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Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:06 am
by Conchron
How to find the gems on level 2 in case someone wonders:
Fill the altar of Mukka and take the food in the alcove by the starving prisoners. Go to the area that opened by the stairs and break the cave in. Drop down to level 3 and find the wall button, then teleport up again. Throw something over the pit and go to the other side. There you'll find a blue gem.

Next, feed the prisoners (anything will do) and you are teleported to the caged ogre. Pull levers to open doors, and if you're clever about it you can cage the ogre so that you won't have to fight him. There is an alcove by the teleporter out, put something in it, find the secret wall that opens and you'll find a red gem.

(Now you'll have enough gems for the "feed me and me brothers" part when you go down to level 3. Two gems are found on level 1. You can feed the daemon heads and take back the gems later on when you've gotten the goodies from the secret room by the stairs up to level 2.)

You'll fidn the Thief's moon down there, bring it to the altar of Lunare and cross the pits to find a red gem and a green gem.

Cross the teleporter mace and break the cave in. Push the button to open the two gratings. Remove what's in the wall alcoves and put something back in. (The lesson about 'to give is to get' once again.) A secret door opens and there you'll find a lever that turns off several teleporters, among them the ones around the blue gem.

After the Pjofa altar you need to "give to get" once again. A secret wall opens and you'll find a red gem. (This is also where the "Pjofa's key" is found.)

After the altar of Otta, in the fire ball hell. You'll find a green gem on the floor by a secret button.
Push the button so that at least one fire ball reaches all across the room and the door at the south east of the room opens, there you'll find a red gem.

There should be a note somewhere about filling the pits in the pit area. The easiest thing to do is to put something you don't need in all pits. That will close the pit to the south west and there you'll find a red gem.

Dropping down to level 3 from the altar of Isin you'll find 4 gems in different hidden rooms. There are a lot of secret buttons to find to find them all.

Arriving at level 2 again you go straight forward and find a secret button in the corridor. That opens a secret wall later on. Fill the altar of Rumu and to the south west you'll find three alcoves, fill them and another secret wall opens. Teleport to the catacombs. Earlier on there is a note telling the thieves to search the thieves in the catacombs thoroughly. The gems there can't always be seen, but you can read the texts above the alcoves to find followers of Pjofa, thieves, robbers and people who have stolen things. There you will find 5 gems hidden in the corpses.

That's 18 gems on level 2. (+ 2 from level 1.)

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:40 am
by Conchron
+ Low weapons variety. I intended to make one of my chars mace specialist. I've yet to find some of these: sling, dagger, mace...
Some of those can be found, see spoiler, but I agree that I should have put out more that are easier to find. I'll remember that until I get home and can make an update of the mod. There are more weapons on level 4 though.
The sling is at level 1 under a barrel before the library. The knoffer is under a cave in to the east when you first arrive at level 1. And there is a knife at the beginning of the game, where you teleport into the main game. An Assasin dagger can be found behind the iron door on level 3 just before the stairs down to level 4.
+ Low loot.
Much of the loot is hidden in secrets. I admit I've totally forgotten about those who don't like to look for secrets. I'll keep this in mind for the update.
+ Not too much food (adequate).
I'll keep this too in mind for the update.
+ sometimes monsters get stuck on a single square in a corridor and tend to move in a circling manner. Quite annoying.
I'd like to know where this happens if you have the time to let me know. I'm no good with writing scrips and it could be something I've done wrong somewhere.

I'll also change the fire ball hell so that no one gets stuck at the corridor where they enter. It's tough to get away from there once the spawning starts.

I'm thankful for all the feed back and for the fact that you keep on trying even though it's tough. It's my first mod and I have a lot to learn.

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:12 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Thank you very much for the info Conchron.

Okay. I reloaded an earlier savegame and found some secrets and manage to get two or three gems more. Still it's not enough. I am missing two gems I think. I have tried taking "the hard way" again. I think I am faring slightly better this time.

PS - I think I have almost level 2 uncovered. I think the remaining gems must be behind some secrets or some pressure plates / pits I wasn't able to pass.

PS2 - Yeah, this time I think I reached the catacombs. The grave engravings texts are hilarious. :mrgreen:

Replying to your post...
I'd like to know where this happens if you have the time to let me know. I'm no good with writing scrips and it could be something I've done wrong somewhere.
It happened to me with ice lizards in some straight corridors in level 3 (the blue icy one).

And one other thing I totally forgot about: Don't you find weird that those pesky icy slimes don't get affected by fire but by frost?. It puzzled me the first time I cast a fire burst spell and it did zero damage.

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:25 pm
by Conchron
I'll have a look at the ice lizards and I had totally forgotten about the ice slimes. It's someone else who made them and I forgot to change the script for them. (Once I learned how to fix those scripts.) Thanks! This will go to my to do list too. :mrgreen:

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:40 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Thanks Conchron. It's really appreciated.

Best regards.

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:07 am
by eLPuSHeR
I am stuck again on level 4.
I have just gotten one blood soaked skull for opening the glass walls (on the many torches area). I am stuck at the auto-circling teleporters part. I think I have pressed every button. The teleporter in the middle corridor is yellow and always takes me out from that area. Ideas?

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:33 am
by Conchron
eLPuSHeR wrote:I am stuck again on level 4.
I have just gotten one blood soaked skull for opening the glass walls (on the many torches area). I am stuck at the auto-circling teleporters part. I think I have pressed every button. The teleporter in the middle corridor is yellow and always takes me out from that area. Ideas?
There are two skulls in each area, if you only got one then you need to go back and find the second one.
The blood soaked skulls in the circling teleporters area are held by the statues. Once you've gotten the skulls you use the yellow teleporter to go back to the glass wall area and teleport out to the next area where you find blood soaked skulls.

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:57 am
by eLPuSHeR
Does anybody know why the fire level lags so much? It's due to custom textures/tileset? All other custom tilesets seem to work just fine.

And by the way, I am stuck again on level 7/8
I have revealed most of level 7 (air) but, after falling from all the pits to level 8, there is a room with a lot of locks hidden behind liftable walls that I don't know what to do. Ideas?. Also, at an earlier try, I discovered a goromog statue with a plate. I don't know where it is now as it seems I cannot reach it. I don't know what to do with it either.
This module is great but it's proving to be quite difficult.

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:17 pm
by Conchron
eLPuSHeR wrote:Does anybody know why the fire level lags so much? It's due to custom textures/tileset? All other custom tilesets seem to work just fine.

And by the way, I am stuck again on level 7/8
I have revealed most of level 7 (air) but, after falling from all the pits to level 8, there is a room with a lot of locks hidden behind liftable walls that I don't know what to do. Ideas?. Also, at an earlier try, I discovered a goromog statue with a plate. I don't know where it is now as it seems I cannot reach it. I don't know what to do with it either.
This module is great but it's proving to be quite difficult.
I have no idea why there is lag. Someone else experienced it on level 7/8. I wish I could fix it.
There are keys hidden on level 7. It's easiest to wait until you've filled all traps because the opening and closing pits stays shut after that. Then look in the wall drains by the floor when standing on the closed trap doors.

I think you're talking about the eastern puzzle where you throw rocks through doors that closes. Once the rock reaches the plate you're teleported to the next part.

Re: Master Arrak's Treasure (MOD)

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:55 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I have already close all pits on level 7. And I have also done the eastern puzzle. I haven't checked those drains though.
Best regards.