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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:36 pm
by kelly1111
FeMaiden enthausiasm is contagious ... love the energy you dump into this forum !

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:37 pm
by FeMaiden
kelly1111 wrote:FeMaiden enthausiasm is contagious ... love the energy you dump into this forum !
lol, thanks for the compliment.
I just hope I can actually "finish" one of my projects, to the end.
I hate when people hype things up and then don't finish them.
that's why i have not giving any specific details on the storylines of my mods.
I don't want to raise any expectations.

I get kind of annoyed by the mods that get published to steam workshop and the author only has like 3/20 levels done
and they call it a "demo"

which i dunno, maybe that's a good idea to test the waters and see how many people are actually interested?
but then months go by and they abandon it.

(but I don't blame them if they gave up)

I just don't want to publish an unfinished mod

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:36 am
by Drakkan
FeMaiden wrote:
kelly1111 wrote:FeMaiden enthausiasm is contagious ... love the energy you dump into this forum !
lol, thanks for the compliment.
I just hope I can actually "finish" one of my projects, to the end.
I hate when people hype things up and then don't finish them.
that's why i have not giving any specific details on the storylines of my mods.
I don't want to raise any expectations.

I get kind of annoyed by the mods that get published to steam workshop and the author only has like 3/20 levels done
and they call it a "demo"

which i dunno, maybe that's a good idea to test the waters and see how many people are actually interested?
but then months go by and they abandon it.

(but I don't blame them if they gave up)

I just don't want to publish an unfinished mod
do not take is negatively, but currently unfortunately not many people around playing Log2 or even custom mods. You can count with thousands of players in best, rather counting hundreds and few comments to your mod. But well... I think we mod because we are enjoying it on first place, not for the popularity :) But I still hope more players will discover Log2 eventually.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:18 am
by FeMaiden
Drakkan wrote:
FeMaiden wrote:
kelly1111 wrote:FeMaiden enthausiasm is contagious ... love the energy you dump into this forum !
lol, thanks for the compliment.
I just hope I can actually "finish" one of my projects, to the end.
I hate when people hype things up and then don't finish them.
that's why i have not giving any specific details on the storylines of my mods.
I don't want to raise any expectations.

I get kind of annoyed by the mods that get published to steam workshop and the author only has like 3/20 levels done
and they call it a "demo"

which i dunno, maybe that's a good idea to test the waters and see how many people are actually interested?
but then months go by and they abandon it.

(but I don't blame them if they gave up)

I just don't want to publish an unfinished mod
do not take is negatively, but currently unfortunately not many people around playing Log2 or even custom mods. You can count with thousands of players in best, rather counting hundreds and few comments to your mod. But well... I think we mod because we are enjoying it on first place, not for the popularity :) But I still hope more players will discover Log2 eventually.
well, the humble store just introduced a "humble monthly" plan, and anyone who signed up in the first month got LoG2 for free, so hopefully that brought in more players.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:48 am
by FeMaiden
I don't want to bring up this question again but I just exported my mod for playtesting for the first time...and immediately ran into a problem

I was about to come here crying for help again but i figured it out.

apparently, .tga files do not work.

I had to convert the portraits to .dds format as Isaac suggested earlier in this thread.

I do have a question.
I am confused why my .tga files worked perfectly from the editor but they did not work when I exported the dungeon.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:25 am
by minmay
FeMaiden wrote:although,
I do have a question.
I am confused why my .tga files worked perfectly from the editor but they did not work when I exported the dungeon.
Actually, the answer to this is in my first post in the topic:
minmay wrote:as long as a file is somewhere in the mod_assets folder and ends with .dds, .lua, .model, .animation, .wav, .ogg, or .ivf, it will be exported into the .dat
Notice that .tga is NOT included in that list. A file that doesn't end in one of those extensions won't be exported into your .dat, ever, without exceptions.
You could, however, rename a TGA image to end with .dds and then the editor would export it, and it would almost certainly still work for anything it works for in the editor. I suppose this might provide a slight filesize improvement in some cases over using an actual DDS image. Rather confusing to maintain, though.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:01 am
by FeMaiden
minmay wrote:
FeMaiden wrote:although,
I do have a question.
I am confused why my .tga files worked perfectly from the editor but they did not work when I exported the dungeon.
Actually, the answer to this is in my first post in the topic:
minmay wrote:as long as a file is somewhere in the mod_assets folder and ends with .dds, .lua, .model, .animation, .wav, .ogg, or .ivf, it will be exported into the .dat
Notice that .tga is NOT included in that list. A file that doesn't end in one of those extensions won't be exported into your .dat, ever, without exceptions.
You could, however, rename a TGA image to end with .dds and then the editor would export it, and it would almost certainly still work for anything it works for in the editor. I suppose this might provide a slight filesize improvement in some cases over using an actual DDS image. Rather confusing to maintain, though.
yes I see that now. I made an ass out of u and me both when I ignored the fact that you left .tga off your list. I thought you just like...forgot, and then i went ahead using my .tga files.

but I fixed it, i just converted them to dds. they take of 65k instead of 49k, that seems really minimal impact.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:32 am
by minmay
Yeah, that list of file extensions is complete. Funny story: in old versions of the game, .ivf wasn't included in it, so if you wanted to include a custom video in your mod, you had to rename it to end with .dds or something.

If you have a file called default_party.dat in your top level mod_assets directory (not any subdirectories), that will also be exported, but I don't think that file has any effect in Grimrock 2, only Grimrock 1*. This isn't true for other files ending in .dat. Knowledge of this is completely useless, I'm not sure why I'm mentioning it.

*I don't know the format for Grimrock 1 so don't ask me about it, I just know that renaming some random file to "default_party.dat" and putting it there will produce a "blank" party (characters with 0 max health etc) if the player doesn't create characters. Since you can set all champion attributes with the scripting interface I don't think it has any practical use.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:22 am
by Isaac
The format for Grimrock 1 is just a save game renamed 'default_party.dat'. The useful trick doesn't seem to work with Grimrock 2; or I've missed something.

Re: custom portaits in my mod

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:31 am
by FeMaiden
I have a similar question that just cropped up while testing my final product.
(my mod is not quite done yet, i have to tweak and polish a bunch of things in it)

I finally did a full playthrough of my mod through the regular game, not the editor and all the scripts are working and everything.

however, as i may have spoiled in other posts
I created custom character classes, and custom races, and custom portraits for the player to use. they work perfectly within my own mod.
but when I tried to import them into another mod, the game crashed because it did not recognize the custom classes and custom races.
I'm not really "Trying" to import the characters into another mod, merely testing to see what would happen if someone else tried it.
so basically, it appears as if these characters can not be imported into another mod.
it's not game breaking to me, because I always use a new party on a new mod unless they tell me otherwise, like in "the mountain : unofficial expansion" they suggest using an imported party
is this just the way it works and people won't be able to use my characters in other mods?
should I put a warning *don't try to import these characters into another mod, it will crash your game*?