yourself... and I even do not used potions.... btw there are also some frost bombs / potions directly in the room (redbull) so you can grab them when circling around.
The arena part is much much easier, ogres are slow and easy to defeat and frost mages have little hp, so so can slash them quickly.
Good advice is also about the save - if you do just half od the fight sucesfully, save the game, so you dont have to start from start again.
link to video: uploading
btw: there are four frozen armors in the game

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:15 pm
by muppler
Okay guys for you hardcore players no problem. For me it is a huge thing and I've played lot of games in my life, so what about the casual gamers? Nobody wants it to be easy but few enemies less could make i much better to play in my opinion. The fight ran like this, i freeze one ogre, attack him like hell. In the meantime the wizards fire stuff at me und my party looses life. Worst case is the other ogre gets me with his special attack. When Im done with the first ogre 2-3 members of my party are dead, game over.
A hint in the game that this armor helps would be nice, I left all 4 arround somewhere as I found better stuff! I dont want to spend an hour searching all levels for it. Would be an bad idea anyway with no food
In the "i will kill you room" I found no sense in killing any enemy, as there are just too many of them. I tried to survive 10 seconds and quicksaved. Then i died about 10 times until i got the next 10 seconds and so on... didnt feel like fun

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:24 pm
by Drakkan
muppler wrote:Okay guys for you hardcore players no problem. For me it is a huge thing and I've played lot of games in my life, so what about the casual gamers? Nobody wants it to be easy but few enemies less could make i much better to play in my opinion. The fight ran like this, i freeze one ogre, attack him like hell. In the meantime the wizards fire stuff at me und my party looses life. Worst case is the other ogre gets me with his special attack. When Im done with the first ogre 2-3 members of my party are dead, game over.
A hint in the game that this armor helps would be nice, I left all 4 arround somewhere as I found better stuff! I dont want to spend an hour searching all levels for it. Would be an bad idea anyway with no food
In the "i will kill you room" I found no sense in killing any enemy, as there are just too many of them. I tried to survive 10 seconds and quicksaved. Then i died about 10 times until i got the next 10 seconds and so on... didnt feel like fun

I got your point man. But problem is, that this level was designed as hardcore old dungeon level in eob style. If you are just casual player, I definitely sugest you playing easy option. When in future I will make some "easy" dungeon, than hardcore players will tell: "hey, Drakkan, this level is too easy. No real challenge there...."
Altough I understand that some players will be strugling with this difficulty, designing this dungeon this way was my intention.
I hope you got the point... I tried to make just few "hardcore" places in whole level, and Arena and "I willkillyouroom" are definitely one of them. So wishing you good luck... video uploading progress 80%
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:40 pm
by Drakkan
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:42 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I am now stuck
right after the winter gardens, in a place with three doorways with three grates. Ideas?
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:49 pm
by Drakkan
eLPuSHeR wrote:I am now stuck
right after the winter gardens, in a place with three doorways with three grates. Ideas?
you need
get dragon statue shoot one by one in each of these corridors to hit receptor in the other room. It is matter of speed
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:16 pm
by kestmbkfek
In high tower level 3,one door write "Have you seen my sons". Please tell me what it means. Give me some hints please.