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Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:07 am
by petri
Fnord wrote:How "powerful" will this editor be?
For starters we are thinking of having dungeon editing features. We can gradually add more features after that.
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:10 am
by Sol_HSA
petri wrote:Fnord wrote:How "powerful" will this editor be?
For starters we are thinking of having dungeon editing features. We can gradually add more features after that.
I'm mostly interested in how much of the scripting you'll expose.. =)
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:19 am
by petri
Sol_HSA wrote:I'm mostly interested in how much of the scripting you'll expose.. =)
We haven't decided yet. One idea is to expose the whole Lua universe to the user and let the mods go totally crazy. Which would be cool. But on the other hand this is not so user friendly to the average Joe because even a simple dungeon would require scripting.
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:31 am
by Sol_HSA
petri wrote:Sol_HSA wrote:I'm mostly interested in how much of the scripting you'll expose.. =)
We haven't decided yet. One idea is to expose the whole Lua universe to the user and let the mods go totally crazy. Which would be cool. But on the other hand this is not so user friendly to the average Joe because even a simple dungeon would require scripting.
Some kind of unity-like exposure might be nice.. so that the scripting is optional, but possible. Requires more work from you, of course.
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:26 am
by schallmau3r
Back on Topic:
If LoR sells well...are you planning on more remakes? I'd give an arm and a leg (and propably my firstborn) for a Bards Tale like Game (or Wizardry). With the same oldschool screen as in this picture:
The Problem with todays games is that they do everything for you. I remember when i was playing Dungeon Master or Bards Tale with a friend. I was playing for an hour and he would draw a map...then we changed and he played while i did the drawing. Man...good old days =/
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:35 pm
by petri
I have fond memories of Pool of Radiance (the original gold box game). I would very much like to do a game like that someday but I'm not sure if I can convince the guys to do such a project

Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:37 pm
by Darklord
Well you convinced them to make LoG, so you never know!
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:38 pm
by Sol_HSA
petri wrote:I have fond memories of Pool of Radiance (the original gold box game). I would very much like to do a game like that someday but I'm not sure if I can convince the guys to do such a project

Pool of Radiance <3
The most memorable thing for me was conquering some twin towers, after finishing the first one, the game says I have to hurry to the next one or something bad will happen, so I camp right there for several months (and find out the game is not tracking characters' ages correctly) before moving on..
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:44 pm
by petri
Yeah, the first time I got out of Phlan to the world map, I was like "waaaah, shiit, this game is HUGE". One of the best gaming moments for me (the same exact thing happened years later with Final Fantasy VII).
Re: What now for the Team?
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:25 pm
by w00tasaurus
Just preordered and made my account, figured I'd join in the discussion.
I know you guys aren't going to be thinking of a new game for a while, and another game in the LoG universe would be great.
But as a huge science fiction nerd, I would love an old-school dungeon crawler in a SciFi setting. Robots and aliens as party members and exploring some space station that's passing by Earth. I don't think it's ever been done (at least not very well). Got the idea while reading Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke.