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Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:28 pm
by regomar
Pipsissiwa wrote:
I've made several references to the fact that I am NOT mashing keys or typing fast. I thought I have described what I have been doing pretty clearly.
Your OP clearly states that you ARE frantically mashing keys.
Pipsissiwa wrote:this game doesn't seem to buffer many key presses, so pressing a button on the wall with the mouse and then frantically pressing the keys to turn, run forward 4 times, turn 180 degrees and step sideways twice, for example just doesn't work.
So don't get in a huff when people assume that when you say frantically you mean frantically.
You and the few others who have written about this 'problem' have all indicated that they feel there should be some kind of 'key buffering queue' clearly indicating that you feel the game should remember your key inputs when it simply does not work that way. Many people have tried to explain this at this point but you have made it crystal clear you have no intention of listening when you can whine and complain.
Pipsissiwa wrote: I am entitled to feel that way.
Just as I am... 'entitled' (interesting choice of words there, tells me a lot about you) to express my reaction to you literally crying about a video game and mentioning over and over again that you are doing so while you talk of wanting to 'smash something'. Perhaps with that kind of reaction to a difficult videogame, this series is not for you.
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:45 pm
by Pipsissiwa
regomar wrote:Pipsissiwa wrote:
I've made several references to the fact that I am NOT mashing keys or typing fast. I thought I have described what I have been doing pretty clearly.
Your OP clearly states that you ARE frantically mashing keys.
Pipsissiwa wrote:this game doesn't seem to buffer many key presses, so pressing a button on the wall with the mouse and then frantically pressing the keys to turn, run forward 4 times, turn 180 degrees and step sideways twice, for example just doesn't work.
So don't get in a huff when people assume that when you say frantically you mean frantically.
You and the few others who have written about this 'problem' have all indicated that they feel there should be some kind of 'key buffering queue' clearly indicating that you feel the game should remember your key inputs when it simply does not work that way. Many people have tried to explain this at this point but you have made it crystal clear you have no intention of listening when you can whine and complain.
And then people told me to do it more slowly and I have acted on all the advice (and said so) and its not helping, which is WHY I'm still posting. I have made several update posts since the original post. I'd like key buffering (one move ahead would help a lot) but I understand perfectly well that this game doesn't work like that. The problem FOR ME still comes in part from knowing WHEN you can press the next key to move - too soon (before the party has 'settled' into the new position and nothing happens. Too late and you lose valuable time when doing complex timed movements. And sometimes even after a pause a movement key press doesn't work. Sometimes I am standing still and a movement key doesn't take. That isn't a question of understanding the pace of the game surely? Monsters are moving and half the time I don't. I said in my original post that it only becomes an issue in timed puzzles, but its there all the time. I'm listening to everyone. I'm trying EVERYTHING people have suggested. I still think its odd that turning the settings down makes no noticable difference to any aspect of performance EXCEPT that it takes my key presses slightly better. I thought that may be of interest to the devs.
Saying that I'm not listening because the suggestions given haven't helped is ridiculous and unfair, as is saying I don't have an issue because others don't have it. Many things COULD be causing the problem for me, from a bug to intended gameplay that I don't get on with. Personally, given how much I'm trying to get around it (from everyones advice) with minimal success, I more enclined to the first that the second.
Am I supposed to just shut up and go away after saying 'thank you that worked' to peoples advice whan it didn't work at all? As far as my experience is going, I'm still having an significant issue with how the game is responding TO ME on MY COMPUTER that I am entitled to ask about, regardless of other people claiming I don't have a problem.
(If I said all the graphics were all pink and stripey for me I expect I'd get help, even if noone else had the issue. I doubt I'd get flamed when peoples suggestions don't help. But this, because it
could be a bug on my install/machine resulting from the way the movement is designed I get flamed for still having issues. Telling me the problem doesn't exist or I misunderstand how movement works when for me the game cannot be acting as intended is unfair when I came for help, and I got fed up with it. To think I thought this forum would be more friendly than most due to the nature of the game. /SIGH)
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:50 pm
by regomar
You really enjoy capitalizing random words and talking about your 'entitlements' don't you?
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:05 pm
by RMariano
jfunk wrote:Halk wrote:jfunk wrote:I understand that it may be frustrating, but your manual dexterity IS intended to be tested in games like this.
I disagree. I've been playing computer games for 30 years. I've rejected each and every 'twich' game I've come across as not enjoyable.
I never said you enjoy it, nor that you haven't been playing games for however long you feel makes your point somehow more valid. Just that the nature of this game DOES check twitch reflexes. I prefer turn based myself and stopped playing RTS's back around Starcraft 1 for that same reason...they just got too "fast" for me to keep up with.
None of these opinions change the fact that testing your reflexes IS an intended mechanic here.
All well and good.... However, my impression is leaning toward the thoughts of buffered key presses may never have entered into the creative mix.
I too, have been playing computer games for as long as the other gent, maybe longer. My wonderful experiences with demonstrating Atari ST Computers using Wayne Holder's FTL Dungeon Master drew me to Grimrock like a moth to an open flame or bright light.
I too, say that at least two key presses should be buffered. Otherwise the game's appeal to our "older set" might very well be endangered. That would be a marketing nightmare. You see, there are more older players around today with the time to spare --- I believe they're called "mature" players. Many of whom do not posses the reflexes of teens to young adults. I say this out of experience - true experience in the industry. I'll be 71 this coming July.
Buffered key presses would go a long way marketing wise
and result in increased sales with across the boards customer satisfaction.
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:09 pm
by HarpoonIPA
I'm on level 7 now using only the mouse with GUI arrow keys and I have found the disadvantage of using the mouse also. I am Disabled and use a mouth stick for keyboard operation and out of curiosity I held down the key that makes you move forward and was amazed at how easy the puzzles would be, by just using the keyboard for movement. There is know way I could play Grimrock using the keyboard because I can't look at the screen and and type or use the keys at the same time.

From what what I have learned Patience is a virtue and I get the speed puzzles done with practice. I'm very happy that the Almost Human team listened to my request on putting the GUI arrow keys back into the game, and I look forward the the ball busting challenges ahead on the next 6 levels
Did I say how much I love this game

Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:12 pm
by Pipsissiwa
Just as I am... 'entitled' (interesting choice of words there, tells me a lot about you) to express my reaction to you literally crying about a video game and mentioning over and over again that you are doing so while you talk of wanting to 'smash something'. Perhaps with that kind of reaction to a difficult videogame, this series is not for you.
Heh, I played & completed Demon Souls - thats a difficult game lol. And Chaos Strikes Back on the Amiga back in my youth - that was a puzzler and a half.
This one frustrates me not because it is difficult. It isn't. Its fun & rewarding 99% of the time. I'm frustrated because I LOVE IT, have been looking forward to it since the guys started blogging and couldn't get my hands on it fast enough. To find it seems to be running in such a way as to make itself close to uncompleteable in certain areas is why I have got so frustrated. I just want to play my most anticipated game in years. When I've done the same puzzle over and over (I must have done the Gear key one over 100 times with some breaks in between) and it is IMPOSSIBLE - there is NO WAY I can get the keys to respond to get me there, slow/fast whatever then frustration gets quite high. How my frustration comes out is just how it comes out for me. 40 year old woman - every reaction is possible

On top of that people are still saying its my fault because I'm 'playing it wrong', despite having acted on their advice and still having no significant joy. It was pure luck I finally managed to get the Gear key; luck and turning the settings to minimum which gave me a tiny key response boost. I couldn't possibly have some kind of bug. Oh no.
And yes, 'entitled'. I don't know what you think that says about me, but it really is as simple as not believing that some people's opinions are greater than others. I am as entitled to ask questions and offer my opinion as anyone else. My opinion that some buffering would help is equal in validity as some elses who thinks the game is perfect as it is. Its up to the DEVS to decide what is a valid point - its their game after all. But my OPINION is as valid as anyone elses. No-one is inherently right. We are all equal in importance. Heaven only knows what you think it means if not that.
However repeatedly telling me that I don't have a problem because you don't experience it is unfair. So is telling me I'm not listening because advice isn't helping.
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:14 pm
by Pipsissiwa
regomar wrote:You really enjoy capitalizing random words and talking about your 'entitlements' don't you?
I capitaise as they are words i would stress if I was talking, perfectly naturally, so yes, I use them for clarity. Its a lot easier than bolding everything. And see my other post about your beef with my use of the word 'entitled'.
And if all you intend to do is pick at my use of language and typing style, and criticise me for having a possible bug/issue with how the game runs which remains unresolved, then I'm sure you don't mind if I stop reading your unhelpful and meaningless posts.
You remain 'entitled' to make them tho lol.
I came here for help, not to get slagged off for needing it. I thank all those who have actually tried to help, or who share my issue, even tho so far the advice isn't (for me) making much difference.
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:41 pm
by dbgager
You cannot just quickly type the keys out. It will not recognize the next press until the current move or animation is done. I have no problem completing any of the timed puzzles..just by paying attention to where my character is, and what has to be done next.
There is not key queing as there should not be. People could just memorize the sequence..type it out real fast without even looking at the screen and is done..This is just a typing test, and would defeat the entire purpose of the puzzles.
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:50 pm
by RMariano
Adding key press buffering would be a wise and prudent enhancement.
Re: Key Buffering problem with timed puzzles
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:54 pm
by qqq
RMariano wrote:Adding optional key press buffering would be a wise and prudent enhancement.